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Last night I was asked "How can you live with yourself?"


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Last night I was asked "How can you live with yourself?" by an area drummer who is a friend of a friend. I asked him what he ment by that and he went on to tell me about all the "girly pop" songs we play, the wigs and silly hats... pretty much our whole show.


I told him the usual, when I am home I play Iron Maiden, Megadeth, Dream Theater and other bands I like. When I am being paid with this band we play dance music for girls...

PLUS I really like playing pop songs! They are catchy and I like playing to a crowd that is out to have fun like we are.




I told him to look around. How many people would be here if we were doing a set filled with obscure non-dancable music? His answer was about 5, and they would all be family and friends... He did go on to say he understands but doesn't "agree" with it. :facepalm:


He was a little drunk and speaking his mind but in the back of his mind I know he was thinking "I wish I was playing drums tonight." - He also repeatedly told me on every break how great we sounded and how good I am. :lol:

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You should have told him "Artistic integrity doesn't pay well".


I kind of did but not in those words. :lol: I still feel like I have integrity though. Like I said I like playing pop songs but next time some Prog-metal lover goes off about me playing lady gaga I think I may just cut the conversation short by saying Artistic integrity doesn't pay well and smile.


Oh and he had a big problem with the band doing lady Gaga songs... during Bad Romance, our singer wears this get up:



I don't know. :idk: I think it's fun!

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I would have asked him why he didn't have a gig and you did. As you age you realize that you perform for the crowd first and yourself second. Is it better to have a great receptive crowd with danceable "girly rock" or keeping your musical "integrity" playing to no one or simply not playing?

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People play in bands for two basic reasons: one, the band is the object, a means of having fun, drinking some drinks, hanging out with your friends and getting paid to create a party. Two, the band is a means, a vehicle to deliver the music, mainly original and stuff that has personal meaning to the players. Both are valid and neither is wrong. But it can really suck being in a band with both type players. My own band is a number two type, and I play guitar for another number two type, but I play as a sideman for a couple for number one types as well. But I have to say, if any singer in any band I played with dressed up like the dude in that picture above, it would take everything I have in me not to punch him in the back of the head. It goes against everything that's in me, I'm just wired like that. He's certainly not doing anything wrong.


This is why I don't do number one type bands much!

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yeah I hate playing SWA, HATE IT, but when 50+ people are drunk and dancing and titties are popping out TO THAT SONG.. I suddenly don't want to stop playing it. Same goes for ANY song.. I've played everything from 'girls just want to have fun' to 'let the bodies hit the floor' on stage. I can say I live with myself pretty damn well... sounds like you do too Jeff :thu:

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But I have to say, if any singer in any band I played with dressed up like the dude in that picture above, it would take everything I have in me not to punch him in the back of the head



wow. that's pretty nasty. But I'll let it slide.


I am of the belief that there is room enough in this world for all types of music and all types of bands. That mask & wig is a fun part of what WE do. It would be silly if it the lead singer of the Pat Coast Band did it.


If we still were ripping up classic rock and blues tunes like Still got the blues by Gary Moore

we wouldn't do that.
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yeah I hate playing SWA, HATE IT, but when 50+ people are drunk and dancing and titties are popping out TO THAT SONG.. I suddenly don't want to stop playing it. Same goes for ANY song.. I've played everything from 'girls just want to have fun' to 'let the bodies hit the floor' on stage. I can say I live with myself pretty damn well... sounds like you do too Jeff


Yes I am totally cool with playing for the crowd. I have been in original metal bands in the late 80s and early 90s and I still work on original stuff once in awhile. There & Back Again did release an ep in 2006 that has more of a MB20 vibe to it. Pretty far way from what our show is about...


Anyway I had a really awesome night last night. A night that actually included both lady gaga and let the bodies hit the floor! We put on wigs, silly glasses, funny hats, I growled into the mic at times, Our bassist played a stand up bass for the last few tunes, we all jumped around and no one wanted to punch anyone. It was fun! It's what we do. But no one can say we can't play our instruments. They just may not LIKE what we play. To each their own.

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wow. that's pretty nasty. But I'll let it slide.

I am of the belief that there is room enough in this world for all types of music and all types of bands. That mask & wig is a fun part of what WE do. If we still were ripping up classic rock and blues tunes like Still got the blues by Gary Moore
we wouldn't do that.



Hey, I'm just being honest. I didn't say I would actually punch anyone, and I said I didn't think your singer did anything wrong. But I can empathize with your friend. For some people who play for different reasons, schtick is painful to watch, and even more painful to be a part of. It isn't right or wrong, it just is. It's also why I don't play in those type bands much.


I was in a club once where a band was playing different stuff and their whole show was schtick. They'd do "Splish Splash" and the whole band would wrap themselves in towels and wear shower caps. The singer had a mic mounted to a bath brush. Then they'd do some 60s tune and toss on hippie wigs rainbow vests and peace signs. It went on like that all night. I wanted to shoot myself, but the crowd loved them and they got paid a lot of money. What I think is irrelevant, I just wanted to point out to folks here capping on your buddy's attitude that it comes from a completely different perspective of why one plays music. For some, it's more about entertainment and fun, for others, it's more about art. That's all.

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I was in a club once where a band was playing different stuff and their whole show was schtick. They'd do "Splish Splash" and the whole band would wrap themselves in towels and wear shower caps. The singer had a mic mounted to a bath brush. Then they'd do some 60s tune and toss on hippie wigs rainbow vests and peace signs. It went on like that all night. I wanted to shoot myself, but the crowd loved them and they got paid a lot of money. What I think is irrelevant, I just wanted to point out to folks here capping on your buddy's attitude that it comes from a completely different perspective of why one plays music. For some, it's more about entertainment and fun, for others, it's more about art. That's all.


I agree. I always say there is room for everyone. Some entertain, some it is an artistic thing, some are just jealous.


I am one of the few people I know that can go to a schtick kinda show like you metioned above (we don't go THAT far with stuff) and enjoy the hell out of it and the next night can go to a blues night and enjoy the hell out of that too. Ease back and enjoy the musicianship.


The reason why I posted this was because this guy asked me how I can live with myself. Like I was commiting a crime against the Metal Gods and the ghost of Ronnie James Dio would haunt me forevermore. :lol:


He backpeddled on his original comments later telling me he undterstood but didn't agree or something like that. If I wasn't having such a good time I may have been meaner but I let stuff like that slide. With that said, I wouldn't show up at your show and ask why you don't play Taio Cruz or show up at a NIAB or Tricky Dickies gig saying Grant, Jason WTF? no 2112??? :lol: Ahhh! How can you live with yourself?


I see it as entertainment, thats all. At practice sometimes I laugh at the lyrical stupidity in these songs but its pop, they sell and our crowd likes em. Our crowd does not want to be educated. They want to drink, dance and hook up.


BTW the guy stayed all night too. :lol:

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I agree. I always say there is room for everyone. Some entertain, some it is an artistic thing, some are just jealous.

I am one of the few people I know that can go to a schtick kinda show like you metioned above (we don't go THAT far with stuff) and enjoy the hell out of it and the next night can go to a blues night and enjoy the hell out of that too. Ease back and enjoy the musicianship.

The reason why I posted this was because this guy asked me how
can live with myself. Like I was commiting a crime against the Metal Gods and the ghost of Ronnie James Dio would haunt me forevermore.

He backpeddled on his original comments later telling me he undterstood but didn't agree or something like that. If I wasn't having such a good time I may have been meaner but I let stuff like that slide. With that said, I wouldn't show up at your show and ask why you don't play Taio Cruz or show up at a NIAB or Tricky Dickies gig saying Grant, Jason WTF? no 2112???
Ahhh! How can you live with yourself?

I see it as entertainment, thats all. At practice sometimes I laugh at the lyrical stupidity in these songs but its pop, they sell and our crowd likes em. Our crowd does not want to be educated. They want to drink, dance and hook up.

BTW the guy stayed all night too.


Yes, and everything you said is perfectly right and legit. I didn't mean to offend you, just explain how some of us respond to it. I'm sure there are lots of guys who would love to come yank the mic away from me and put on a better show!

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My feeling on it is that schtick all depends on what kind it is. The wigs and costumers tend to bore me,, but then thats just me. The talk schtick tends to totally amaze me, when a band can pull it off and hold a crowd in the palm of their hand for 5 and half hours. Its all entertainment , and if you can make it work, more power to you.

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Last night I was asked "How can you live with yourself?" by an area drummer who is a friend of a friend.



I've heard the same thing from other musicians over the years.


Not to play amateur psychologist or anything, but I think such comments are a defense mechanism. Jealous that he doesn't play for your sort size of crowds he has to justify it to himself by bagging on your presentation. "Yeah, my crowds are lame and small but at LEAST I don't wear a silly hat...."


...whatever, dude. Get a life.

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I usually just tell people that I'm not good enough to play what
think I should.



Haha! I used that same line many times. When questioned as to why we play this or that, rather than pointing out the obvious like crowd size or money we're making, I'll often say "cuz we suck and we're not good enough to play GOOD music..." or some such.

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What I think is irrelevant, I just wanted to point out to folks here capping on your buddy's attitude that it comes from a completely different perspective of why one plays music. For some, it's more about entertainment and fun, for others, it's more about art. That's all.



But at least you are smart enough/aware enough to understand WHY there are two different approaches. Jeff's buddy (at least seems to) fall short of that with his "how do you live yourself?" comment. As if the ONLY approach is the "for the art" approach. Which brings up another issue: If Jeff's buddy is the type of musician who is out doing coffee houses and small clubs trying to forward his original material, I'd understand his position. But if he's just some guy (like the type of which I've known hundreds over the years) who is putting down Jeff's band for playing Lady Gaga in a wig while he's playing Iron Maiden covers in long stringy hair and a Megadeth T shirt, I'm not so sure I'd agree there's really much of a "for the art" component to his position.

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Last night I was asked "How can you live with yourself?" by an area drummer who is a friend of a friend. I asked him what he ment by that and he went on to tell me about all the "girly pop" songs we play, the wigs and silly hats... pretty much our whole show.


Your response should have been "Hey, look at that hot chick behind you", and when he turned around, you clock him at the base of his skull with a mic stand. That woulda learned him! :p

Seriously...you just have to laugh off douchebags, like that. You showed tact and class.

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Only a very small number of musicians ever truly "make-it". For the rest of us, focus on having a good time, giving the crowd a good time and having some great memories to look back upon. Getting too wrapped up in "artistic ethics" or whatever you want to call it is just denying yourself enjoyment in a life that is too short to start with. David Bowie did just fine looking strange. So did Kiss.

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Only a very small number of musicians ever truly "make-it".



Exactly. Should Sting come up and ask "how can you live with yourself?" it might hold some weight. But for some never-gone-anywhere cover musician to take an "I'm better than that" attitude my question would be "by what measure ARE you 'better than that' exactly?"

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I don't know.
I think it's fun!


Wigs and hats. There's no sense of danger or statement. It's just lamp-shade-as-hat humor. Not rock and roll. I hate the prevailing hats and wigs direction. Have some attitude, some self respect... offer something of yourself beside something to laugh at. And yeah, that's not laugh with.


Fart humor too maybe?


I like image. I like strange. I like punk, androgyny, cock rock 'tude, glam whatever. Or straight up style. But bottom rung vaudeville? Cheeze wiz.

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