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Guitar things that irk you.


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- Don't underestimate the power of the duct tape.



I had a boat that was patched with duct tape once... It lasted longer than you'd think, a few months, and kept the thing afloat.


Something that irks me is when I want to play a 12 string, in a store, or anywhere, and it is out of tune. Not like a little bit but WAY out, or in some alternate or open tuning.

Another thing is trying to get rid of the Peavey Valveking 4x12 cab that I got when I was younger because I thought bigger meant better.

One last thing: I can't use my Parker Nitefly with any fuzz pedals except the subdecay flying tomato because the piezo pre-amp creates an impedance mismatch that causes this cutting out effect with the fuzz face.

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Also, this is a minor thing, but people who pick their guitars just to be different kind of irk me. I don't mean that they just happen to be playing an uncommon guitar, I mean when they openly state (Or it's just incredibly obvious) that they play the guitar because it isn't well known. I mean, it's cool to play an uncommon guitar, but people who won't even consider purchasing a Gibson or Fender just because they're "mainstream." I mean, it's their loss, but it's kind of a retarded conversation to have.




I won't even consider buying a fender or a gibson because I believe I can get a better quality version of the exact same thing for less money. Simple as that.

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What boils my urine is being left handed & shopping for a guitar! That supposed special moment when man and guitar come together, causing the stars and moons to align! When you pick up a guitar and it 'talks' to you, or 'it's the one'. It stabs me in the crap hole because I will never experience it. I have never walked into a music shop, seen a guitar I like the looks of, had a strum, had it speak to me and bought it! Heck I've never gone into a music shop and found a nicely set up guitar for left handers! We are second class, special needs mongrels to the guitar world.

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Acoustics with only ONE strap button. I don't WANT to have to tie one end of the strap around the headstock join ... it looks crap and interferes with the cowboy chords.


Speaking of acoustics ... one thing they DO teach you (or, to be more accurate: force you to learn) is how to vary your sound by how (and WHERE) you pick or strum. No knobs to turn, no switches to throw, no pedals to tromp ... just you, your hands and the guitar.

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Something that irks me is when I want to play a 12 string, in a store, or anywhere, and it is out of tune. Not like a little bit but WAY out, or in some alternate or open tuning.



That just gets me in general when I'm trying guitars in a store. Yeah, if they're a bit out of tune it doesn't matter, but some guitars are so poorly set up or so out of tune that you just put them back at can't be bothered with it. At the same time the people working there are just standing around doing {censored} all talking amongst each other. Shouldn't it be their job to make sure the merchandise is playable?

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the people standing around usually do not have the skills never mind the inclination to do that.
They are selling, supposedly.
But you would think the retailer would check the basics wouldn't you?

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Noob hands that make top line gear sound like a cheap practice amp.

Being a noob is cool, having top gear is cool.. but mixing them is bad.. jealousy I guess. Bad muting is probably the worst... when notes bleed into each other under high gain, especially if it's a ringing open string.

"Here's my $3000 amp with my made in USA guitar with boutique pickups.. " *inaudible noise with strings ringing in the background*


The other main thing is the bull{censored} competitive thing.. where guitarists critique and criticise each other, I guess I did that above.. but that was out of respect for my ears. I'm talking about the people who criticise GOOD players and it seems they just look for any reason under the sun.. really stupid. Chances are they don't really feel that way but it's something that sounds good during an arguement/debate so they go with it. Females do the same thing with each other and it's just as annoying. If there is a good player out there, chances are there are others out there who has noticed and have listed every reason under the sun why he isn't good and people are wrong to like him.

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There are so many stories of people who just didn't take off on guitar until they got their first electric because they were just so bored by the acoustic.



It's funny - I'm actually the opposite. Started on electric, and tried, tried, tried to learn to pick right-handed (I'm left-handed). But it wasn't until I took classical guitar lessons that things opened up for me. Fingerpicking feels so natural to me. I've improved with the flatpick to the point where single-note picking is not an issue, but I can't for the life of me reliably pick multiple strings quickly.


So I mostly stick to picks for strumming chords, and fingers for everything else.

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Amen to the guitars not being in tune at guitar stores! Even if they are there just to sell, that is no excuse. Car lots wash the cars. Music stores should tune the guitars. Is that too much to ask? yes seems to be the answer...

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Players who follow the rules.

Listen to the 'right' people. Think that theory is 'right' and the basis for being good. Setting up the guitar and amp in the 'right' way to get a 'good' tone.
All the best players take that stuff with a pinch of salt which is why they are recognisable and engaging.

Doing it 'wrong' is much more fun.

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Amen to the guitars not being in tune at guitar stores! Even if they are there just to sell, that is no excuse. Car lots wash the cars. Music stores should tune the guitars. Is that too much to ask? yes seems to be the answer...


A lot of kiddies go in there and drop tune and do other crap to those exhibition guitars, it would probably take a lazy employee all day to tune the hundred or so guitars anyway.


If he did that, he wouldn't have time to answer all the customers important questions, which brings me to a personal peeve... How many threads do you see here on EG, ridiculing guitar store employees and whining about how stupid they all are?


The OP posts here and whines about how the employees answers and opinions are ridiculous and clueless. The OP then usually goes on to tell us what the right answer should be. If the OP is so fricking smart, why did he even bother to ask in the first place?



As far as tunning, how long does it take us to tune a guitar? A minute? Two? We're guitar players right?


I know there are guys here that take their guitar to a tech to have the strings changed. Maybe there are some who need to take the guitar to the "bottom feeder" behind the counter to tune the guitar for them so they can "test" it.


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Amen to the guitars not being in tune at guitar stores! Even if they are there just to sell, that is no excuse. Car lots wash the cars. Music stores should tune the guitars. Is that too much to ask? yes seems to be the answer...



geehs the whine on this thread..

if you are any kinda guitarist you can pickup a guitar and come close to getting a E with in a few cents... if not... i duno man... its just not that tough to tune a guitar.. or if it is... well you need to work on that... its a skill worth having..

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geehs the whine on this thread..

if you are any kinda guitarist you can pickup a guitar and come close to getting a E with in a few cents... if not... i duno man... its just not that tough to tune a guitar.. or if it is... well you need to work on that... its a skill worth having..



To be honest I can probably count on one hand the number of times I have tried to tune a guitar in the last 15 years without the use of a tuner. I wouldn't be confident that I was even close to E. I completely understand the guitars not being in tune but IMO having a tuner easily accessible to the customers should be a no brainer.

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Guitarists who...

...widdle and shredd incessantly between songs.

...buy an expensive amp and guitar and run so many pedals between them that they sound like an angry wasp.

...are obsessed with treble. A solo shouldn't be painful to listen to - I don't want to end up as deaf and insensitive as you!

There are many more but I think they've already been covered!

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When conversations with some people are always guitar/music related. Especially when it's a genre you're not really all that into, and they think it's such a big deal that they play an instrument :rolleyes:.... Why you can't click and navigate elseware in a real life conversation....

Or when people buy guitars to 'cover the bases'....whatever that means..

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I think most of my pet peeves have been covered....


-unclipped string ends dangling off the posts (a fella could poke his eye out...)


-fret sprout


-grimy strings and fretboards (I hate it when I lend a guitar to someone and it comes back all yucked up)


-placement of volume on a strat (both a curse...gets bumped all the time, and a blessing for swells, etc)


-trem arms that don't stay in place.... dangle haplessly, and you can never find it when I reach for it.


-demo clips with only dirty tones... I want to hear the true tone of a guitar, not the pedals and amp


-people who think the truss rod is to set your string height


-gear snobs


-people who continue to wank away mindlessly between songs (doesn't bother me when I do it... only other people.. :)


-neck heavy guitars (SG, most electric 12-strings)


-ultra-light strings


-thin picks


-preconceived notions that stock or ceramic pickups all sound like crap


-99% of all guitars at GC (most are not set up, have fret sprout, dead strings, out of tune...)


-people on guitar forums that give advice on something they know nothing about (not me of course...)


-headless guitatists on youtube clips

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I don't like doing their job of tuning the guitars. Ok, so guys go in and drop tune and who knows what. But there are slack times, one would think, when they could just go around and do a quick check. If I have to tune the guitar, I don't want to deal with the issue if the string breaks. It's not like you can prove "hey I only was up to D on the high E".

I always (almost) take my own tuner with me too. Good to check intonation and set up, which is more important on acoustics than electrics.... or harder to do when you get it home.

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When people grope my guitar. Right now there's a scratch on my acoustic that I didn't put there. Ask me to handle it, and if you seem reasonably sane, and I might let you. Invite yourself to pick it up without me knowing anything about you or how stupid you are, and we may have a problem.


Guy put a big scratch in the finish and, when I pointed that out he looked at me and said "Dude relax, it's just a cheap guitar." People with no sense of respect for the belongings of others tend to irk me as well. I don't have much in this world, but what I do have I like to take care of, some drunk jerk pawing my stuff is only two clicks better than the same drunk pawing the girl I'm out with. To him, a cheap guitar. To me, it's MY guitar. (For the record though, it is a cheap guitar).

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Duct tape as a strap holder.



Agreed. In fact any duct tape on a guitar bugs me. I never want that sticky stuff anywhere near my hands. I've seen guy put duct tape over pickup selector switches that they done want to use. (Just get a tech to take the think out!).


Here's another one; I went to see my buddy's cover band play and the guitar player has some multi-effects unit, with the distortion permanently set to some kind of metal sound, and he's strumming away on the neck pickup on songs like "Take it Easy" by The Eagles and "Sweet Home Alabama" by Lynyrd Skynyrd. I went out on a cold night to listen to that! I wanted to punch the guy in the nose.

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Or when people buy guitars to 'cover the bases'....whatever that means..



Come on, now! Everyone out on a Friday night listening to the local bar band expects guitarists to switch between Strat, Les Paul, and semi-hollow tones during the set. Otherwise, the beer doesn't taste right. :poke:

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