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Your groupies stories. Here.


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MrKnobs/ Terry;

Thank you for taking the time and effort to tell this story. Reliving, or perhaps contemplating would be a better word, events in our past, for many of us, is difficult if not impossible.

I, for one, tend to close doors equipped with locks that have secret, subconscious, combinations. I leave no visable clues; however, every so often, a combination presents itself, a door is unlocked, and a long hidden memory resurfaces. Contemplation begins and usually understanding follows. If not understanding, perhaps a good laugh or embarrassment.

Your story, thus far, contains a few combinations for me. Some may argue whether it's fiction or not. That does not matter to me, for I too have lived (as I'm sure others have) some of the things you've written about, and that makes it more tangible even than non-fiction.

Great writing, great story. My hats off to you.


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Originally posted by qtuner

how about pics of the gold chain? :-)


I can do that. It's pretty unremarkable looking, though. Remind me after the story is done.

The chain has a complicated story as well. After learning its story, I wore it around my neck for 10 years to remind me to never be so stupid and vain again. It was my punishment.

The end of the story for the chain is yet to happen. I have promised to throw it into the Mauna Loa volcano in Hawaii to destroy it for all time. I have attempted this twice, but failed both times.

On one occasion I met an old woman who came out of and returned to thin air. Local legend has it that Pele the volcano godess manifests like this. I dunno, I just know what I saw. Fortunately I was kind to her.

I could write an entire book called "The Chain" about my experiences with it.

Maybe some other time. I will attempt to put it in the volcano again over Christmas. At least I was able to finally get the damn thing off my neck.

Terry D.

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I don't want to jump on the bandwagon but I have really enjoyed reading your war stories. The introspection and insight on the human condition really resonates with everybody reading this.

I can see why your band is called Telling Stories.

I envision some Steely Dan type read-between-the-lines songs coming from your life experiences.

Especially the Mexican Mafia/Elvis impersonator.

And the tortured relationship with Gail.

If you play guitar as well as you write then you are one talented person.

I just wish there were clips on your website.

(I know, I know - buy the friggin' CD) smile.gif

Nevermind - D'oh! - found the download thing. I so smart! You guys sound great. She has a great voice.

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