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WIIO Into Production


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you're in marketing right? you should know how this works.

don't worry, you can still claim your v1 sounds better or has more mojo when you flip it.


I know how it works... but that doesn't stop me from thinking this whole thing is bull{censored}.


If anything, I think Cbread comes out of this looking worse for wear.


And (Edited by Phil to remove personal attack. Please stay civil. :cop: ). :wave:

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but what about all the people who only bought it to feel exclusive? this cheapens the whole experience to them. this makes them feel like they were taken advantage of and lied to. right?


maybe to make eveyone happy make the new ones brown- to indicate the commoners are pieces of {censored} and not worthy of the exclusive initial 100 batch.


is that good enough Crash?:poke:



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do not want. but the people who do want it should be able to get one -if the manufacturer is willing- without paying silly money.


Crxsh it seems selfish to want to keep it limited since you already has one? unless you're just pissed about resale, idk...


whatevs babycakes.


edit: :lol: picklebottom

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no offence Nik, but given your reputation for flipping everything for max profit, you are bound to say that aren't you?


..... your pedal would go from being worth several times worth what you paid to being worth 2/3rds of what you paid.


If you've bought it to use and and make music with then it doesn't really matter does it? Nothing will change however many there are.

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The 100 WIIO we delivered were tuned aggressively inspired by the sound and imagined experience of Townshend's rig on the Leeds recordings. Like my fullstack CRANKED! Should we bring the WIIO into full production it will be tuned more like this amp from clean to about 2 O'clock, a gain range I feel is more universal and forgiving.



so it won't be 100% the same, meaning the limited run will still be a limited run.

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I do not agree with the people that think it should stay limited. Maybe you don't feel as special now that other people can get them? Don't be lame... you'd be just as pissed if Empress started updating everyone's super delay to the vintage specs.


It is a killer pedal, and I am all for a production model.

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I called TF up the minute someone posted that there was 1 or 2 still left. Unfortunately, I was too late. Call me selfish, but I signed the petition in favor of them going into production without thinking twice about the people that got in on the "limited run."


And yes, I think its a kick in the dick to Catalinbread to see people flipping them for $1k. Some* say it just "wasnt their pedal." Thats fine, so sell it for what you got to someone that was unfortunate to not get one. I feel a lot of people had strong intentions of flipping it.


*Note, this is not aimed at anyone in particular.


That's a petition to post your thoughts on making the WIIO standard fare or not.

AFAIK, right now, the WIIO hasn't been announced as a regular addition to the CBread line.

Do you think I didnt read that when I posted the link?



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