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This forum as a whole is a waste of time now.


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Flame away. I truly don't care. The forum sucks and it is truly a waste of time... Time I just don't have anymore. And this isn't another I am leaving post. Don't view it that way please.


Buying things (and this is directed at no one in particular mind you) has replaced playing skill using what you buy. That is sad.

I thought the whole point of buying things was to use them to make music, not to be a showoff of what you have. Either I was wrong or things have just radically changed for the worse.


Guys, I hope you all have a great new year!

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Originally posted by danyeo

The overall IQ of this board took a {censored} a long time ago. People like doucheaholic and gay DR.X have driven off some long time forumites.

Thanks a lot mods.


we need a spring clean starting soon if this place is gonna survive any longer

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I agree. Between that and the 5,000 pointless and parody threads on the first page alone...I picked a bad time to come back around.

But then again, the whole buying gear thing has always seemed to be of more importance than playing for a long time. This place has seen its better days.

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Originally posted by danyeo

The overall IQ of this board took a {censored} a long time ago. People like doucheaholic and gay DR.X have driven off some long time forumites.

Thanks a lot mods.

Does this forum have an actual moderator anymore? Not being smart...I actually don't know...when did that happen?

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riffy, I know what you mean bro. Even broke ass me has fallen prey to the gas syndrome that runs rampant around here. Honestly though, there are still a lot of good guys on this board. I find that I only talk to certain people. We all know who is a waste of time and I generally don`t even click on their threads. Sure it cuts down on my post count, but who cares.

Just gotta pick and choose bro. I wish I could post more clips, but I get frustrated with what recording equipment I have. I posted a short clip the other day and when I went back and listened to it i was ashamed at how it sounded. Total crap.

Maybe it`s all just a short trend. I tried hanging out on rig-talk, but it`s the same thing. After all, it`s the same damn people. Except many of the trouble makers went over there because they are pretty much given free hand to say and do what they want.

6 of one and a 1/2 dozen of the other.


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Originally posted by FloodsCFHCG

Does this forum have an actual moderator anymore? Not being smart...I actually don't know...when did that happen?




No, it doesn't. In the present state the forum is in it needs more than one mod to take care of things. The mods will say "there is too great an outcry when they try and mod." The fact is there is an outcry, but that stems from no moderation at all until someone really complains loudly about something. Then every Tom, Dick and Harry gets their panties in a wad about why this or that was deleted, why is such and such allowed to post this, why was so and so banned.


We NEED specific mods and have them police this freakin' place!

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Originally posted by BAZGUITARMAN

riffy, I know what you mean bro. Even broke ass me has fallen prey to the gas syndrome that runs rampant around here. Honestly though, there are still a lot of good guys on this board. I find that I only talk to certain people. We all know who is a waste of time and I generally don`t even click on their threads. Sure it cuts down on my post count, but who cares.

Just gotta pick and choose bro. I wish I could post more clips, but I get frustrated with what recording equipment I have. I posted a short clip the other day and when I went back and listened to it i was ashamed at how it sounded. Total crap.

Maybe it`s all just a short trend. I tried hanging out on rig-talk, but it`s the same thing. After all, it`s the same damn people. Except many of the trouble makers went over there because they are pretty much given free hand to say and do what they want.

6 of one and a 1/2 dozen of the other.




YOu are just scared of the wankers that have nothing nice to say and that is it, sorry if this sounds rough. YOu probably have also listened to the wrong people on this forum since they are the only ones left as a majority.


Don't be afraid to post clips.

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Originally posted by Digital Jams

Why bust your ass for hours a day Gary getting some chops and making music when you can just buy something and post it??



Ya know what Scott,

You are 100 percent correct. I am going to buy a Private Stock PRS and equip it with all the bling I can, then, I will sit and look at it and take pictures of it and post them. Then I can sit back and gloat and say "What an Internet GOD I am!";)

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Originally posted by riffy


Flame away. I truly don't care. The forum sucks and it is truly a waste of time... Time I just don't have anymore. And this isn't another I am leaving post. Don't view it that way please.

Buying things (and this is directed at no one in particular mind you) has replaced playing skill using what you buy. That is sad.

I thought the whole point of buying things was to use them to make music, not to be a showoff of what you have. Either I was wrong or things have just radically changed for the worse.

Guys, I hope you all have a great new year!

You won't get any flaming from me riffy, as I agree. What I'v started doing is picking through the waste to get to the good stuff. I'v been on this forum since 2001 and with exception to the political backlash year that we had, it is pretty bad now.

I have gained alot of expertise on specific types of tubes, etc. and great recording techniques that have helped me. Also, I have avoided potential nightmare purchases by getting feedback on gear from some here on the forum.

Don't lose hope. There are still many out there that want to continue learning how to actually play! :)

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Originally posted by riffy

No, it doesn't. In the present state the forum is in it needs more than one mod to take care of things. The mods will say "there is too great an outcry when they try and mod." The fact is there is an outcry, but that stems from no moderation at all until someone really complains loudly about something. Then every Tom, Dick and Harry gets their panties in a wad about why this or that was deleted, why is such and such allowed to post this, why was so and so banned.

We NEED specific mods and have them police this freakin' place!



exactly, and also a clear useage policy so T,D & H can't get their panties in a wad when they are banned

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Originally posted by riffy

Ya know what Scott,

You are 100 percent correct. I am going to buy a Private Stock PRS and equip it with all the bling I can, then, I will sit and look at it and take pictures of it and post them. Then I can sit back and gloat and say "What an Internet GOD I am!";)

The Cores don't like PRS guitars Gary so that won't work :D

I remember Scott Jones p[osting a new clip that just burned the place down and nobody knew who he was :freak:

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Originally posted by BAZGUITARMAN

riffy, I know what you mean bro. Even broke ass me has fallen prey to the gas syndrome that runs rampant around here. Honestly though, there are still a lot of good guys on this board. I find that I only talk to certain people. We all know who is a waste of time and I generally don`t even click on their threads. Sure it cuts down on my post count, but who cares.

Just gotta pick and choose bro. I wish I could post more clips, but I get frustrated with what recording equipment I have. I posted a short clip the other day and when I went back and listened to it i was ashamed at how it sounded. Total crap.

Maybe it`s all just a short trend. I tried hanging out on rig-talk, but it`s the same thing. After all, it`s the same damn people. Except many of the trouble makers went over there because they are pretty much given free hand to say and do what they want.

6 of one and a 1/2 dozen of the other.





Post those clips! Don't be ashamed! We all have to start somewhere. I have been doing clips for a long time now and mine still suck. They don't suck as badly as they did at first, due to people taking their time to listen and HONESTLY give their opinion about what I could do to improve the sound of the amp and recordings. To everyone who has done that, criticism or not, I THANK everyone of you all!

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Originally posted by riffy

No, it doesn't. In the present state the forum is in it needs more than one mod to take care of things. The mods will say "there is too great an outcry when they try and mod." The fact is there is an outcry, but that stems from no moderation at all until someone really complains loudly about something. Then every Tom, Dick and Harry gets their panties in a wad about why this or that was deleted, why is such and such allowed to post this, why was so and so banned.

We NEED specific mods and have them police this freakin' place!



No, the problem is that the mods ban the wrong things. Someone posts a topless girl and this place turns into a deathcamp. During this same time though people will post "is my ass bleeding?" and "who wants to fistfight me for a PS3"? I guess the mods can't really ban someone for posting a goofy comment, etc. but someone posting 1000 ridiculous posts just to flood the forum is stupid.

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One of the reasons the board might suck now is "everyone" left.

They gave up the ship.

Now we might be beating a dead horse, or going down with the ship, but I have chosen to stay.

I just spent last night and ALL morning making some clips of the Traynor YCV50 Blue, and a couple clips of the Vox ToneLab SE. It's a bit of a hard porcess casue I don;t have a recording PC, I use a Korg D1200, wich I have to do a couple things inside the D1200, then transfer to PC then upload.

But I hope SOMEone can appreciate them, maybe even use them to determine of the product is for them...or even NOT for them.

If all the cool people continue to leave, well then there ya go, the forum WILL no longer be what it was. Like self-fullfilling prophecy.

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Originally posted by Digital Jams

I started with my why listen to people that can't play thread yesterday, and will be trolling for more Cores next week

Must have missed that one (I'm not on here as much due to it not being that fun anymore wading through the constant trolling), but I agree 100% :thu:

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Originally posted by Digital Jams

The Cores don't like PRS guitars Gary so that won't work

I remember Scott Jones posting a new clip that just burned the place down and nobody knew who he was

Yes, I most certainly do... I LOVE Scott Jones playing. Not only is he a MONSTER on the instrument, he is a fine person as well.

I sent him some of my clips to hear and get his honest take on my admittedly horrendous wanking, he not only took the time to listen and write me back with his opinion, he gave suggestions as to what I could do to improve not only the playing, but the recording techniques as well.

James Peters is yet another that will do exactly the same thing and has for me.

There are a lot of great people here... But it seems they are shouted down by the do nothings. Know what I'm sayin'?

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