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This forum has lost its way


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I stayed away for a few months because I was busy actually creating some music and playing my guitars, but the discussions here have gotten pretty meaningless. Mine included.


I honestly don't think that there are many people here who care about their playing or their tone. Threads that actually have something interesting about gear get pushed to page two in favor of "Korean guitars are...; Chinese guitars are..; Why would anyone buy ..."


Yes, I'm a member so I'm part of the problem.


So what's the solution? Crank up your amp and plug in your guitar and tell us how you got some amazing tone by doing something unexpected or unscripted. Or try routing your guitar into two amps sitting back to back and tell us what happens. Or run your signal through six bixonic expandoras and see what ghosts materialize (I hear that Billy Gibbons' ghost will appear--YES I know he's still alive--allegedly!).


Rock on, and tell us how you do it. I'll keep posting my {censored}ty music no matter what happens :lol::mad::love::wave::cool::eek::poke:

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Every forum goes through phases like this, people get stuck in one discussion and keep harping on it long after it needs to be. I.E beating a dead horse. People take the interwebz too seriously sometimes and would rather drive their point home and be overbearing than just quietly having an opinion and moving on to another subject. Just gotta keep hoping people will let said thread(s) die and move on.

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There has been alot of goofy stuff latley and alot of sarcastic follow ups....we have been getting off track...im posting in these threads so im part of the problem too....case in point..the other day i started a thread asking about the EMG 81X.....no responses...then someone posts a troll thread about how much Gibson/Fender sucks and its up to four pages in an hour?? WTF

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I honestly don't think that there are many people here who care about their playing or their tone. Threads that actually have something interesting about gear get pushed to page two in favor of "Korean guitars are...; Chinese guitars are..; Why would anyone buy ..."


I do this because it's kind of cool talking shop with a bunch of other guitar players. I don't know anyone in rea life who is into guitar playing or guitar gear as much as I am.

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I apologize I don't have clips to share, but I have been in my greatest tonal bliss these last few months. why? Because as docjeff alluded in the OP I have been playing through two amps. But there's more to it than that... one of the amps is a stereo rack amp (Lexicon Signature 284) with Lexicon rack stereo reverb running through its effects loop and then out to separate 1 x 12 cabs. As if that wasn't enough, I took advantage of my Maxon stereo chorus' 2nd output and ran that into my Ampeg Jet II with a fair amount of onboard tremolo and reverb dialed up. It's surprisingly easy by adjusting the volume to dial in some three dimensional pulse. The result is three speakers with their own thing coming out in perfect harmony. :love:


This place? Well it's just a place to shoot the {censored}. It never meant much more than that to me except that I do value shooting the {censored} from time to time. I've come across some fine folks here which thankfully outweighs the unsavory. If i get bored with teh joint, I just take a break. :idk:

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People don't give a {censored} about playing. Shopping and name calling is where it's at, hippie!


LOL. There is so much truth to this statement.


Culture changes are inevitable this forum inclusive. The beauty is, you don't have to live in this culture if you don't want to. Personally, I have witnessed a lot of changes in this forum in my time here. Some good, some not so good. I still like it here though.

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I honestly don't think that there are many people here who care about their playing or their tone.


If this indicates anything, I'm pretty sure there was some guy who posted a thread about successfully quitting and selling all of his gear...and kept posting :facepalm:

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I'm pretty easy going and I know a lot of members have a more narrow view of how they'd like the forum to be. I know who to ignore and who tends to write about things of interest to me. I like it here and at TGP. It feels more laid back here but the Electric Guitar forum here is going the direction of Guitar Jam and the Amp forums... that's fine with me. It's either that I'm easy to please or maybe that I just don't care.




I dig folks that post clips and try to comment on most of them but this isn't really the 'post clips here' section of Harmony Central in general or the gig info or the recording sections for that matter. :idk:

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I just come here to look at guitar pr0n and argue with dumbasses.. This could be a knitting forum for all I care. Well, cept knitting pr0n is probably pretty boring. But I bet the old ladies on there would really put a good argument if you got em riled up.

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I blame the mods. They do nothing when people put up obvious troll threads. For a forum to thrive and be useful, the mods gotta do their thing. They're not.


I think this is getting close to one of the major problems. I spend quite a bit of time at GuitarsCanada (GC) and the mods there shut threads down immediately when it gets ugly and if's only happened a handful of times in the last 5 years. Rules there mean something; here, not so much IMHO.

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I think this is getting close to one of the major problems. I spend quite a bit of time at GuitarsCanada (GC) and the mods there shut threads down immediately when it gets ugly and if's only happened a handful of times in the last 5 years. Rules there mean something; here, not so much IMHO.


yep. i spend most of my time on another guitar forum. its a fantastic community and pretty close-knit. lots of really valuable sharing of information. when someone joins up who's just there to sell something or make trouble, they get run off pretty quickly. here, someone can make a thread or a post that blatantly insults all the other members, and the mods do nothing. its one thing to disagree, but to make blanket insults and just keep doing it to rile people up, well, the sense of community and decorum deteriorates pretty rapidly.

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