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Malekko Spring Chicken Reverb - Anyone disappointmented?

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uh...its a fucking reverb pedal.


if youre disappointed you mustve been expecting it do actually do something.


nothing like buying a boutique pedal that offers a 1 feature that is standard on almost every amp. not only that but its a feature that you only hear when youre not actually playing. to each his own, i suppose...:)

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I was disappointed. I liked the sound A LOT. I actually think it's the best reverb I've played. Why didn't I like it? Well, it had a huge amount of hiss pass 11 o clock. Although, for just adding a bit a reverb it's perfectly fine,but for cranking the cluck it's too noticeable. Plus my favorite setting was at 3 o clock! So it was tough for me to decide. It was noise vs sound quality. For some they are one in the same.


As far as it replacing anything of these reverbs like verbzilla, rv-3, etc... If your using reverb for adding little lush then go with the SC. If your looking for the huge wall sustaining reverb than stick with the verbzilla or units similar. I could see someone having both on a board. They are different.

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well what sets it apart from amp reverb is that it can be controlled with expression pedal. honestly, if it didnt have this feature i would not want it. this feature makes it way more versatile and useful than any other reverb.

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nothing like buying a boutique pedal that offers a 1 feature that is standard on almost every amp. not only that but its a feature that you only hear when youre not actually playing. to each his own, i suppose...


Not true. Just cause something is standard on every amp means it's something of quality. You can hear the decay when you're not playing yes but you can very much hear the character of a reverb while playing.


To the OP, I'm not disappointed at all. I love reverb and really enjoy this pedal

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To the OP, I'm not disappointed at all. I love reverb and really enjoy this pedal




End of the day it's purely subjective but IMO Josh has done a great job with it, end of story.

I mostly use an old Champ and a DRRI. Initially I got reverb pedals for the champ, but now I've started using it on my DRRI on the "normal" channel too.:thu:

The majority who have used/own it will give the Spring Chicken nothing but praise.

In the end of the day it's fun and sounds great, that's ALL THAT MATTERS!!!

Like you said, you only use the spring setting on the Verbzilla so I would 100% say that the Spring Chicken will please.


EDIT: I have NO noise problem whatsoever.

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I got mine from Musickbox, and though I haven't had a chance to 'listen' for noise problems, there has been nothing I've noticed. Sounds fantastic - as good or better than the 'verb on my Vibroverb.


For me, this pedal is getting a TON of use b/c my main amps are a Traynor & a HIWATT neither of which has 'verb. I've also used it in front of a Silvertone 1481 and an old Roland Spirit 10A and its just wonderful w/ both. The SC has quickly become a very necessary part of my signal chain & I don't expect that to change anytime soon. :thu:


edit - Musickbox, are you loving that Rat as much as I did? :(

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uh...its a fucking reverb pedal.

if youre disappointed you mustve been expecting it do actually do something.

nothing like buying a boutique pedal that offers a 1 feature that is standard on almost every amp. not only that but its a feature that you only hear when youre not actually playing. to each his own, i suppose...


Your lack of experience with a truly great spring reverb sound is the only possible reason for this response.

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My amps spring reverb is fine. I don't see how a reverb pedal could make
much of a difference.



It's not about replacing amps verb, not all amps have verb or maybe you want two different levels of verb

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I have a vintage '65 Fender 6G15 tank, and built-in hammond long spring reverb in my '63 Gibson Falcon as well as my '65 Ampeg Reverberocket - all three of these reverbs are world {censored}ing class spring reverbs. The Malekko hangs with or bests each of them at a variety of settings.


Some guys use reverb for thickening or just a touch of ambience. If thats your thing then the SC is just fine. Probably no more impressive than your amp. But if you use it as more of a dramatic effect at higher settings the SC is truly a great pedal - it retains attack and articulation without overcompressing and crashing in on itself. Try that with a tube-driven spring unit.


I personally find it really inspiring to use - I've come up with a bunch of new riffs because of the SC and in that sense its already proved its worth to me.

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I have one on my board and really like it. It meshes really well with dirt for long sustained drone sounds since its not a super bassy reverb. It sounds better than any of the other spring pedals and overall is just a cool unit.

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I got mine to use with my Tiny Terror/Avatar Cube rig. It is exactly what I was looking for... a simple no frills reverb that I could leave on all the time, and I do. But (this isn't a complaint, just informing the interested)... it gets really reverby, really quick. I just like a light touch of reverb, and I can get it, but I have the entire sweep left. I barely have to move the knob up. But I can get MY setting so I can't argue with it.

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I have a vintage '65 Fender 6G15 tank, and built-in hammond long spring reverb in my '63 Gibson Falcon as well as my '65 Ampeg Reverberocket - all three of these reverbs are world {censored}ing class spring reverbs. The Malekko hangs with or bests each of them at a variety of settings.

Some guys use reverb for thickening or just a touch of ambience. If thats your thing then the SC is just fine. Probably no more impressive than your amp. But if you use it as more of a dramatic effect at higher settings the SC is truly a great pedal - it retains attack and articulation without overcompressing and crashing in on itself. Try that with a tube-driven spring unit.

I personally find it really inspiring to use - I've come up with a bunch of new riffs because of the SC and in that sense its already proved its worth to me



Me too

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