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I took off sick on Friday. 2 hours after emailing in to work I get a call from my wife's hair salon. One of her employees tells me to get there right away. Lisa's on the floor crying in pain. I get there 2 minutes later and she's surrounded by clients and employees. Total panic.


Off to the ER...


Sunday they took out her gall bladder and cleared all the surrounding ducts of a multitude of stones. None of it ever showed on the many tests we ran these past couple months trying to diagnose her pain.


Surgeon says it's 75% likely this was the cause of her previous pain but we won't know for sure...


I'm finally back at work. HC is back on, and I've got a stack of work through the ceiling. I'm going to have to hold HC responsible. That was uncalled for!


That's what I did. I hate hospitals.

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I took off sick on Friday. 2 hours after emailing in to work I get a call from my wife's hair salon. One of her employees tells me to get there right away. Lisa's on the floor crying in pain. I get there 2 minutes later and she's surrounded by clients and employees. Total panic.

Off to the ER...

Sunday they took out her gall bladder and cleared all the surrounding ducts of a multitude of stones. None of it ever showed on the many tests we ran these past couple months trying to diagnose her pain.

Surgeon says it's 75% likely this was the cause of her previous pain but we won't know for sure...

I'm finally back at work. HC is back on, and I've got a stack of work through the ceiling. I'm going to have to hold HC responsible. That was uncalled for!

That's what I did. I hate hospitals.



G Whiz Lee. My heart goes out to you, what an awful feeling. Glad to hear it was "only" stones.... those bastards hurt like hell I`ve been told. Can we blame this on Craig? Someone needs to take the fall. How about a scapegoat, Craig is too precious... any nominees?

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Discovered that GearSlutz alone can not suck up all my time.


Started/worked on a couple of social net communities using pre-rolled technologies:






[domain pointing on the second hasn't propagated yet, so the actual url under that text goes straight to the site on the social net server.... that will be a temporary home for my band site until I can develop my own Web 2.0/social net enabled site... for now, it sure is great to be able to get something rolling in a matter of an hour or two instead of weeks... even if I do have to look at someone else's adverts]


Also worked on developing my own Web 2.0 customer service/CRM site but that's a) not quite ready for primetime and b) would be boring anyhow. The development there will actually be put to use for my band/social site down the road, so, you know, it's not wasted effort. :D

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I took off sick on Friday. 2 hours after emailing in to work I get a call from my wife's hair salon. One of her employees tells me to get there right away. Lisa's on the floor crying in pain. I get there 2 minutes later and she's surrounded by clients and employees. Total panic.

Off to the ER...

Sunday they took out her gall bladder and cleared all the surrounding ducts of a multitude of stones. None of it ever showed on the many tests we ran these past couple months trying to diagnose her pain.

Surgeon says it's 75% likely this was the cause of her previous pain but we won't know for sure...

I'm finally back at work. HC is back on, and I've got a stack of work through the ceiling. I'm going to have to hold HC responsible. That was uncalled for!

That's what I did. I hate hospitals.


Ouch. It's good that all is well, but watch out. My brother had his gall bladder removed a couple of years ago. Two weeks later his wife had to have her's removed. Three weeks later another brother had to have his removed (he's in Minnesota, the others are in Florida). Thankfully, since this, like many things, only comes in threes, I am now in the clear. ;)


I did not visit the hospital during the break, but I did manage to blow out the Firewire outputs on two (count 'em two) Presonus Firestudio 26x26's. THat takes a special skill that I must have developed during the outage. I wish other skills were half as easy.

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I took off sick on Friday. 2 hours after emailing in to work I get a call from my wife's hair salon. One of her employees tells me to get there right away. Lisa's on the floor crying in pain. I get there 2 minutes later and she's surrounded by clients and employees. Total panic.

Off to the ER...

Sunday they took out her gall bladder and cleared all the surrounding ducts of a multitude of stones. None of it ever showed on the many tests we ran these past couple months trying to diagnose her pain.

Surgeon says it's 75% likely this was the cause of her previous pain but we won't know for sure...

I'm finally back at work. HC is back on, and I've got a stack of work through the ceiling. I'm going to have to hold HC responsible. That was uncalled for!

That's what I did. I hate hospitals.

Oh man Lee - I don't want to get all pithy and maudlin on you, and I know it probably sounds trite, but I hope you treasure each moment you have together.

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Also worked on developing my
Web 2.0 customer service/CRM site but that's a) not quite ready for primetime and b) would be boring anyhow. The development
will actually be put to use for my band/social site down the road, so, you know, it's not


Those Ning sites are sharp looking. I didn't know that was an Andreessen backed project. In fact, I didn't know that it was a site rather than a CMS.

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Ouch. It's good that all is well, but watch out. My brother had his gall bladder removed a couple of years ago. Two weeks later his wife had to have her's removed. Three weeks later another brother had to have his removed (he's in Minnesota, the others are in Florida). Thankfully, since this, like many things, only comes in threes, I am now in the clear.


{censored}! It's contagious?!??!?!?

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