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Is that a bound headstock on your LP?

Thanks. Why yes it is. I had to go double check because it never really occured to me to check. :facepalm: I should probably know that kind of stuff.


It's a GOW from a few years back. All mahogany Classic LP. It's very similar to an LPVM I used to have which I loved; there's something about all mahogany that sounds great to me. The pickups are '57 CLassics and not BB Pros like the LPVM so it's a bit different, but it's a great guitar.

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Didn't realize you had the Brian May Red jobbie... how do you like it? Worth the money? It's kinda far down my list but I'd pick one up for the right price if I found one locally.


And I think you need to refinish your strat, man... everything else you have is red or brown or reddish brown. :lol:

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Dude, that is one of the coolest utilitarian collections I've seen around these parts. Like you, I also have ten electrics that I have collected over time to fill certain sonic niches. Looks like you have a few more pesos invested in your stash though. I actually like all of yours save for maybe the Ibanez - not into metal and don't care for slim line necks. Is that an Empress?:love:


How do you like the N4? US or import?

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That's a very nice bunch of guitars you got there my friend. I have to put your collection in my top two favourites along with maltomario's.


Very Nice!


Have you considered selling them all for a firebird X? That would cover all your bases really apart from the floyd....

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That's a very nice bunch of guitars you got there my friend. I have to put your collection in my top two favourites along with maltomario's.

Very Nice!

Have you considered selling them all for a firebird X? That would cover all your bases really apart from the floyd....

If I do that I'd appreciate it if you stabbed me in the face.

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