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Three Types Of Fuzz

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For the something different take a look at the Noisemaker Donner Party, one knob and a crap tone of fuzz on tap.

Also the Sludgemaker by Noisemaker as well is a damn cool pedal with one knob and 2 cascading footswitchable gain stages.

Other than 400 varieties of Fuzz Face i cant think of many more with only 2 or less knobs.

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1) Devi something

2) Devi something

3) Devi something




What else only has two knobs?


Edit: I guess I should have read the rest of the thread, I forgot about DBA. I don't think I would like a "Muff" with only two knobs though, that just doesn't seem right.

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The knob restriction is too bad, you'd be missing out on a ton of awsomeness.

-Red witch Fuzz God II, Vexter Fuzz Factory, Mellowtone Wolf Computer, in that order. Though I'm sure in this catagory there should be at least one devi pedal that would do the trick with less knobs.

-Black Arts Toneworks LSTR. SuperCollider, Musket, modded EHX BMP, Swollen Pickle the list of great options here is probably endless.

-SuperFuzz, or some other octave fuzz.

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