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What kind of bone are nuts made out of?


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I get bone to make nuts from my local pet store. Steralized cow bone for a couple of bucks will make a couple dozen nuts. I assume most nuts are cow bone, however I have heard that camel bone is denser and produces a better tone for nut and saddle (acoustic) material.

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One time I was hanging out with my luthier friend while he was sanding down a bone nut on the big sanding machine. When he does that all the guys that hang out in the shop run out because it has the deeply offensive odor of burning bone that some of us are familiar with from having had teeth drilled at the dentist.

I asked him, what kind of bone is that, he said in an ominous voice human. Though I'm sure it's cow.

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One time I was hanging out with my luthier friend while he was sanding down a bone nut on the big sanding machine. When he does that all the guys that hang out in the shop run out because it has the deeply offensive odor of burning bone that some of us are familiar with from having had teeth drilled at the dentist.

I asked him, what kind of bone is that, he said in an ominous voice
. Though I'm sure it's cow.



Nope it was human. Mine in fact. Son of a bitch asked me over for dinner. Couple sips later of that red wine and I wake up in a bath tub full of ice and two ribs and a kidney are gone. {censored}er.

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Regarding the elephant ivory- I just e-mailed that guy and ask if he needs to buy some. I've got several lbs of ivory scraps just sitting around that are perfect for luthier work. My dad makes custom handgun grips and knives and gets his tusks either from African governments from naturally expired elephants (the money goes back into preserves, supposedly) and from estate sales here in the states.

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fossilized mammoth ivory = good

Elephant ivory = probably bad... very difficult to prove the provenance of the ivory, and that it wasn't gained from poaching.




I really don't think this is much of a big issue in the states, especially a sliver of it for a nut. Hell, have 10 guitars with ivory nuts and the odds of friction are ridiculously low. First off, who is going to nab you, the Ivory police? Most people wouldn't know ivory from "fauxvory", and in the 1 in a million shot an interested party discovered, detected, and delivered you to the authorities (who for some crazy reason wanted to make a case out of it), you are innocent and the burden of proof is on the state to show this was poached ivory. Even if the issue is pushed (now we are getting trial of the century ridiculous), you could pay an ass ton to carbon date the ivory and then sue the hell out the state for false arrest and legal fees but this is pure fantasy. Never gonna happen.

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Regarding the elephant ivory- I just e-mailed that guy and ask if he needs to buy some. I've got several lbs of ivory scraps just sitting around that are perfect for luthier work. My dad makes custom handgun grips and knives and gets his tusks either from African governments from naturally expired elephants (the money goes back into preserves, supposedly) and from estate sales here in the states.



African governments = totally trustworthy:thu:

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