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about to get banned at TGP (Dumble Content)


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He is truly an accomplished man, the President Taft of the amp world.

I'm glad that over the years he's always recused himself from comment on disgusting threads like these, proving again that he is genuinely the bigger man.

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They're more informative and helpful than this place.
It's this place without the bull{censored} and side chatter. I'm not saying I don't love you guys, but there's a time for business and there's a time for fun, the internet is no different.


HC is a great place for info as long as you ask the right people the right way. At TPG, you can ask a totally serious question & get e-raped by snobs, your thread gets deleted, & you get banned.

It happened to me & all I can say is {censored} TGP.

It's a {censored}ing circle-jerk where assholes like Z_chm_n can show off their fantastic new gear & tell everyone how much better their {censored} is than everyone elses.

It blew my mind that even Pete Thorn could go from 0 - mega ass in 2.4 secs flat. I was a big fan of his before I started posting on TGP & now I don't have any admiration for him at all. That's Rock & Roll, I guess. :rolleyes:


I don't get the appeal of that site at all.

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HC is a great place for info as long as you ask the right people the right way. At TPG, you can ask a totally serious question & get e-raped by snobs, your thread gets deleted, & you get banned.

It happened to me & all I can say is {censored} TGP.

It's a {censored}ing circle-jerk where assholes like Z_chm_n can show off their fantastic new gear & tell everyone how much better their {censored} is than everyone elses.

It blew my mind that even Pete Thorn could go from 0 - mega ass in 2.4 secs flat. I was a big fan of his before I started posting on TGP & now I don't have any admiration for him at all. That's Rock & Roll, I guess.


I don't get the appeal of that site at all.

I've never gotten that impression about TGP. In fact, just the opposite. Whenever I need help with something technical related I go there because it always gets answered in a timely manner. In fact, one time I thought my amp was going kabootz and posted a thread about it over at TGP. I got help but I also got an offer from a local member over there to bring my amp over to his shop (he's a pretty well known local amp builder) for him to take a look at it, completely free of charge. I didn't pay a single penny even though I insisted several times. Not only that but he invited me back to play with his vintage 50's and 60's Fender and Marshalls (I'm talking walls and walls of amps) any time I wanted. Can't remember the last time that happened over here and I spend the majority of my time here. Also, their spam is more delicious.

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Say what you will about TGP, but I've found I sell {censored} over there a lot faster than here. All I get here is people asking me if I want to trade for some random pedal, when my spam thread clearly states not interested in trades. I've sold anything from a 80 dollar Devi Ever pedal to a 300 ZVex, usually in the first couple of days after I list it. It's true that the place is rife with corksnifferey, but the emporium alone is reason enough not go get yourself banned.

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he is humongous.





No offense man, but the reason why you draw so many flies to your words is because you bring them on--overly pretentious when they don't need to be, defending people in a non-existent battle, like you know Dumble or something and that sand castle you built in grade three means a helluva lot, so you feel the need to defend him. I mean, seriously. I don't love or hate Dumble, but your ass kissing of all these builders is seriously funny and I get a good laugh when you do it. It's the internet for chrissakes, don't take it so seriously.

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Instrospection it really bothers me when you take my words and try to use them to say things I didn't mean, I can't believe you would turn my praise for Dumble into some kind of insult, why would you do that to me?

You have to remember that I am sensitive, things that would bounce right off of Dumble can hurt me :(

You're just jealous because your understanding of amps is not nearly so wide as his. I don't know why you would try to put down such a well-rounded individual.

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