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WOT: My friends believe Aliens are walking around the Earth.


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I rely more on sound scientific research and they rely on goverment conspiracys and science fiction.


They are really difficult to talk to about this subject.


I'm not saying it's impossible, just very very improbable.


The JFK assassination I can understand, the 9/11 conspiracy and this New World Order stuff is pretty nuts, but aliens walking around almost unnoticed is ridiculous compared to the phenomena which are usually easily answered by physics.


My friends laugh at me when I talk about the Theory of Relativity like it's some kind of joke.


What should I do?


I know this will probably be a heated debate so if you want to close it Phil be my guest. I just needed to get this off my chest. :wave:

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The New World Order is alive and well.


I should add that it should be easier for the reasonable person to believe that a group of wealthy white men have been controlling the course of recent history than body snatchers invading.


That being said, there are a couple things that bug me about "alien" conspiracies/theories.


The first is that people make the argument that there are, in all likelihood, trillions of planets in the universe capable of supporting life (what exactly the ability to "support life" entails is debatable. Who's an expert on extra-terrestrial biology?) Even if each of those planets capable of supporting life did in fact produce lifeforms, what percentage of those life forms would evolve sentience? What percentage of those sentient life forms would evolve the intelligence and motivation to develop space flight? What percentage of those species capable of space flight would be able to make it to Earth? The more you define what exactly it would take for an extra terrestrial being (or species for that matter) to be able to travel here from its planet of origin, the harder it becomes to believe that they're here.


The second issue I have is with the way human characteristics are constantly attributed to extra terrestrials. Why does the stereotypical image of an alien so closely resemble that of a human? What makes these extra terrestrials desire to come to Earth? Why would they want to make contact with humans?


We're talking about a hypothetical species that evolved on a remote planet but are about the same shape and size as us, have similar bodily features, are able to survive in our atmosphere, are capable of traveling to our planet and apparently are interested in abducting us and sticking shiny metal objects into our rectums. That kind of extra terrestrial seems, to put it politely, unlikely to me.

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I rely more on sound scientific research and they rely on goverment conspiracys and science fiction.

They are really difficult to talk to about this subject.

I'm not saying it's impossible, just very very improbable.

The JFK assassination I can understand, the 9/11 conspiracy and this New World Order stuff is pretty nuts, but aliens walking around almost unnoticed is ridiculous compared to the phenomena which are usually easily answered by physics.

My friends laugh at me when I talk about the Theory of Relativity like it's some kind of joke.

What should I do?

I know this will probably be a heated debate so if you want to close it Phil be my guest. I just needed to get this off my chest.

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I'm not sure how much that's going to help.


in a lot of ways, the Drake Equation is a philosophical exercise (in some ways, better suited to self-examination of humans) b/c both the parameter list AND (if not more importantly, more directly) the estimated values we assign to the equation can largely be PFA [someof the physical parameters we can take better guesses than they orignially could, some of the other physical params and the social params, not so much]


Then, we've got the complicating factor of travel (not only in terms of the quantitatives, but even in dfinition) -- the convo apparently isnt existence of ETI, nor even "communicating ETI", but "aliens" (left poorly defined) walking around (which has it's on problems...what if they don't walk, for instance)

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Haven't you seen "Easy Rider"?



Aliens have been living and working among us in all walks of life for years. The government knows all about it but refuses to release the information to the public because it would be a shock to our antiquated system.









Jack said so.

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A few things. There is some form of a NWO at work, 9/11 was an inside job- research it.


As far as the aliens, are your friends talking about Reptilians? There is a whole conspiracy involving them - I'm not educated on it nor do I believe it.


Scientology is a perverted way of doing things.


There are arguments out there that Human DNA was engineered with the aid of extraterrestrial life - I'm don't believe this 100% but I don't write it off as complete and utter crap.


What is going on and has been is that science (groups of scientists) having been becoming more Dogmatic. Certain scientists cling to their views, or the evidence that has gotten them where they are, their PHDs etc up until now or a certain point. Science is supposed to be about embracing new data and fact when it comes into awareness, many deny this just like certain religious folk deny science or certain aspects of it - because it threatens their world view.

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NWO is at work, but tell them to get off the meth...they won't be so paranoid and the little green men won't be in the trees no more.


BTW, I do believe there is alien life in the Universe, but most of what loomer415 said.


Also, if you want to mess with their heads a little more point them to Revelations 16 beginning verse 13, KJV of coarse



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^Does that say his height is 5' 11" and he's 120lbs?


I don't get what the problem is... YOU'RE the crazy one.


I'm living proof your friends are right. Well half of me is. My dad was an alien, but he had to leave to fight some kind of inter-galactic war or something... at least, that's what he told my mom.


If you don't believe me, than how do you explain my 24" penis with spikes all over it. My GF calls it the mangler.

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I rely more on sound scientific research and they rely on goverment conspiracys and science fiction.

They are really difficult to talk to about this subject.

I'm not saying it's impossible, just very very improbable.

The JFK assassination I can understand, the 9/11 conspiracy and this New World Order stuff is pretty nuts, but aliens walking around almost unnoticed is ridiculous compared to the phenomena which are usually easily answered by physics.

My friends laugh at me when I talk about the Theory of Relativity like it's some kind of joke.

What should I do?

I know this will probably be a heated debate so if you want to close it Phil be my guest. I just needed to get this off my chest.


I have trouble keeping friends that are highly guided by faith, rumors, and other things without critically thinking. I find that people like that fail to critically think about many issues.


The more education I gain, the harder I find it is to actually communicate and share ideas with people who think like that. Though I can try to understand their way of thinking, it often seems a one-sided effort.


You may find yourself getting along with a more empirical crowd far better.

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I guess people here are smart after all. :)


They aren't scientologists, they just get caught up in the UFO things and Roswell. They call me naive and that I have to know everything to feel safe or something.


I wish they would spend their time learning real science instead. I think they are much more fascinating topics that you can usually test yourself. I like to think science all fits together as Einstein thought, instead of constantly breaking rules.


Besides, Relativity is an infinitely cooler subject than aliens anyways.




For you science geeks out there, I suggest you check out these series of lectures by Richard A. Muller of Berkeley. Very interesting and true stuff, and he explains it without much math so everyone can understand it.

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WOT: your friends are dopes

sorry man


Well my one friend who believes this stuff is quite a pothead with the argument skills of a lawyer. He could convince ignorant people that the Earth is flat if he wanted to. :lol:


He drums like Dave Grohl though. :evil:

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Reminds me of the 60's TV show "The Invaders".




A chance turn onto a lonely road late at night plunges architect David Vincent into a personal nightmare. Aliens are on Earth, maybe a lot of them, but Vincent cannot convince anyone who can help him. Alone, he must find proof of the aliens' existence and learn their plans. His perseverance might save the human race...

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