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how do i join a band

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more than anything i want to play in a heavy metal or rock band. i have been in a few bands with people i knew from school but they all turned out to be posers. they couldnt actually play and they spent more time bragging than practicing so ive never played a metal gig. I kinda live in the country so i cant go to local concerts and check out the music scene much. how should i go about joining a gigging band? should i advertise myself on craigslist? or what help me out

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more than anything i want to play in a heavy metal or rock band. i have been in a few bands with people i knew from school but they all turned out to be posers. they couldnt actually play and they spent more time bragging than practicing so ive never played a metal gig. I kinda live in the country so i cant go to local concerts and check out the music scene much. how should i go about joining a gigging band? should i advertise myself on craigslist? or what help me out




Or, you can start a band - just put an ad on Craig's List.

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i live in NC im on band mix.com but no one has ever messaged me




Communication is a two-way street. Have you sent anybody a message on Bandmix?


(I don't use the site, myself.)


Join Myspace, set up an account, and look through their classifieds and groups. Find musicians in your area, and network.


You have to be proactive in your search for bandmates. Sit back and wait, and you are just wasting time.

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I have messaged some bands but they didnt answer. are you talking about a band myspace or just a regular profile?



Either one, it doesn't matter. The point is - have a myspace site so you can use them as a point of communication.


Guitar Center has an online "Musician Finder" that is free to use. You just have to sign up, and then look for musicians in your area.


I think HC needs to set one up - A Real one, not that crappy one that used to exist in the calssified section at the main HC site.

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i live in NC im on band mix.com but no one has ever messaged me



You've never mentioned what instrument(s) you play. You'd probably have a better chance of being contacted if you play bass or drums.


The thing about bandmix is that you have to be a paying member to contact others.

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go back to college, do not join a band.





Get your schooling out of the way - take care of your life first, then there will always be time to be in a band for fun.


You'll probably wind up moving to a more populated area after school (to get a decent job), and then it should be a lot easier to connect with other musicians.


If you're actually thinking about making a career in music, then get some musical education first, so you have a chance at doing session and production work.


Good luck, and never put a hollow dream ahead of what you need to do to take care of yourself (a hollow dream is thinking you'll make it in the music biz by being a self-taught player with no musical education)

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Craigslist by far is the best local resource for finding musicians. Expect there will be posers, TONS of them, but always remember, that there are good players out there, and they just have to wade through the crap like you.


Bandmix is a waste, they don't delete un-used accounts, so a band puts up a profile and tag it as 'looking for lead guitar', find a guitarist through craigslist, then never visit bandmix again. Two years later... you come along and message them because their profile still says "seeking lead guitarist!!" :mad:


I've hounded the admins at bandmix to change a few things... that would make them THE go-to place, but they don't seem to care.. they got a business that is so-so, but I guess it turns a small profit... so why take a risk to make millions? They've been responding for two+ years now that they are "working on BIG changes" :rolleyes:

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If you're actually thinking about making a career in music, then get some musical education first, so you have a chance at doing session and production work.


And then slap yourself in the head! :D That's exactly what I did. I don't mean to disrespect Wades' opinion, for that was my opinion for years. What I didn't realize is, its who you know not what you know that counts (unfortunately). I spent two years at Berklee striving for good grades and musical knowledge while ignoring those around me. I got the good grades and then a kick in the rump! If you want a good career in music, I say good networking is way more important than education or proficientcy. Get on good terms with everybody in the area that you seek. Sure, knowledge is good, but you can learn as you go. You'll never get your foot in the door without networking.


I would say forget about a career in music. Network around a more profitable career and do music on the side. If your band takes off, then you're a professional musician, if not then you're a weekend worrior.

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Schools a good place. Lotsa relocated folks who're looking for people with similar interests. Dorms, Cafeteria, Arts & Music center, student union etc. Gotta go where there are musicians. Clubs, concerts etc. Most bands might not be looking for anyone, but everybody knows someone who is trying to hook up with other musicians. Talk to people. Music stores are pretty good. Leave a trail and follow trails. I like this approach as you find guys through people who know or have met them. You have a better chance of knowing up front if they're crazy, undependable or impossible to work with.

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I find that Gorilla Glue works best, but Elmer's wood glue will work in a pinch. Just be sure that you clamp the members together securely for at least one hour, preferably overnight. (Insert rim shot here)

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Do you have a printer? (I have to ask because I know tons of people who have laptops and they don't actually have printers.)

If you do, go to your local Walmart or whatever you have like that and get some Business Card stock.

Then print yourself some business cards with what you play, the style of music you are looking for, your phone number and best time to call and an Email address.


If you have a way of recording yourself playing - do it, and set yourself up a musician Myspace site, and put some examples of your playing up. Just make sure that the recordings are fairly clean and undistorted (not the guitar or whatever, but the actual recording itself) that way you have an "online demo", and put that Myspace address on the card as well, and then start passing them out!

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I'm also in NC and we recently found our replacement keyboard player through Bandmix. Craig's List is pretty active in NC, too. If you're in the Triad Area, YesWeekly has free musicians classifieds. I'm pretty sure the weeklies in Raleigh, Charlotte and Asheville also have the same deal.

When you post, try to honestly describe you abilities, musical tastes and level of commitment.

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I'm also in NC and we recently found our replacement keyboard player through Bandmix. Craig's List is pretty active in NC, too. If you're in the Triad Area, YesWeekly has free musicians classifieds. I'm pretty sure the weeklies in Raleigh, Charlotte and Asheville also have the same deal.

When you post, try to honestly describe you abilities, musical tastes and level of commitment.



Have any of you guys in the Triad area seen Gunwitch?


He has a place outside of Asheville and splits his time between there and here (Jacksonville,FL) He's good man, really good. He has a band for some things, but most of the time it is just him and an acoustic guitar... sort of a cross between Danzig and Johnny Cash.

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