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Museums are great. I've been slacking on my museum visits.

I've been to the van Gogh museum with Kendrix a few years ago which was very cool. Usually we don't visit museums like that being natives here.

Little Skipper is saving money because he wants to visit that museum they used to shoot "A night at the museum in" I didn't tell him it's out of our reach. The kid needs his dreams.

I want to visit Graceland once in my lifetime.

Last museum we went is called Archeon which has several buildings and sites where they re-enact history such as the stone age,bronze-age,roman times and medievel times.

Here's a picture I shot there two months ago :


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Whatever you want ,.. I prefer the Museums anyways.

Some really great museums. The Van Gogh Museum, the Stedelijk Museum, and, for those interested in the Flemish masters (worth seeing if only to marvel at the craft), the Rijksmuseum. (Pardon the spelling, Boosh, if I got any or all of those wrong. Working from memory.)


You could bang through them all in one day, but do yourself a favor and give it some time. Each one is wonderful in its own way. And if you're a Van Gogh fan, you're pretty much gonna be in Nirvana at the VGM. I wasn't a big fan until I went there -- it's just extraordinary to see the art that man created, painting after painting. Even though he only sold four during his lifetime and two of those were to his brother. (At least I think that's true. It's certainly part of the mythos.)


And that last, in a way, may just bring us full circle...

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I've been to the van Gogh museum with Kendrix a few years ago which was very cool. Usually we don't visit museums like that being natives here.

Little Skipper is saving money because he wants to visit that museum they used to shoot "A night at the museum in" I didn't tell him it's out of our reach. The kid needs his dreams.

I want to visit Graceland once in my lifetime.

Last museum we went is called Archeon which has several buildings and sites where they re-enact history such as the stone age,bronze-age,roman times and medievel times.

Here's a picture I shot there two months ago :


Great pic. I love the way there are just a couple splashes of muted color... very winter. ;)

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Just Curious,

After all the electrons have been inconviennced and this thread is said and done , If this guy had the goods , how in hell could he monitize it anyway ?? Music and information WANT TO BE FREE!!!! Maybe he needs to sign up at the disney machine , or american Idolatry , Cause otherwise after that , it's only 120 or so albums that ever break the ten thousand album mark per year anyways ( lateley).

I re-christen this thread "Much Ado about Nothing " !!!!!

Pot Stirring completed , Sorry ; no links to my Guitar driven , mastibatory "shredding-music"

( Blame my former guitar teachers , who taught me nothing about melody or intervals or theory , all those {censored}ers did was penatonic my innocent young brain !!)

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great museums. The Van Gogh Museum, the Stedelijk Museum, and, for those interested in the Flemish masters (worth seeing if only to marvel at the craft), the Rijksmuseum. (Pardon the spelling, Boosh, if I got any or all of those wrong. Working from memory.)

Only spelling that's wrong is van Gogh's name. ;)

About the Dutch Uncle thing,... All my uncles are Dutch,..and the Wiki definition suits them perfectly. Most of us are that way even if we're not uncles. It's just the way we are. Direct,blunt,right to the point,harsh and rough BUT most of the time we tell people they're wrong or try to correct them we hope for the better. With dutch people this approach works very well because we're all like that. people from other countries have trouble with our honesty and directness. And our way of humor is misunderstood lots of times too,..

It takes a while to get to know a Dutchguy I guess,... most of you guys know that lol.

And then there's the translationstuff that goes wrong whahaha remember people shouting at me for being a racist when I used the N word?? I nearly got lynched here for using a word that comes from my own language.

About the picture,... The cool thing was that during the day we were there ,there were only 60 people(guests) in the whole themepark. It was freezing cold and there was snow everywhere.

Rizzo and Skipper went in that house to look at a woman baking original dutch waffles and I stayed outside. I watched the lady in the back walking down the street in her costume. She had a twig in her hand and was chasing a rooster down the street. Together with the other lady the picture was complete. Far away I could hear someone play a lute and the whole thing was so bloody unrealistic and trippy,..Like I was flashed back hundreds of years,... I hope the photo can bring some of that to life,... To me it does.

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I just stopped by to say hi as a new member...looks like I walked into a crap storm. I'm out of Lincoln, co-own a studio and have been in music for over 20 years. We also optimize websites. Oh...I am a huge Husker Fan. Look forward to getting to know you guys.

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I just stopped by to say hi as a new member...looks like I walked into a crap storm. I'm out of Lincoln, co-own a studio and have been in music for over 20 years. We also optimize websites. Oh...I am a huge Husker Fan. Look forward to getting to know you guys.



Stop the Spamming Weirdo!!!!



Hahaha no,... kidding man! Welcome!

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Just Curious,

After all the electrons have been inconviennced and this thread is said and done , If this guy had the goods , how in hell could he monitize it anyway ?? Music and information WANT TO BE FREE!!!! Maybe he needs to sign up at the disney machine , or american Idolatry , Cause otherwise after that , it's only 120 or so albums that ever break the ten thousand album mark per year anyways ( lateley).

I re-christen this thread "Much Ado about Nothing " !!!!!

Pot Stirring completed , Sorry ; no links to my Guitar driven , mastibatory "shredding-music"

( Blame my former guitar teachers , who taught me nothing about melody or intervals or theory , all those {censored}ers did was penatonic my innocent young brain !!)




I feel like you may have said something interesting here.. but I couldn't understand a damn word of it.

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Hey, thanks, man
Every so often I try to listen to my stuff to figure out what other folks' think (I'm not as cool and aloof as I might seem
) but I can never figure it out. Some days it sounds great to me (I do pander to my own tastes) and some days the very same tunes sound like
utter crap

No matter how self-contained we may be (or think we are), it never hurts to hear a nice word.

Life, I think. Honestly, at this point, I'm not sure.

I first heard the term when I was a little kid in the Rogers and Hammerstein musical,
Flower Drum Song
, which has an almost entirely Chinese/Chinese-American cast of characters. But a Chinese-American night club comic uses the term in one of his songs and I sort of figured it out by context as the sad voice of experience giving
but needed advice.

And there's that, too.

I'm not sure you're working with the same definition I have on
Dutch Uncle.
Check out the link to the Wikipedia definition above. It's not really a pejorative. At least to my way of thinking.

It's really pretty.

more to it... though too many never get past the easy temptations.

great museums. The Van Gogh Museum, the Stedelijk Museum, and, for those interested in the Flemish masters (worth seeing if only to marvel at the craft), the Rijksmuseum. (Pardon the spelling, Boosh, if I got any or all of those wrong. Working from memory.)

bang through them all in one day, but do yourself a favor and give it some time. Each one is wonderful in its own way. And if you're a Van Gogh fan, you're pretty much gonna be in Nirvana at the VGM. I wasn't a
fan until I went there -- it's just
to see the art that man created, painting after painting. Even though he only sold four during his lifetime and two of those were to his brother. (At least I
that's true. It's certainly part of the mythos.)

And that
, in a way, may just bring us full circle...

Yeah, same definition of 'Dutch Uncle; from Wiki...I saw it, but my parents used it differently...I think we figured out before that we were both in Amsterdam as wide eyed Yanks at the same time...I was there first in 1973, about a month after the Van Gogh museum opened...you are totally correct about your spelling of the Rijkmuseum...probably my most fave museum in Europe..
The content is awesome, the Dutch Masters etc...but the setting is so cool, stark and practical.
Two other Museums I visited in Amsterdam, being a former (cough) 'Warrior';) are the Dutch Resistance Museum...pays tribute to the Dutch Resistance to the Nazi occupation during WWII... one of the most organized, paramilitary resistance movements in occupied Europe...it was so effective cuz the Dutch spoke English so well and worked hand in hand with the Brits and Americans as they advanced.
Sadly, in that Museum there is no mentioned of the 250,000 Dutch soldiers who volunteered in German SS units who fought bravely and were slaughtered on the Eastern Front...for the most part they felt that Communism was a greater threat in the long run to their country at that time.
Finally the Dutch Cavalry Museum...if you love anything Equine, and like to look at some of the coolest uniforms ever created...this is the place to go.
The Dutch Cavalry Rocked the House!

I can relate to what Boosh says, he doesnt really do Museums cuz he's a native.

I live Near Valley Forge,PA, Trenton NJ, and a short Walk to Washingtons Crossing,... all major tourist attractions of the American Revolution...I have ridden/walked by Statues, plaques, and monuments, not given them a second look since I was a kid,
Touristos from all over the world, come up to me, and ask me questions while I'm walking my dog, fishing, cycling or kayaking,... if I can't answer them off the top of my head, they get agitated and confused and always say;
'You live here and don't know where they stowed the Durham boats before George Washingtons surprise attack on Trenton???'
My reply; '{censored}in Ay , now go back to Bumble{censored}, Ohio, or West Fargo ND....The 'Buckle' of the 'Bumpkin Belt' ...(Sorry 'Coaster') or where you came from and tell them you met an angry 'local' who spoiled your visit.:rolleyes:
I don't know... but I'm figuring this is what my ' Dutch Brother from a different Mother' has to deal with.

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Sadly, in that Museum there is no mentioned of the 250,000 Dutch soldiers who volunteered in German SS units.




22,000 that is. One of those bastards nearly killed my grandfather when he was on his bike in the middle of the night smuggling a fresh killed goat that he had around his neck. The SS guard only shot the goat a few times.


There was nothing brave about these guys. They were collaborators who killed their own countrymen and fought alongside the enemy to get better from it.They were known for their cruel torture techniques.


Just like the girls who slept with german soldiers. Their heads were shaven after the war and covered in tar.


The true heroes were civilians who robbed german offices ,killed high ranked officers and made sure that jews were in savehouses. And there's people like my grandfather who had a greengroceryshop. He fed about 40 families illegally for 5 years.


I remember that my grandfather had a friend in the early seventies. The guy was at my Granddad's house every day. He met this guy somewhere in 1949. When he found out this guy had been with the SS in the war he stood up and told the guy to walk out the door. he gave him 15 seconds and if the guy was not gone after that he would have killed him on the spot. He never spoke to the guy and the guy's family again.

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22,000 that is. One of those bastards nearly killed my grandfather when he was on his bike in the middle of the night smuggling a fresh killed goat that he had around his neck. The SS guard only shot the goat a few times.

There was nothing brave about these guys. They were collaborators who killed their own countrymen and fought alongside the enemy to get better from it.They were known for their cruel torture techniques.

Just like the girls who slept with german soldiers. Their heads were shaven after the war and covered in tar.

The true heroes were civilians who robbed german offices ,killed high ranked officers and made sure that jews were in savehouses. And there's people like my grandfather who had a greengroceryshop. He fed about 40 families illegally for 5 years.

I remember that my grandfather had a friend in the early seventies. The guy was at my Granddad's house every day. He met this guy somewhere in 1949. When he found out this guy had been with the SS in the war he stood up and told the guy to walk out the door. he gave him 15 seconds and if the guy was not gone after that he would have killed him on the spot. He never spoke to the guy and the guy's family again.



Thanks for the heads-up Boosh, but The Dutch soldiers and officers who fought on the Eastern Front were also patriots in their own minds... and numbered more than 26,000 according to a recent report (2007)


The girls/women whose heads were shaved were starting to get punished as soon as the Allies moved into Dutch territory, they were often single mothers of infants who slept with the Occupation to feed their babies.

Many times their accusers were actually major Collaborators who 'ratted them out' to take the stigma from themselves...

Often times it was a result of a long festering generational feud between two local families....


Like Christ said when they were about to stone Mary Magdelene...


'He who is without sin, Cast the First stone'

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Dutch Uncle please cry uncle

1945-2010= 65 years past = let it go .


Yes ,

After you are well known and have a hit song...................... everyone will be happy to DL it for free !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yes ; a contingency plan is in order !!!!

This is some major 'stream of conscious' posting...
Let me guess,,,,your wife/girlfriend took away your bottle/joint and relegated you to the garage with your Laptop, so you can 'drunk dial/post HC when you swoon in and out of consciousness.;)?

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This is some major 'stream of conscious' posting...

Let me guess,,,,your wife/girlfriend took away your bottle/joint and relegated you to the garage with your Laptop, so you can 'drunk dial/post HC when you swoon in and out of consciousness.

Sounds like your bottle is full of vinegar!! :facepalm:

What's the point in arguing stuff that happened 65 years ago ?? can you change any of the {censored} that happened? Stop living in the past. All wars are {censored} storms and we should avoid them .

How's that for "'stream of conscious" posting

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Sounds like your bottle is full of vinegar!!

What's the point in arguing stuff that happened 65 years ago ?? can you change any of the {censored} that happened? Stop living in the past. All wars are {censored} storms and we should avoid them .

How's that for "'stream of conscious" posting


No, and you are right...except WW11 is a hobby of mine and I have over 400 books on the subject and keep buying more...everyone knows what to get me for XMAS;)
My Dad, uncles on both sides of the pond fought it..

My daughter was here over the weekend and saw my book 'the battle for Stalingrad' on my desk and questioned, "why are you still reading books that you obviously know the ending to?"
I told her, "this version says the Germans almost won this time'

I get your point...thanks for your input:thu:

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No, and you are right...except WW11 is a hobby of mine and I have over 400 books on the subject and keep buying more...everyone knows what to get me for XMAS;)

My Dad, uncles on both sides of the pond fought it..

My daughter was here over the weekend and saw my book 'the battle for Stalingrad' on my desk and questioned, "why are you still reading books that you obviously know the ending to?"

I told her, "this version says the Germans almost won this time'

I get your point...thanks for your input:thu:



It's cool,

I like history too ( those who don't know it repeat it ect. ect.).Of course to the" victor belongs the spoils" , and that includes their revisions on what happened. Obviously humans are in trouble if we keep doing it ( "only the dead have seen the end of war ":eekphil: )


By the way , I keep all my history books out in the garage for when the old lady throws me out there :phil:

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It's cool,

I like history too ( those who don't know it repeat it ect. ect.).Of coure to the victor belongs the spoils , and that includes their revisions on what happened. Obviously humans are in trouble if we keep doing it ( "only the dead have seen the end of war ":eekphil: )

By the way , I keep all my history books out in the garage for when the old lady throws me out there :phil:



Even the quote about (paraphrasing here) 'those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it' is open to conjecture...some say George Santayana, others give creedance to Edmund Burke for a slightly different twist on the same idea...like you said, Revisionists.. .see ya in the garage.

btw those O keefe emoticons are just {censored}ing annoying, like a goddamn pop- up commercial.

seriously, refrain from using them when communicating w/me... I respect and admire Phil but those emoticons are of an annoying level with Billy Mays commercial pitches.

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Hey...what ever happened to 'Little Lord Fauntleroy' i.e. Siva 115.?..
Seems some of the Senior members here had him pegged for a 'Sharpie'

Lesson learned by 'LSW' (me)...

Give the senior posters their 'props' when they smell something amiss.

Don't trust Musical 'Carpetbaggers'

When eating 'Crow' use a lot of seasoning so it doesn't taste so bad.;)

G'night, Jeff
G'night, Ken
G'night. Boosh
G'nght, Aladin
G'night anyone I missed

G'night John-Boy

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Hey...what ever happened to 'Little Lord Fauntleroy' i.e. Siva 115.?..

Seems some of the Senior members here had him pegged for a 'Sharpie'

Lesson learned by 'LSW' (me)...

Give the senior posters their 'props' when they smell something amiss.

Don't trust Musical 'Carpetbaggers'

When eating 'Crow' use a lot of seasoning so it doesn't taste so bad.

G'night, Jeff

G'night, Ken

G'night. Boosh

G'nght, Aladin

G'night anyone I missed

G'night John-Boy

Who the hell still uses the word carpetbagger? Were you alive during the civil war?

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Who the hell still uses the word carpetbagger? Were you alive during the civil war?

Hi Siva, glad you're back :thu:

Yeah, I actually fought in the Civil War, I was with the Second Corps of the Salvation Army...I used to beat that big freakin' drum...
I'm the oldest guy on this site..... old as Dinosaur Dung

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Another option for the op to stand apart from the pack is a contest like Guitar Center's King of the Blues.


I watched some video of the most recent winner, Kirby Kelly, and was quite impressed. He's got some unique technique of using two slides.


That was pretty interesting. I actually thought his two slide electric piece in that vid was more musically coherent and less 'gimmicky' than his more conventional single slide acoustic piece.


When I'm confronted with some new jaw-dropping technique nowadays, the first thing I do is close my eyes and listen to how it sounds as music. I thought the two slide technique actually produced a musically solid piece that introduced some slide moves that couldn't really be done any other way. (You could use slide and fretting to come quite close, though.)


I hope we hear more of Mr Kelly! :)

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