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Scam scum


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Dear {censored}ing Jesus. I never said it was OK. I just said it's going to happen. Please stop putting words in my mouth for the sake of your arguement. Thanks.

I have read all your flip / floping drivel in this thread.

I am glad I dont know you. God forbid I ever have to spend time stuck in a lift with you. :cool:

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How would you know if they're serious or not?

What if I post "I just robbed a bank"?

How do you
, and that's the important word,
what really happened? If anything?

Go ahead and post that you have robbed your local bank. Give the name of the bank, and post photos of you with a load of cash in your hands. Then sit back and wait, ..the cops will be at your door in about and hour.

You make it my business by posting it onto a public forum, end of story. And as to what I "know," or not, is irrelevant. That is for the owner of a company, or a cop to sort though. All I "know" is the information that you have provided.

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Here's the thing though: no one here has any real facts about what happened. If it happened at all. All there was was a post on the internet. It could be 100% real, and it could be 100% bull{censored}, or anywhere in between. Regardless, there's no way for anyone here to know, so there's certainly no good reason to get involved with the whole thing and contact the guy's employer. That is as clear a case as possible of sticking your nose in where it doesn't belong.

its a store i shop at. if the employees arent trustworthy, i will tell their boss. its a courtesy for smooth business, not just spite because i think the guy is a little {censored}tard.

and just cause i found out on the net, doesnt mean i let it slide. if it was GC, id leave it to someone else. if it turns out to be a false statement, then he should probably still get his ass canned for exactly the same reasons - he makes the store look untrustworthy.

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If you bring a vintage instrument into a store and they give you a few hundred for it, you should know SOMETHING is up.
I feel selling it for that price is your own fault
. I've had some pretty stupid offers made to me on things I was selling, and those offering were surely hoping I myself would be stupid enough to say yes,
and if I were, I'd have no one to blame but myself

I don't need to put words in your mouth. You have got more :blah: then Carter has got little liver pills. By saying that it was the old mans fault, you condoned this type of {censored}. Of course you can now change your augment, now that you got PWND on the last 5 pages. But this was your original post. :idea:

No one is going to argue with you that there are scumbags out there that are going to take advantage of people, we all know that, ..of course, -but that was not your point. It was your blaming the old man, saying that it was no ones fault but his, that put you in everyones sights.

Best to just quit digging your hole.

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I don't need to put words in your mouth. You have got more
then Carter has got little liver pills. By saying that it was the old mans fault, you condoned this type of {censored}. Of course you can now change your augment, now that you got PWND on the last 5 pages. But this was your original post.

No one is going to argue with you that there are scumbags out there that are going to take advantage of people, we all know that, ..of course, -but that was not your point. It was your blaming the old man, saying that it was no ones fault but his, that put you in everyones sights.

Best to just quit digging your hole.


Oh, find a stick and {censored} yourself, buddy.


I DO feel that doing idiotic things is your own doing. No ifs, ands, or buts about that. You act as stupidly as this man did, trusting the first person who gives you an opinion and then GIVING your property to them based on that, you deserve not to have it if that's how you choose to handle it.


But I'm not CONDONING the actions of the sleazy little sales clerk in the slightest. That's ridiculous. I'm not telling anything that it's right, or that they SHOULD take advantage of people. What I am saying, over and over and {censored}ing over again, because you're far to dense to get it the first, third, or tenth time, is that there ARE people in this world who's existences revolve around {censored}ing other people over to get by. If you're not willing to accept that and spot {censored} when it's coming your way, you're going to get hit by it.


Do I condone it? No, not in the slightest. Is it the goddamn truth? I'll answer you when I'm done emptying the winning foreign lottery emails from my inbox.


If you can't see that someone acting so thoughtlessly about their valuable property is their own fault, then I hope the next time you post a NGD and someone says "that's junk, send it to me and I'll throw it away for you :)," you do.

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I'm quite through with this discussion. I've made the same point over and over and it's going to remain the same. I've just ended up saying the same thing to people who clearly aren't interested in hearing any point but their own.


The seller was entirely stupid for giving away something he was hoping was valuable to the first person he asked an appraisal from, someone who makes a living from shorting people on their property. To me, with all of the options to find the value of an item, even without the internet, I feel there's no excuse to be so gullible, and simply "throwing them away" seems like an act of petty aggression that clearly on hurt himself.


The seller was an unreasonable douchebag, and there's no way around that. I'm hardly defending him, or condoning what he did. But a new chump is born every day, and if you aren't careful, scum like this will take you for everything you've got.

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I'm quite through with this discussion. I've made the same point over and over and it's going to remain the same. I've just ended up saying the same thing to people who clearly aren't interested in hearing any point but their own.

The seller was entirely stupid for giving away something he was hoping was valuable to the first person he asked an appraisal from, someone who makes a living from shorting people on their property. To me, with all of the options to find the value of an item, even without the internet, I feel there's no excuse to be so gullible, and simply "throwing them away" seems like an act of petty aggression that clearly on hurt himself.

The seller was an unreasonable douchebag, and there's no way around that. I'm hardly defending him, or condoning what he did. But a new chump is born every day, and if you aren't careful, scum like this will take you for everything you've got.

this guy got really mad lol

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Here's the thing though: no one here has any real facts about what happened. If it happened at all. All there was was a post on the internet. It could be 100% real, and it could be 100% bull{censored}, or anywhere in between. Regardless, there's no way for anyone here to know, so there's certainly no good reason to get involved with the whole thing and contact the guy's employer. That is as clear a case as possible of sticking your nose in where it doesn't belong.

It's a lot easier to clear up a misunderstanding now than to let a story like this take fester into one of those 'known facts' and impacts the reputation of the store. {censored} like this can take on a life of it's own and last for years. You know the saying, out of ten happy customers one will tell a friend, one pissed off customer will tell ten people.

And once again, if I was the owner of the store I would definitely want to know if someone was doing something to sully my reputation. If they did the act than I can correct it. If they didn't than I can get to the bottom of it and get the truth out there ASAP.

Either way they are damaging their boss' livelihood as well as everyone who works there which to me is a lot more important than their jobs which they obviously don't appreciate nor deserve.

In this day and age of GC, MF, Music123, Sweetwater and e-Bay we are losing a lot of competition out there because of poor management and non-competitive prices...it'd be a shame to see one go under because of a stupid joke by a jackass employee.

Either way the second they put the store's name in the thread the owner has every right to be made aware. And if it was a joke then it's slander or liable which is just as bad.

And if you think this is bull{censored} or overreacting; I have one question for you. If this was true, would you go out of your way to do business with these people? I mean if they are lying about items they are supposed to be buying, would you trust what they are selling or anything that came out of their mouths?

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And if you think this is bull{censored} or overreacting; I have one question for you. If this was true, would you go out of your way to do business with these people? I mean if they are lying about items they are supposed to be buying, would you trust what they are selling or anything that came out of their mouths?


That's a great point.


If someone comes on here (or any other forum I'm on) and brags up how they swindled someone, I'm calling them out on it.

There's no doubt they would do it to anyone on here. We should watch each others backs.

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And if you think this is bull{censored} or overreacting; I have one question for you. If this was true, would you go out of your way to do business with these people? I mean if they are lying about items they are supposed to be buying, would you trust what they are selling or anything that came out of their mouths?

If I knew it was true, then no, I'd likely not do business with them. But if I heard about it from some random post on the internet, that wouldn't sway me either way, because that just does not equate to truth to me.

This is a textbook definition of internet hearsay. Maybe it happened as told, maybe it didn't. I don't know, and I'll never know. But what I do know is that the more outrageous a claim or story is, the more I'm going to expect proof before I believe it. Listening to internet recommendations about pickups or amps is one thing, but this is something else.

Anyway, to sum up my position: it's irresponsible to contact someone's employer and accuse the employee of something unless you actually do have rock solid evidence that is literally in your hands. Not a post on an internet message board.

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Yeah, it got ugly. After a while, it wasn't even about the original transaction. I just didn't like all the name calling (I mean...calling the old guy a "douchebag"?) by someone who eventually admitted that he was just

old guys smell funny.

but they look awesome in ponchos.

but to be fair, who doesn't?

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