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Should we get another HCFX Pedal build going?

Bill Cosby

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yeah i need to get in contact with him soon.

I think he's pretty busy in the run up to christmas....but aren't we all? as long as it isn't forgotten this will be a great project for the new year. Personally I'd rather it was done well and by people who I know will get the job done. (and something more interesting than an overdrive!) I say stick with it and don't let threads like this distract you......if you, amp surgeon, or Eric post regular updates as to how it's going (even if it's just to let us know that it hasn't been forgotten) I'm sure everyone would be behind you.

.....after hearing that demo you posted I've been quite excited about it since to be honest. :)

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Fantastic! Back on track.

I guess what with a forum stocked with people whose mainly vocabulary is 'GAS' and 'Want' (myself inculded!), people are going to get a little impatient.

You've come so far already! I wish I could help more myself, but I'm only just buying my first BYOC. Will have a bash at graphics tonight, I have a few ideas.

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Somebody mentioned how funny it was that we spend so much time, money, and energy crafting our tone just to scramble it, and it gave me an idea for the bit-rate-sampler graphic. It's not really done, and I wish I could come up with a better name and make it look more slick and modern, but here it is. It would go on a off-white pedal, hence the yellowish/whitish background.



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well, in that case, UPDATES SOON.

amp_surgeon will pop his head in here sometime to give a rundown im sure.

Finally a return to creativity/sanity!! I am so much more excited about a sampler than another overdrive...

Hey echo do you have a link to those clips of the prototype? I would love to hear them...Thanks :wave:

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So klone it is?



I believe it was said that it wouldn't be a great idea to slap "official HC" on that particular klone. I kidn of agree. people can do that one themselves for al lI care, but HC is a rather large site and community, and it doesnt need bad publicity.

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^Yes and no.

They did, but, actually didn't decide on a build, and they are, but, aren't actually going to build it.

Hope that clears things up.

That didn't make any sense... Or did it?

They did decide on a build, then actually didn't decide on a build, and they are, but they aren't actually going to build the build? :mad:

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