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Best version of the POG


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i still can't believe they stop producing the original, really stupid in my opinion, its kind of got the mystic quality of say, a big muff or DMM, i thought they would produce it for a long time.


now i'm scouring trying to get more than just 2 of them.

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I had the original on my board for 4 years, just recently bought an original. The big difference to me, soundwise, is that the original has an input gain slider which allows you to get gnarly, filthy octaves, even with a clean amp. That coupled w the 18v supply and you just get a big and nasty sound. I agree that it has some of that old school EHX magic.


I am now using the 2, and it has an incredible array of sounds in it-- the presets, q controls and attack slider are {censored}ing sweet and at this point i wouldn't want to lose them, but the POG2 is definitely cleaner, less noisy, and is just generally more professional sounding in a way that makes me miss the original. My AC30 breaks up live and the POG2 sounds killer that way, but it's not nearly as cool through a super clean Twin.


If they added an input gain slider to the POG2, they'd never have to revise it again, IMO.

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{censored} me. an on topic thread!


i haven't tried the original, but i definitely wouldn't want to lose the attack/decay/modulation on the Pog2. let alone the presets.


the micro pog sounded better for octave down riffing if that was all you wanted from it.

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Had them all; MP, then HOG, then Pog 2, then MP again and now the OG pog.


The original tracks the best and it's polyphony capabilities are the best. Just an overall great sound; it's a little noisy, more than any of the others, thats its only downfall.


The pog 2 was great for the features; presets, attack and the -2 octave; really miss that!

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