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This forum as a whole is a waste of time now.


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Originally posted by riffy


Flame away. I truly don't care. The forum sucks and it is truly a waste of time... Time I just don't have anymore. And this isn't another I am leaving post. Don't view it that way please.

Buying things (and this is directed at no one in particular mind you) has replaced playing skill using what you buy. That is sad.

I thought the whole point of buying things was to use them to make music, not to be a showoff of what you have. Either I was wrong or things have just radically changed for the worse.

Guys, I hope you all have a great new year!

I agree but deal with it, If I spent as much time practicing as I did on the PC i would be the soloist I dream of being, Im better than good and jam with most but should be great if spent all this time practicing.

As far as buying stuff and showing it off I feel that the effects forum is the most guilty out of the entire forum and probably the least....well ill leave it at that since ill have everyone hate me if i continue on :D

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Originally posted by AtarisPunk29

It's because hte mods where moderating the wrong things. Girly threads and avatars aren't what's wrong with the amp forum, trolls are.

Btw riffy, I completely agree. I rarely make threads about gear I am interested in anymore becuase no one around here wants to talk about anything but Ibanez, 5150s, Caparisons, ENGL, Framus, etc. Great amps, but what was once a metal oriented forum has become a metal only forum. At least the old shredders and metal heads used to appreciate good tone or playing coming from ANYWHERE. The place has become elitist as {censored}.



Ignoring them doesn't work, it's like Lord of the Flies around here, as the demons rule the roost.

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Hey Gary...as much as Ive tried to stay positive about the state of this place, gotta admit you are right.

Im sick of going out of my way to help people, even those I dont care for, and getting {censored} on in return...seems you have to align yourselves with one of the 2 "big-mouth" camps here and if youre somewhere in the middle, you get zero respect from either side. I feel let down lately even from people I thought were pretty cool and I constantly stick my neck out to defend.

Im sick of being contradicted about equipment Ive owned for years by some kid whos "brothers cellmates uncles lover" heard one and said , this....and then have someone completely ignore your well thought out reply and respond to the other dork, "Hey man, really? Your uncles cellmate said that, Wow!" Why post a wquestion thread if youre gonna pick and choose who you wanna listen to?

Then you get idiots roasting certain forumites for being assholes, then defending others who are clearly worse and more annoying, contribute nothing, etc... I could go on, but Ive got a party to go to. Peace.


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Originally posted by Zachman

Agreed! For the most part, the majority of the topics anymore are about as inticing as sitting in a room full of hyped up pre-schoolers, or as interesting as walking into GC and hearing the useless wankerings of teenagers as they shop for their first tube amp or Squire.




And they have their place here too.


You never know when you can be an inspiration or guiding light for that "useless wankering teenager".


Eyah...sometimes it's youj ust want to strangle them....but even saving ONE would be worth it. Right?

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Originally posted by RonniePentatonic

Im sick of going out of my way to help people, even those I dont care for, and getting {censored} on in return...seems you have to align yourselves with one of the 2 "big-mouth" camps here and if youre somewhere in the middle, you get zero respect from either side. I feel let down lately even from people I thought were pretty cool and I constantly stick my neck out to defend.

Im sick of being contradicted about equipment Ive owned for years by some kid whos "brothers cellmates uncles lover" heard one and said , this....and then have someone completely ignore your well thought out reply and respond to the other dork, "Hey man, really? Your uncles cellmate said that, Wow!" Why post a wquestion thread if youre gonna pick and choose who you wanna listen to?

Then you get idiots roasting certain forumites for being assholes, then defending others who are clearly worse and more annoying, contribute nothing, etc... I could go on, but Ive got a party to go to. Peace.



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Originally posted by riffy


Flame away. I truly don't care. The forum sucks and it is truly a waste of time... Time I just don't have anymore. And this isn't another I am leaving post. Don't view it that way please.

Buying things (and this is directed at no one in particular mind you) has replaced playing skill using what you buy. That is sad.

I thought the whole point of buying things was to use them to make music, not to be a showoff of what you have. Either I was wrong or things have just radically changed for the worse.

Guys, I hope you all have a great new year!

:D Yup. A lot of people judge you by the gear you have. Also, there's a lot of clowns that exist on here to brag their accumulation of gear like a status symbol. :rolleyes::D

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Originally posted by 17 Tubes

And they have their place here too.

You never know when you can be an inspiration or guiding light for that "useless wankering teenager".

Eyah...sometimes it's youj ust want to strangle them....but even saving ONE would be worth it. Right?



Agreed, which is why I am not gone, just a lot less involved...

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Originally posted by RonniePentatonic

Hey Gary...as much as Ive tried to stay positive about the state of this place, gotta admit you are right.

Im sick of going out of my way to help people, even those I dont care for, and getting {censored} on in return...seems you have to align yourselves with one of the 2 "big-mouth" camps here and if youre somewhere in the middle, you get zero respect from either side. I feel let down lately even from people I thought were pretty cool and I constantly stick my neck out to defend.

Im sick of being contradicted about equipment Ive owned for years by some kid whos "brothers cellmates uncles lover" heard one and said , this....and then have someone completely ignore your well thought out reply and respond to the other dork, "Hey man, really? Your uncles cellmate said that, Wow!" Why post a wquestion thread if youre gonna pick and choose who you wanna listen to?

Then you get idiots roasting certain forumites for being assholes, then defending others who are clearly worse and more annoying, contribute nothing, etc... I could go on, but Ive got a party to go to. Peace.


You just have to realize that your ARE reaching SOMEone. That should make it worthwhile.

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Originally posted by 17 Tubes

You just have to realize that your ARE reaching SOMEone. That should make it worthwhile.



Thanks man. Thats what I used to like most about this place, knowing I helped someone. The help Ive recieved here has always been much appreciated and I make sure the guys who have helped me know I appreciate thier time.

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Originally posted by BAZGUITARMAN

Maybe it`s all just a short trend. I tried hanging out on rig-talk, but it`s the same thing. After all, it`s the same damn people. Except many of the trouble makers went over there because they are pretty much given free hand to say and do what they want.

6 of one and a 1/2 dozen of the other.




Thats crap. The same people may be over there but they act completely differently. Over there people can have a bit of fun but we also know the difference between an entertaining off topic post and constant worthless kiddie garbage threads.


Sounds like you haven't actually tried hanging out there.

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Originally posted by leadfootdriver

Yup. A lot of people judge you by the gear you have. Also, there's a lot of clowns that exist on here to brag their accumulation of gear like a status symbol.

:wave: :wave: :wave:

Originally posted by Zachman

useless wankerings of teenagers as they shop for their first tube amp or Squire.

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Originally posted by pink freud

didn't you guys WANT a forum that didn't have a dedicated mod?

well, yer eating yer cake now.



It worked for many years and would continue to except for the most recent flood of bull{censored} that's really come about in the last 6months. The problem is that moderators who weren't regular amp forum forumites were moderating this place like it was some other environment. Being unfamiliar with the culture here they were moderating this place in the completely wrong way-- fixing problems that didn't exist and leaving the {censored} behind.

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Originally posted by EddieVanHasbeen

Everyone here bitched when the mods first came here and tried to clean the place up. The general consensus was that everyone wanted them to leave this forum alone and it would be self moderated. Now you are bitching that the mods are not doing enough? They are doing exactly what everyone was crying for them do, let the forum police itself. They just can't win with you guys.



No, what happened is the mods got in the way of the self-moderating that this particular forum was known for. Once they stepped in with the half cocked moderation methodology, those who were willing to speak their mind and give a beatdown when needed gave up. Either moderate, or don't.

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Originally posted by Bob Savage

No, what happened is the mods got in the way of the self-moderating that this particular forum was known for. Once they stepped in with the half cocked moderation methodology, those who were willing to speak their mind and give a beatdown when needed gave up. Either moderate, or don't.



I miss you Bob.

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Originally posted by riffy


Flame away. I truly don't care. The forum sucks and it is truly a waste of time... Time I just don't have anymore. And this isn't another I am leaving post. Don't view it that way please.

Buying things (and this is directed at no one in particular mind you) has replaced playing skill using what you buy. That is sad.

I thought the whole point of buying things was to use them to make music, not to be a showoff of what you have. Either I was wrong or things have just radically changed for the worse.

Guys, I hope you all have a great new year!

I tend to agree,I just chimed in here to see what's up and it seems like the status quo,nothing new,I guess my age and my family keep me from posting on here frequently.I'm even taking up my old instrument that requires no upgrading or frequent selling for that matter.......good logical post btw

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Originally posted by Bob Savage

No, what happened is the mods got in the way of the self-moderating that this particular forum was known for. Once they stepped in with the half cocked moderation methodology, those who were willing to speak their mind and give a beatdown when needed gave up. Either moderate, or don't.

The ampunt of beatdowns needed I do not thing 30 of us have the time :freak:

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Originally posted by Big Hair


we need a spring clean starting soon if this place is gonna survive any longer

And here's how you do it:

Everyone who thinks it sucks leaves and doesn't look back. There are other places to go, and seriously, who thinks they're ever going to listen here? :idea:

No more threats. No more complaints. Just do it. We're all wasting our time.

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Originally posted by Bob Savage

No, what happened is the mods got in the way of the self-moderating that this particular forum was known for. Once they stepped in with the half cocked moderation methodology, those who were willing to speak their mind and give a beatdown when needed gave up. Either moderate, or don't.



How did the mods prevent any self-moderation ?


I believe you are a member who has applied the beatdown moderation methodology more than most, have you been threatened by a mod ?


Did we scare trolls away when we were self-moderating the forum more than they are now ?


I'm not trying to tick you off here I just don't see where the problem is.



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Originally posted by etienne

How did the mods prevent any self-moderation ?

I believe you are a member who has applied the beatdown moderation methodology more than most, have you been threatened by a mod ?

Did we scare trolls away when we were self-moderating the forum more than they are now ?

I'm not trying to tick you off here I just don't see where the problem is.


It just screws up the process. Their drive by moderation is unfair and inconsistent, yet now, the board has to rely on it.

When they started randomly BANNING people as their method of giving a "warning," it was pretty obvious that they did not know how to manage this place.

And of course, some people are "warned" for the dumbest things that have been done a million times before and after, and some people who are actually a real problem are free to continue on uninhibited just because they aren't clearly violating some rule. :freak:

It encourages this, "Well if they're not going to ban me because I can circumvent the rules, then I don't have to listen to what anyone says," mentality.

So then it's just out with the good, in with the bad.

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I have found the forum boring lately and I cannot really put my finger on the reason why. The threads seem either troll threads, or aimed at the young "metal" guys.

The anonymity of the internet is tailor made for those who love one liners and cheap shots.

It is also a playground for cowardly and disrespectful behavior like the guy the otherday who pleaded for someone to kill George Bush. Adiohead, you listening?


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