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New Bass: Help Me Decide


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It is an idea...likely a good one; however, I honestly can't see me dropping a wad of cash on a custom or semi-custom instrument. I've got an $1100 G&L that rarely gets played because I enjoy playing the duct tape bass much, much more.


Then turn the G&L into additional funds for the custom.:D


I can relate though, I really have more fun playing the Steinie than anything else. Still, I can tell you that there's something way more to a bass that's made for you and you alone.

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That BC Rich is a bitchin bass worthy of John Entwistle. It's the first BC Rich bass I ever liked actually.

I got my eyes on a Schecter Ultrabass myself. It's a rock bass with some attitude, kinda like that BC Rich although not quite as much but T-Broom's got some big bass balls. :cop:

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The Mockingbird is a standard off the shelf bass. I voted for the tele simply because the pink one is a tougher find. You can always get the Mockingbird down the road with more gig money. It appears that YFC is going to be raking in the dough for a long time coming. I have 2 tele style single cuts. Because of the short top (no horn?), they do have a tendency toward a slight neck dive. . . . .there are plenty of fixes for that one, the least of which is a really nice, wide leather strap with a sueded backing.

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It is an idea...likely a good one; however, I honestly can't see me dropping a wad of cash on a custom or semi-custom instrument. I've got an $1100 G&L that rarely gets played because I enjoy playing the duct tape bass much, much more.



See ... a mechanical bull makes a lot more sense. And we can cover it in duct tape.

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It is an idea...likely a good one; however, I honestly can't see me dropping a wad of cash on a custom or semi-custom instrument. I've got an $1100 G&L that rarely gets played because I enjoy playing the duct tape bass much, much more.



And why is that? If it's because you redid the finish on it and set the bass up yourself, then I think L-1329's idea has merit. There really - for me - is no better feeling than playing a bass that I had some hand in working on, whether it be just sanding the back of the neck and lowering the action or the full redo from the ground up. Just a thought.

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Yeah more I look I 'm sure that's it, but I still have to wonder. With basses like this one, it could've been someone's attempt to change the way the bass balances.



It's actually the strap lock on the strap itself, not on the side of the bass. Just happened to take the pic where the strap was laying against the side of the guitar. The Schallers were placed in lieu of the original strap buttons in their original positions. No way in hell was I gunna let this bad boy come crashing to the ground! For me, being pretty much 6' on the dot and not having massive shoulders, but not being a skinny guy either, it fits just right with the strap. When I put it on, the neck stays roughly in the 10'oclock position 95% of the time.

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I'm using gig money for this. I've got about $1k left in the slush fund.

As you likely know, I work full-time and run a consulting business on the side. My wife and kids are well taken care of. This is me taking care of me.


I understand 'me gratification'! :thu: I just figured that there're some diminishing returns ... if I end up with more good basses than I have time to play, and if I have enough gig cash lying around, it's probably time to go to some lesser known beach in the Carribbean and stick my head under a Mai Tai fountain. ;)



Either that, or +1 to converting the G&L and gig cash to a custom instrument that knocks your socks off.


Can't believe I just said that about a G&L, but there we are. :confused:

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