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guitar instruction sources do you recommend


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If you're just starting out, I usually recommend taking some lessons to get you going. There are many things trained eyes and ears can do to coach you and save you allot of agony and bad habits from forming from the get go.


From there you'd have to decide if you want to learn that foreign language to many guitarists called musical notation, short cut that and use tablature or hack it out all the way and learn by ear. Its best if you can do all three, especially the first because written music is the universal language to learning all instruments containing all the building blocks which can lead to multiple instrument compositions even if you don't master the playing of those instruments.


An analogy would be, do you want to be a laborer who only mixes cement or do you want to be the architect that designs homes and let the grunts build it. Setting the right target and educating yourself properly from the beginning is the key. If you set your sights as a grunt man in a band playing guitar only, its much less likely you'll make it to the higher paid jobs in the business, just like a laborer mixing cement as a goal will ever climb the ladder to being an architect. You can however be a grunt man while educating yourself to that higher level of learning if you set that as a goal to begin with. There's nothing wrong with a student doing grunt work in the field they are training in plus they will have a working knowledge of that field when they are dealing with it on that higher plane.


So when you ask for instruction, its necessary to ask how high is goal post. Are you planning on going all the way or are you just wanting some amateur instruction that will get you into the action. If its just for fun, then I can list dozens of sites where you can dig up stuff to help you get going. This site for example is pretty neat. It has tabs with musical playback where you can see the string fingering highlighted like a piano roll as it plays back. Kind of handy for training the ears and eyes to read tabs. http://www.wholenote.com/


There are also programs that will convert midi songs into tablature. You can download tons of midi songs for free, pass them through the program and it produces a readable tablature of the guitar strings so learning to play many of your favorite songs are made simple.


You can also find many tabbed songs out there done by various artists, but chances are if you're just starting you'll need to learn some basics first. I'd suggest getting yourself a chord book that shows you all your basic guitar chords, Major, Minor, 7th's, 9th's, Diminished, Augmented etc.


From there you'd want to learn songs as a rhythm player playing along to the songs using chords. Once you are competent with that you can begin to learn your scales. You could learn chords and scales at the same time, but you really need to toughen up those fingers and train them to do what your mind tells them too. Playing chords is usually a big challenge and weeds out the amateurs from the players with a passion to learn.

Once you get to learning leads, then it can become really complex and much of that really comes down to what kind of music you're interested in.

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I'm amazed of the amount of stuff on YouTube......I'm sure there's enough there to keep busy forever.....also, buying used instructional DVDs and videocassettes on Ebay is good.....I convert the videocassettes over to DVD using a DVD recorder.....once they're on DVD they won't degrade any further (videocassettes can have kinda washed out color, but this doesn't affect learning).....


Music theory and technique doesn't really go bad.....even old ideas can apply to new directions in music.....


If you really want to be the best you can be, learn how to do things in as many ways as possible.....don't ever think you won't benefit from it......everything we learn makes us who we are as musicians.....

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