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Kinda went on a bit of a binge.....


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Last Monday, saw this in a pawn shop, and I have a bit of a weakness for the early 90's Yamaha's. They tend to play nice, easily modifiable, and have a good neck. This one is exactly that. A 93 or so RGZ112P. And it was 40 bucks.



Next day, in a, where else, pawn shop, saw this one. Yes I know, the RX series were the bottom feeder line. But it's green. And the Powersound pickups aren't for everyone. Did I mention it's green? And yes, I know it's made from the rare Koren laminate tree, but the neck is just a joy to hold. And it's green. A 96 RX170. It's green and only 60 bucks.


That same Tuesday, after a few dirty looks from the long-suffering Mrs. Penguin, saw this on Feebay. Of course, I had to have it. I mentioned on another forum (Gasp, I know, there are others!) about how every Agile I played, I tended to keep. This one is no exception to that rule. I needed a few parts, which I have in over abundance, some new pickups, since the original ones were long gone, (With the replacement garbage ones cut and painters taped in.)  and some time spent on the neck, making micro adjustments on the truss and a tiny bit of fret work. Oh, and oiling the fretboard which was almost light brown due to dryness. (It came from Arizona, so that was kind of expected.) Got it to play perfectly in tune everywhere on the neck, and almost nails that Paul Custom tone I had when I owned a 81 Paul Custom Silverburst. (I know, I know, but it was the start of the pandemic, and we needed money for luxuries such as food and air conditioning.) A 2009 or so Agile AL2100 (I think.) All mahogany goodness! Oh, and it was 100 bucks plus 45 shipping. Who could say no?


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Are you adding a room to the Penguin cave?:lol:

Out of the three, I think the Agile looks like the best...but you know what I like.....😉

Yamaha made some very good guitars...Pacificas and on....they don't get the love they deserve, IMHO.  I used to recommend them to my students back when I was still teaching in the 80s.

I had a good friend back in that era who swore by his Ibby RX....locking trem/nut and all.

I just feel threatened by pointy guitars....:cool3:

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Thanks all! I found a set of A5's in the drawer of stuff I have and tossed them in the Agile. Chinese most likely, and they sound pretty good. Thought the neck was a tad bit bright, so I added a .001 cap to the input leg of the pot, where the pickup goes in, to the ground. Cut off a bit of the high end, so I am happy. Added a tone control coil tap them, but they sound kinda pathetic with it, so I might change out the tone pots for a set of push/pulls and have a series/parallel thing going on.

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We don't have much for pawn shops here. I'd buy a $40 guitar on spec knowing if it was broken I could turn it into a piece of art or something. A silverburst is still on my list, but green is not a color I get too excited about. Good binge. I haven't bought a new (to me) guitar in quite a while.

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