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Should we get another HCFX Pedal build going?

Bill Cosby

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So has it been decided, cause nobody seems to have any faith in this. If anything me and needletoink will meet and work this {censored} out. Then we'll market to you. End



No, it's mostly been you, Robopimp, and another guy just talking {censored} about it the whole time, and then everyone thinking, "gee, this isn't going to happen". It's 100% do-able under my plan, as long as someone is willing to commit on putting a prototype together, which it seems we already have that, and someone who is willing to figure out how to get the parts, and I don't doubt that can happen. It's all possible, and people are interested.

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No, it's mostly been you, Robopimp, and another guy just talking {censored} about it the whole time, and then everyone thinking, "gee, this isn't going to happen". It's 100% do-able under my plan, as long as someone is willing to commit on putting a prototype together, which it seems we already have that, and someone who is willing to figure out how to get the parts, and I don't doubt that can happen. It's all possible, and people are interested.



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im ordering the parts next for a build next week, along with some parts for another project ( cobalt-60 i havent forgot about you
) ill let you guys know how it goes and how long it actually takes to build, then maybe we can decide if it will be worth the effort

ps. once the unit is working properly i will need someone to make me an enclosure with the kloanz trooper grafics ,any takers?

It fits neatly in a 1790 enclosure. Took me a couple of evenings to build, maybe 4-5 hours total including etching the pcb (which sucked, thin traces).

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MOAR! I demand you tell us moar!



It's not an easy build, relatively, but it is pretty straight forward. There aren't any unusual types of parts or anything. The layout, pcb, schematic and everything are over at the forum that you can't talk about here. Cost for all the parts ran about $75. A note about parts. The red polyester caps are panasonic caps that are used in real Klons. They have been recently discontinued. Small bear still has stock, but will run out eventually. Anything will work, but if you want 100% authentic then you'd better buy those caps sooner rather than later.

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those caps are discontinued? thats weird, I thought they were the norm. they're the oens I use al lthe time, and I have a ton. thought they'd always be available.



I read it in a post by Analog Mike at a different forum that the Panasonic ECQ caps have been discontinued. Small Bear and Digikey may have plenty of stock left, I don't really know.


Here's a notice from Panasonic about it.

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$75 in parts.... oh {censored}...



Well, I should clarify, I estimated/paid $75ish for parts including postage from Small Bear and Mouser. Buying parts for multiple pedals would probably knock of maybe $10 in postage costs per pedal and buying bulk amounts of parts will save on component costs as well. You could maybe knock it down to $50-60. It also depends on the kinds of pots, jacks, a switch you use, etc...

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Yeah, it should knock it down about 10-20% if we do at least 50. Trim pots would save money, but I don't know if a) people would be into it, and b) if that would make it more difficult if we do the DIY route. Maybe we could split it, two inside, two out. Maybe volume/gain outside, and the tone and contour, or whatever the fourth control is, inside. We'll save a little money dropping the dual gang pot for two trim pots too. Oh, and if we fit it in a smaller enclosure, there's another few dollars off the top.


Ah am I that other guy? Atleast its recognition. Plus I thought this was a thread to voice an opinion about what to do for a hcfx pedal, but I guess you have the best ideas and they will never fail.

Just tryin to talk you out of heartbreak, tutz.




...now, where the {censored} does it say that I have the best idea, or that I don't want to hear other peoples opinions? I just said that I disagreed with him on the feasibility of producing it, and challenged his statement that no one wanted it, because several people do. Now, say whatever the {censored} you want about me, or anything, but if somebody says something that I don't think is true, or is misleading, and it concerns me, I'm going to speak up and say my piece, especially when they're rude little {censored}s like you.


Oh, snap!



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...now, where the {censored} does it say that I have the best idea, or that I don't want to hear other peoples opinions? I just said that I disagreed with him on the feasibility of producing it, and challenged his statement that no one wanted it, because several people do. Now, say whatever the {censored} you want about me, or anything, but if somebody says something that I don't think is true, or is misleading, and it concerns me, I'm going to speak up and say my piece, especially when they're rude little {censored}s like you.

Oh, snap!

haha. You so funny.

I don't know, maybe it was from the part where you said (paraphrasing of course) 'my plan is going to work, it is 100% bulletproof', or the part where you said 'we are talking {censored} on the project, trying to make people think its a bad idea', but it sure sounds like you are dead set on this klone pedal being the true hcfx pedal when atleast half the people who voiced opinions in this thread don't want it. Their opinion doesn't matter either, I guess.

But who cares? You are concerned about two people that don't want it? Don't let us stop you, I'm sure you can make up two more sales. Two people are just a nuisance. Three.. well then I'd worry, because that's borderline rebellion.

Not to sure where I was ever rude, atleast not as rude as you. The name calling sure fits you though, tutz.

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Hey, I got a funny idea for a HCFX pedal. I don't know what it do, but it'd have to be intense, and it would be called "Teh Ban Hammer".



haha. You so funny.

I don't know, maybe it was from the part where you said (paraphrasing of course) 'my plan is going to work, it is 100% bulletproof', or the part where you said 'we are talking {censored} on the project, trying to make people think its a bad idea', but it sure sounds like you are dead set on this klone pedal being the true hcfx pedal when atleast half the people who voiced opinions in this thread don't want it. Their opinion doesn't matter either, I guess.

But who cares? You are concerned about two people that don't want it? Don't let us stop you, I'm sure you can make up two more sales. Two people are just a nuisance. Three.. well then I'd worry, because that's borderline rebellion.

Not to sure where I was ever rude, atleast not as rude as you. The name calling sure fits you though, tutz.



Well, you said I was intolerant of other peoples ideas and was full of myself, then followed it with patronizing name calling. Not only are the first two baseless, insulting claims, there is no need for name calling. I never went there. I wasn't even talking to you. There was no reason for any of that. Yes, making stupid, insulting claims towards somebodies character, putting words in their mouth, and calling them names is rude, especially when they aren't even speaking to you.


Now you follow with even more points that are even further from my original statement. I was solely commenting on Nateral's statement of no one wanting the pedal, and it not being possible, which I didn't think was true. Some people are interested, not everyone, but they are out there. Even you admitted to at least half, which is more than he said. And yes, him, Robopimp, and some other guy whose name I can't remember (no, not you) were continually {censored}ting on the idea, being a bit of a buzz kill. I was just stating that's what he was doing - being a buzz kill, and people responded thinking it wasn't going to happen. He can do it all he wants, because I never said he shouldn't, I was just making a statement of my view on the situation.


As for getting it out to people, you tell me what part of this can't happen - make a prototype, order the parts, throw 'em in a bag. I don't see what can't work in that statement. It apparently works for BYOC, who is just another guy on this forum. Will people want it? I don't know. Will it sound good? Not really sure. Could we physically do it? If people would pay for it, could we get into their hands? Yes, I'm pretty confident that myself and two other guys can order some parts in the mail, and throw them in a {censored}ing bag. 100%. I am so full of myself.


Those are the only two points I was making. The rest is just bull{censored} you are assuming. I'd enjoy contributing to any pedal we made. I even made suggestions to other things we can do, so this statement that I think the Klone is the only thing we should make is just more bull{censored}.

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I'm not going to lie, I read what you typed, but I forget most of it now. I see now I'm not the other person you were talking about. I'm glad as I don't remember {censored}ting on it, but who knows.

I have nothing else to say about how I don't think it is going to go as smothly as you think because I don't have any time to offer to help anyway. I took orders for pedals for people a year or so ago and it gets to be a real pain in the ass fast, so be ready.

Also, are just the enclosures going to be avaliable? I have no use for the kit as I probably have all the parts already, but the enclosure, I admit, are still funny.

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I'm not going to lie, I read what you typed, but I forget most of it now. I see now I'm not the other person you were talking about. I'm glad as I don't remember {censored}ting on it, but who knows.

I have nothing else to say about how I don't think it is going to go as smothly as you think because I don't have any time to offer to help anyway. I took orders for pedals for people a year or so ago and it gets to be a real pain in the ass fast, so be ready.

Also, are just the enclosures going to be avaliable? I have no use for the kit as I probably have all the parts already, but the enclosure, I admit, are still funny.



Yeah, it won't be easy, I'm not even sure if I want to do it, but I think I can do it. I've done similar projects before where I've had to organize large numbers of parts in a limited time frame, I'm just pretty burnt out right now, so I don't know if I'm up for it. That, and if it's okay with everyone else. It's all up to them really.


My proposal is to build a complete prototype, show exactly what it will look like, built and unbuilt, see how much it will cost, upload a youtube video, and see how people respond. I think that will be the moment of truth right there, peoples responses after they've seen the finished product. If it's positive, we'll get a list of people that are 100% in, if the list is long enough, I say at least 20+, we ask for the money upfront. The goal is to get it under $75 before shipping, including money for the assemblers for each bag of parts they put together and the silk screener. I'd prefer it to be $65, I think that's an attractive price, but this is all down the road.


If we do it, and I'm involved, sure, I'll have no problem whipping up an extra enclosure for somebody. That's the one thing I'm most interested in anyhow, seeing as I want to design guitar equipment. This is kind of a demo for me, so it's important for me to get a bunch out there. I plan on doing a much more elaborate design, inspired by the original too.

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If that's the build, I'm in.
Kayzer will be too because he said he'd buy anything. :)

Seriously, mth5044, stop bitching.

Finally someone's actually doing something to make this work and all you can do is break it down. If you don't like it then don't buy it. The polls already suggested that most people want the klone. Most of the people that are negative about stuff have louder opinions, so don't start talking about what appears to be the consensus in this thread.

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hey guys, good luck with this.

Is the other project dead?

I thought that was going along ok? it had good support from some of the builders? :confused:

a few words of caution to ponder maybe: (imo) ;)

The melxowtone 'worked' because there were only two people involved and the money was sent to a trusted builder and known forum member (see traveling box thread!!)
The melxowtone sold because everyone could afford one (it was worth having for fun even if you didn't intend to use it much)
People were happy because it was a quick build. (I think everyone had them within a month or so of paying)

anyway good luck who ever it is who's leading the way with this (hopefully not Garrett, I wouldn't send money to him whatever!!) I wish you success.

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