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Axl tells RRHOF to f**k off


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Axl is STILL pulling that crap. A few of my co-workers went to see GnR on their latest tour. It was on a Sunday night and all told, the concert didn't wrap up until 2:00 Monday morning. Total BS and the height of arrogance and disregard for your fans.

Axl blows. The RRHoF sucks.




With my long drawn out posts - this is what I was getting at. The RRHoF sucks and Axl blows. If Axl showed up - it would have been cool.

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I want to personally thank Axl Rose for having the sense not to do a GnR reunion. Good for him. IMHO it shows he at least has some integrity and isn't going to make the fast buck on the record/tour that many bands do following the RRHF induction.

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I totally understand that point of view and used to feel that way - but with the RRHoF thing and GnR I've changed my view. Eddie hates the RRHoF so much that it blinds him to the effing the fans of GnR are getting. He's on twitter with a WGAS attitude and I feel like maybe he's the kind of guy who contributes to Axl not opening his eyes.

People want to hear what Axl has to say because they are fans of the music so I get Eddie wanting to land him as a guest. But if Axl is such a sociopath that he perpetually burns his fans & he never does interviews - maybe its time for everybody, even people like Eddie Trunk, to call the guy out for what he is - a douche.

I like Eddie's TV show but think its lame for hiim to say stuff like "Lars can mix it up and take criticism and comes on the show......" then he busts chops on their Lulu album. He then talks about how great it is that Lars can take the heat but some others refuse to come on because of criticism. "We're so honest". They're just talking about albums by the way. An album came out, you didn't like it - great! Lars took the criticism and was cool about it. Nice!

Then they get a guy who clearly has no respect to his fans and he pussyfoots around him. If you're being honest then stop being such a wuss with Axl.

And now, because Eddie Trunk hates the RRHoF, its no big deal that Axl is dissing it.

This is probably the only time GnR will ever be on stage together again. It will never happen if not now. So - maybe to be cool to the fans Axl should show up. So many were burned through no shows at concerts, bad shows (Axl even said sucked), horrible lineups and him just being invisible to the scene. Sure they guy doesn't really owe anybody anything, but it would be cool for him to do this one right thing for the GnR fans.

Maybe its time for people like Eddie to stop thinking about themselves (and his hate for the RRHoF most people don't give a sh*t about - nobody cares, dudes!!!) and speaking about how Axl should do it for the fans.

Its also wak as hell for Eddie to pretend to be so honest and then act like a little girl when interviewing Axl. Those guys looked like scared kids with Axl sitting there.



Axl W. Rose aka Bill Bailey cares about his fans? If he were standing right in front of you, and you expressed this notion, he would snort, then get some muscle to knock you down so you wouldn't be in his way anymore.


Pchchchttt LOL!!!!! "Axl cares about fans." *snigger*

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I want to personally thank Axl Rose for having the sense not to do a GnR reunion. Good for him. IMHO it shows he at least has some integrity and isn't going to make the fast buck on the record/tour that many bands do following the RRHF induction.



I just though age would bring wisdom and maybe he'd grow up. It would be more to make up to the people he has screwed with his lateness etc... not for money.


He's a spoiled kid for life. Its not about the fast buck - its about doing 3 songs for the fans. Big Fn deal. Its a dumb band on a dumb show.

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Axl W. Rose aka Bill Bailey cares about his fans? If he were standing right in front of you, and you expressed this notion, he would snort, then get some muscle to knock you down so you wouldn't be in his way anymore.

Pchchchttt LOL!!!!! "Axl cares about fans." *snigger*



He pretends to care. He seems to take alot of pride in the fact that he shows up now...LOL... F him.

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Anyone read Slash's autobio? He clearly states his reasons for leaving GNR:

1. Axl's constant lateness to shows.

2. Axl demanding that Slash and Duff sign contracts which state that they are his employees and that he can treat them as such.

3. The fact that Izzy and Steven were gone---it just wasn't GNR anymore.

I love AFD and much of the UYI's. I even think Chinese Democracy is a decent Axl Rose solo effort.

Guns n Roses hasn't existed since 1993. I'd never, ever pay any money to see Axl Rose play a show, because I just don't feel like waiting around to watch him show up 3 hours late and have a bunch of Hot Topic dressed actors play the part of Slash.

As for the RnRHF thing, I don't really care. As a fan of those albums, it doesn't matter to me if they get "inducted." I mean, I knew they'd never perform together again anyway.



Is that the same book where he doesn't even know Freddy Corry from Cinderella's name? From what I understand he didn't write much of that book. Just reads like a crybaby rich kid pretending he has street cred.

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Is that the same book where he doesn't even know Freddy Corry from Cinderella's name? From what I understand he didn't write much of that book. Just reads like a crybaby rich kid pretending he has street cred.



Sweet SG in your pic. What year and make?

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I want to personally thank Axl Rose for having the sense not to do a GnR reunion. Good for him. IMHO it shows he at least has some integrity and isn't going to make the fast buck on the record/tour that many bands do following the RRHF induction.



I couldn't agree more with this!

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Is that the same book where he doesn't even know Freddy Corry from Cinderella's name? From what I understand he didn't write much of that book. Just reads like a crybaby rich kid pretending he has street cred.



Haha, I have no idea who Freddy Corry is, and I'm not sure if that's the same book.


But if someone interprets his book as "crybaby rich kid pretending he has street cred," then that person has the reading comprehension abilities of a seven-year old. Seriously, that would be like saying "The Joy of Cooking" comes across as a how-to manual on killing gorillas with poison tipped syringes and then singing the Canadian National Anthem while eating dumplings sold from a green food cart by a guy named Jessie who is complaining about how Obama is so obviously from the third moon of Neptune where they eat children for brunch after watching New Kids on the Block perform for a Bar Mitvah.

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Seriously, that would be like saying "The Joy of Cooking" comes across as a how-to manual on killing gorillas with poison tipped syringes and then singing the Canadian National Anthem while eating dumplings sold from a green food cart by a guy named Jessie who is complaining about how Obama is so obviously from the third moon of Neptune where they eat children for brunch after watching New Kids on the Block perform for a Bar Mitvah.




You, sir, have made my evening :lol:

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I totally understand that point of view and used to feel that way - but with the RRHoF thing and GnR I've changed my view. Eddie hates the RRHoF so much that it blinds him to the effing the fans of GnR are getting. He's on twitter with a WGAS attitude and I feel like maybe he's the kind of guy who contributes to Axl not opening his eyes.

People want to hear what Axl has to say because they are fans of the music so I get Eddie wanting to land him as a guest. But if Axl is such a sociopath that he perpetually burns his fans & he never does interviews - maybe its time for everybody, even people like Eddie Trunk, to call the guy out for what he is - a douche.

I like Eddie's TV show but think its lame for hiim to say stuff like "Lars can mix it up and take criticism and comes on the show......" then he busts chops on their Lulu album. He then talks about how great it is that Lars can take the heat but some others refuse to come on because of criticism. "We're so honest". They're just talking about albums by the way. An album came out, you didn't like it - great! Lars took the criticism and was cool about it. Nice!

Then they get a guy who clearly has no respect to his fans and he pussyfoots around him. If you're being honest then stop being such a wuss with Axl.

And now, because Eddie Trunk hates the RRHoF, its no big deal that Axl is dissing it.

This is probably the only time GnR will ever be on stage together again. It will never happen if not now. So - maybe to be cool to the fans Axl should show up. So many were burned through no shows at concerts, bad shows (Axl even said sucked), horrible lineups and him just being invisible to the scene. Sure they guy doesn't really owe anybody anything, but it would be cool for him to do this one right thing for the GnR fans.

Maybe its time for people like Eddie to stop thinking about themselves (and his hate for the RRHoF most people don't give a sh*t about - nobody cares, dudes!!!) and speaking about how Axl should do it for the fans.

Its also wak as hell for Eddie to pretend to be so honest and then act like a little girl when interviewing Axl. Those guys looked like scared kids with Axl sitting there.



I just don't see why people get so worked up about who's in and who isn't in the RNRHOF. As I've said for years, the RNRHOF needs the artists, the artists don't need the RNRHOF. What exactly are Rush and Yes and Deep Purple missing out on if they aren't invited by Jann Wenner's Clique of Industry Insiders? A steak dinner? The honor of donating valuable artifacts to a museum in Cleveland?


I agree with you on the point that Axl should probably be told what's what by guys like Eddie Trunk, so at some point he'd be out of friends and he'd be reaching for allies.


And yet, people keep going to GNR shows, for whatever reason, so with that continuing support, Axl isn't properly motivated enough to change his mind and open up.


I hope the other guys in GNR play at the induction ceremony, and I hope they rip the roof down. I wish them luck. They have a really good chance to unite with goodwill and kick ass and shove this thing right in Axl's face. I don't expect it, but I can wish it.


It's going to be really funny that Slash, Duff, Steven and Izzy might all be there and Axl has exiled himself because he can't face the music.

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Axl is STILL pulling that crap. A few of my co-workers went to see GnR on their latest tour. It was on a Sunday night and all told, the concert didn't wrap up until 2:00 Monday morning. Total BS and the height of arrogance and disregard for your fans.

Axl blows. The RRHoF sucks.




I have to agree with these negative comments.


Face it, the guy comes from a broken home. He was barely able to finish high school and has practically no education whatsoever. He is socially inept and basically doesn't give a {censored} about anyone but himself. Fame and money makes him believe that despite all this, he is God's ultimate gift to humanity and that he can treat everyone like {censored}. Yeah, the man was blessed with a seriously good voice and reached success with the one thing he could do well... and then he {censored}ed that up too.


Somewhere along the line, rock n roll became about being rude, stupid and uneducated. It became about looking like a deranged clown and doing enough substances to drop an African elephant. Cookie cutter rock stars... uncultured make up queens. Fortunately there are many, many exceptions to that. True artists, musicians, in love with their craft instead of with themselves.

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IMO the RNR HOF is largely irrelevant. I went there in 1996 and it was cool. But this was before the internet was huge and you could get access to endless history and info about bands. Now...irrelevant. From that perspective, I think it's funny he declined to be inducted. Apparently they are going ahead and inducting him. It will be interesting to see if he takes the matter further considering he "strongly requested" they not induct him.


Love him or hate him: RNR is largely about rebellion. To see Axl rebelling against the RNR HOF...how ironic and true to the spirit of RNR.

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Haha, I have no idea who Freddy Corry is, and I'm not sure if that's the same book.



He is (was?) the drummer from Cinderella and London and filled in with GnR sometimes. In his book he calls him a different name like a bunch of times. Kind of odd that he "wrote" a book and couldn't even get that right.

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I dont blame him. Based on all the great rock bands that have been ignored, and mostly based on all the crappy non-rock acts that are admitted, I think the RRHOF is a complete joke. {censored} em.



I say f rrhof as well...But if the gnr reunion doesn't happen here it never will. They will never be on stage together again.

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