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Herald of Light

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  1. Depends on your viewpoint. The mass majority of metalheads do not count metalcore as being a valid metal genre since it borrows too heavily from hardcore. And I kind of doubt that people into hardcore really consider the current crop of bands referred to as "metalcore" as having jack crap to do with hardcore. KSE sound like a melodic death metal band with sing along choruses and lots of palm mutes, as do basically all of those bands. I highly doubt that people in those sorts of bands were listening to Minor Threat or Gorilla Biscuits or something, and then woke up one day and made a band like that. I think it's funny how from one generation of metal to the next, the new stuff is always "false metal." All the stuff people think is real metal now was called "false metal" before, and the same will happen again. And I really like how metal heads are the people so quick to call the stuff metalcore. It's like they're acknowledging that it sounds like metal, but then disowning it just because they don't like it.
  2. Is Adam D. from Killswitch Engage gay??? I don't know, but you are for asking.
  3. -Pwnage -1337 School of Pwnageness -BC 666 I'm more powerful. J0O r teh nub. I pwnz jOo.
  4. Pwnin nubz Sch0O1 of teh 1337z0r Level 908723747
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