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about to get banned at TGP (Dumble Content)


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well first off, youre a liar. you do speculate as to what i post about, or you wouldnt assume i was posting to make myself look {censored}ing awesome, bro.

second, i figured this would turn into a discussion about dumble, his amplifiers, and the way he is portrayed.

instead, i got a bunch of vultures waiting in the wings for the next kill in order for them to feel good about putting another wrong person in their place.




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pfft im not trolling.

im really putt off by that thread. they act like hes a god! wtf!



He's just a fat angry nerd IMO. His amps are great, his playing isn't that bad but WTF? Check out his vids out on Youtube. They're old but I'm sure the dude hasn't aged like a fine Zin, probably more like a bad batch of ripple.

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So lets all do what we here at HCFX love to do and make fun of TGP and talk about gear.

K? thx.



ad my true intentions shine through the dark storm clouds! hallelujah!


just pretend someone else created this thread people. you are all missing the point entirely.

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Echodeluxe, I don't really follow your posts all that much, but it appears to me that you get a lot of flak because it seems you go out of your way to act like a douchebag.




Did I just quote that?! Sorry, that's as far as I could read...



Really though, who gives a {censored}. WTF is a "lettuce grid" anyways...I want to eat one!

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How did this brilliance go completely ignored?



it's like the video of the people throwing the ball and when you focus on how many throws there are you miss seeing that a guy in a gorilla suit who walks into the middle of the screen and dances before walking out of the shot again.



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Then you should work on capitalizing the beginning of




this is an internet forum.


although, a grasp of elementary grammar is appreciated.


when you are gonna burn me, burn me with some intelligence.


or at least pretend to.

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