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The Return Of the Freekish....


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Someone explain the Seinfeld thing to me, as I've never seen Seinfeld.

George is looking for a gift to buy Elaine. So he finds this very expensive and luxurious cashmere sweater in a department store that has been deeply discounted because there is a red dot stain on it. It's a very small red dot and George decides that Elaine wouldn't notice the dot and would think he had been very generous by giving such an expensive cashmere sweater as a gift. The picture is Elaine discovering the red dot and realizing that the gift wasn't because George was so generous and thoughtful, but because it was cheap and allowed him to appear to be generous and giving.

Watch Seinfeld so this doesn't happen again. :mad::wave:

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George is looking for a gift to buy Elaine. So he finds this very expensive and luxurious cashmere sweater in a department store that has been deeply discounted because there is a red dot stain on it. It's a very small red dot and George decides that Elaine wouldn't notice the dot and would think he had been very generous by giving such an expensive cashmere sweater as a gift. The picture is Elaine discovering the red dot and realizing that the gift wasn't because George was so generous and thoughtful, but because it was cheap and allowed him to appear to be generous and giving.

Watch Seinfeld so this doesn't happen again.


haha that is amazingly topical.

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I just have to say that TGP is lame in the extreme for this. That place has never really bothered me that much (as much as it seems to bother a lot of people around here) but that sort of {censored}-ass arbitrary censorship is for the birds. If you're going to ban a topic, ban it completely. Don't let a thread go on for months and then nuke the entire thread. That's disrespectful to the users who are just trying to discuss gear.

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