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Maybe a Fender Twin with a set of wheels then, wheels make everything better

You're speaking my language. There are two fender twins on sale on my CL right now... one for $700 and one for $600.

Says online they're about 64lbs. Not super light... but still way better than the halfstack.

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do not get a {censored}ing twin. 2x12 combos are far more pain in the ass than a stack, as you can't split the weight up to make it more manageable.


because you play like higher gain {censored} with your pedals. I would want something with a closed back. Which somewhat limits your combos, but heads! Get a small head with a 2x12 cab that you can set vertically. maybe a 1x12.


The thing with having a seperate head, is that its far more portable. that way when your done a gig, just grab your head first, no one is going to steal a {censored}ty old guitar cab.


a really great rig I've run in the past was a peavey classic 30 head on top my cab stood up vertically. great rig.


I'd have to do more reasearch on heads. But something with better headroom would be what I want. you don't really need lots of wattage considering your P.A is solid.


I hear that tweaker thing is good?


we got a budget?

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do not get a {censored}ing twin. 2x12 combos are far more pain in the ass than a stack, as you can't split the weight up to make it more manageable.

because you play like higher gain {censored} with your pedals. I would want something with a closed back. Which somewhat limits your combos, but heads! Get a small head with a 2x12 cab that you can set vertically. maybe a 1x12.

The thing with having a seperate head, is that its far more portable. that way when your done a gig, just grab your head first, no one is going to steal a {censored}ty old guitar cab.

a really great rig I've run in the past was a peavey classic 30 head on top my cab stood up vertically. great rig.

I'd have to do more reasearch on heads. But something with better headroom would be what I want. you don't really need lots of wattage considering your P.A is solid.

I hear that tweaker thing is good?

we got a budget?




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do not get a {censored}ing twin. 2x12 combos are far more pain in the ass than a stack, as you can't split the weight up to make it more manageable.

because you play like higher gain {censored} with your pedals. I would want something with a closed back. Which somewhat limits your combos, but heads! Get a small head with a 2x12 cab that you can set vertically. maybe a 1x12.

The thing with having a seperate head, is that its far more portable. that way when your done a gig, just grab your head first, no one is going to steal a {censored}ty old guitar cab.

a really great rig I've run in the past was a peavey classic 30 head on top my cab stood up vertically. great rig.

I'd have to do more reasearch on heads. But something with better headroom would be what I want. you don't really need lots of wattage considering your P.A is solid.

I hear that tweaker thing is good?

we got a budget?



What are you? An asshole?


I came in to say almosy exactly this. Jeez.


Yeah, 212 cabs are where it's at. Also CLOSED {censored}ING BACK.


I would recomment the Marshall JCM 900 1936 Cabinet. Has Celestion 75's which seem to love everything, incredibly versatile. Quite light, tough as nails, phenomenal sounding, ridiculously loud, great clean or dirty, and can be had used for 3 to 4 hundred. I have one and am in love. Oh, and the baffle points up a bit which helps you hear onstage. Stand about 8 feet away at it's pointed at your head (maybe further if you're taller) unlike Mesa and Orange style 212s. Oh, and it has casters (or at least the sockets for them).


I use this with a full sized head and moving it is pretty easy. I drive a Civic and can fit my whole rig, including guitars with ease, none of that insane 412 in the back seat business.

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