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Anyone have a neighbor who is a prick?

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I have awsome neighbors all around. Guy next door had a party last week and I loaned him my PA for his backyard. Guy on the other side keeps his house really nice and likes to fish, he always offers us fresh fish. Guy across the street just gave my Acura new brakes and rotors, front and back and would only take money for the material. Check this out, quite a few of them tell me they like it when I play guitar, they stand outside and listen.

Awesome neighborhood.

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Move to Canada. You can have a house outside of the city and not have a neighbour for 2km on either side.

Do whatever you want at that point.

Man, what a dream come true.

Oh wait, IT'S COLD AS HELL UP THERE :wave:

In that case why not just move to Alaska, there giving out "free" land to anyone that will live in those conditions. :lol: (fact)

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There this mad woman at the bottom of my garden, she is old and drinks a lot.

Her favourite past-time is to drink and phone up the local radio station (3 counties) she then puts them straight on a few matters :blah:

She has a way with words.

A sort of stilted, official way.

She is incredibly stupid but intertwines amazing amounts of false facts into concise and neat theories, and she is absolutely right about everything she says.

She also rings me up and complains about the height of the trees at the bottom of my garden. they are 3 metres high say about 10 foot but cause her such problems. Apparently the roots are causing problems with her paving, which is attached to the back of her house roughly 25m from the 3m high trees :confused:

My other neighbour is the Pub landlord.

He is an arse.

there are 3 panels down on his fence and he refuses to fix them , therefor his beer garden has an opening into my garden :confused: nobody goes in it anyway so :idk:

He should fix it

His beer is {censored}

Its a shame

I wish someone would buy the pub off him

It is up for sale but hes asking too much :freak:

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Man, what a dream come true.


In that case why not just move to Alaska, there giving out "free" land to anyone that will live in those conditions.


Then to answer your question, yes. I do have a neighbour who is a prick. His name is the United States of America.


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Then to answer your question, yes. I do have a neighbour who is a prick. His name is the United States of America.


Hey buddy. Watch it.

You Canadians are already on the republicans {censored} list. All though I never understood the hate towards Canadians.
I like you guys/ gals.

I was just saying it's cold as hell where you are at. That's all.

I lived down south for 20 years. Then I moved eight hrs north 3 years ago. Damn it's cold as hell where I live now. I can only imagine how {censored}ing cold it is in Canada.

Lighten up MF :D


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I'm the only Swede in an almost all Italian neighborhood. Needless to say, we don't get along that well. I try, and a few of them will actually respond when I say "hi," or whatever, but they're mostly a bunch of pricks just waiting for a reason to call the cops on me.

Then again, maybe I'm just the prick of the neighborhood. LOL

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My neighbors all rock. It's almost 4 am, and we just all came in from a bonfire, drinking, and the gir;ls getting touchy feely and flashy. I love my new camera phone... now I just need to figure out how to seel some of this to a porn site....



Yeahh.....we're gunna need pics.

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I can't even get a hello or any acknowledgment from my neighbor. Last time he said anything to me was "Get off my property!" I had put up a cedar fence and was staining it when he yelled at me. What's the deal with that? Even his kid nor wife would say anything to me. We could be shoveling snow at the same time and be 10 feet from each other and I get the cold shoulder. I think this guy had it out for me before I moved next door. My house is brand new and his is an old shack, plus I am half his age. It bothers me. What did I ever do to him? I occassionally have dreams about confronting him and asking him what the {censored} is your problem?

I have a asswipe for a next door neighboor. We're fine for 10 years - I'm a wasp hes columbian, broke the communications issue over the years as he learned english, enjoyed a few beers now and then, etc.

One day he decides to convert his garage into living quarters, no permit, so the town says you have to put back the garage. So he adds a garage attached to the converted one - no problem - looks nice.

Except - he doesn't grade the foundation or put up leaders and gutters so the rain floods the sides of his house.

Some bug crawled up his ass and one day he confronts me angry as hell blaming the grade on my property for spilling all the rain on his property !

I explain for the last 10 years it was never a problem, and it all started after he made the additions. He ordered me to install drainage pipe in my property at my expense :) Also, when he confronted me he had a friend to talk to me in english because all of a sudden he won't speak english to me anymore.

In one confrontation, we went from good standings for 10 years to complete enemies at his fault - sorry but I have my own problems to fix - I even offered to help install leaders and gutters on his addition, but I aint paying for it !

End of the day - I moved out 3 months ago and rented my house to a really nice african american family, with lots of friends and relatives -

I was in the area yesterday and there is a FOR SALE BY OWNER on his front lawn :thu: long story, sorry...

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Man, what a dream come true.


In that case why not just move to Alaska, there giving out "free" land to anyone that will live in those conditions.

no, they're not:D maybe they did 50 years ago, but not anymore

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i got another call from my neighbor/landlord that i would have to turn down my amp because they could hear it from their house(which is about 100 feet away) plus another neighbor called them and said they could hear it too.there are only two houses across the road and none on either side of me.one is directly across the road about 200 feet the other down the road about 300-400 feet. it was around 8:30 pm that they called and when i checked my phone messages it wasn't until 9 pm.so it was still early by the time i was finished.

i did have the amp pretty loud because i was recording BUT i had the cab in a closet in another room with the door closed(i would listen thru my monitors). the windows were also closed which made it over 80 degrees in here.

i'm not sure which neighbor called because i highly doubt that they could hear anything. the last time this happened and i got "the neighbor called and
said it's too loud" speech, my landlord wouldn't tell me which one it was. at that time there was another family living in the house directly across and they
were always OK with my playing. if it was warm enough for the windows to be open i would keep it down or close them and put the a/c on. the other neighbor(don't know them and never met them) is too far away to possibly hear it.

the frustrating thing is trying to explain why it was loud(to them) when recording. most people wouldn't understand and just say "why can't you just turn it down?".

i'm going to look for the phone call i got last time and post it again. i know a lot of people got a kick out of it. i still have the new one saved and will try to get that up too.

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I hate my neighbour too he is a miserable old twat who never says hello or anything, always banging on the wall and I am very quiet. No wonder the sad bastard is single in his late 40's. My next project is to build a tall fence so I do not have to look at the ugly old miserable sour faced fat {censored} when I go into my garden, or possibly I will move. As praying for him to die does not seem to be working :cry:

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I can't even get a hello or any acknowledgment from my neighbor. Last time he said anything to me was "Get off my property!" I had put up a cedar fence and was staining it when he yelled at me. What's the deal with that? Even his kid nor wife would say anything to me. We could be shoveling snow at the same time and be 10 feet from each other and I get the cold shoulder. I think this guy had it out for me before I moved next door. My house is brand new and his is an old shack, plus I am half his age. It bothers me. What did I ever do to him? I occassionally have dreams about confronting him and asking him what the {censored} is your problem?



I have a neighbor like that too, he abused my cat. I will get my revenge for it too. next time my cat is missing another tooth or bleeding i will call animal abuse or SPCA or the cops of something, if not ill blast my half stack at him.


U should blast ur amp to ten right at his house at 3 at night, the cops will give u warning if that needs to stop, a second offense would be pushing it tho.

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i got another call from my neighbor/landlord that i would have to turn down my amp because they could hear it from their house(which is about 100 feet away) plus another neighbor called them and said they could hear it too.there are only two houses across the road and none on either side of me.one is directly across the road about 200 feet the other down the road about 300-400 feet. it was around 8:30 pm that they called and when i checked my phone messages it wasn't until 9 pm.so it was still early by the time i was finished.

i did have the amp pretty loud because i was recording BUT i had the cab in a closet in another room with the door closed(i would listen thru my monitors). the windows were also closed which made it over 80 degrees in here.

i'm not sure which neighbor called because i highly doubt that they could hear anything. the last time this happened and i got "the neighbor called and

said it's too loud" speech, my landlord wouldn't tell me which one it was. at that time there was another family living in the house directly across and they

were always OK with my playing. if it was warm enough for the windows to be open i would keep it down or close them and put the a/c on. the other neighbor(don't know them and never met them) is too far away to possibly hear it.

the frustrating thing is trying to explain why it was loud(to them) when recording. most people wouldn't understand and just say "why can't you just turn it down?".

i'm going to look for the phone call i got last time and post it again. i know a lot of people got a kick out of it. i still have the new one saved and will try to get that up too.

you need to find out what your local noise ordinance says about decibel levels. Just because they can 'hear ' it don't account for {censored}. Can't you hear it when they mow their lawn? Do you call the landlord on them? {censored} them.:mad:

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I used to live in a duplex, and the other tenants were real jerks...they used to slip their garbage in with mine so they wouldn't have to pay a bill. It got to where tha garbage men would stop picking up mine, too, which started a small war with us, obviously, since I *was* paying my bills.

2 years ago we bought a house in a different neighborhood, and things are golden here. Everyone's great, and even with my 50w Marshall cranked up *loud* in the basement there are no noise complaints. We help each other with snow removal and keep any eye on each other's kids, too. We're only a block from an elementary school, so there's a lot of families around..not too many "old coots that hate kids" live in a neighborhood by a school.

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