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Free x100-b?


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If they can prove delivery and he doesn't report it, he is still on the hook for the funds as he did take delivery of the item.

Kudos for doing the right thing, Steven. You're good people.

Only if he signed for it. I can't count the number of really expensive items that were just left on my porch while I wasn't at home...who knows who could have walked off with it. :thu:

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If they can prove delivery and he doesn't report it, he is still on the hook for the funds as he did take delivery of the item.

Kudos for doing the right thing, Steven. You're good people.



The Right thing is always the way to go.

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i'm proud of you for doing the right thing and contacting carvin...Musiciansfriend tried to send me a free guitar one time, a duplicate of one i had already ordered and received..i felt better after having them take care of it.

I just bought a crapload of cables from Musicians Friend. I bought three 3-footers; they sent me four. I didn't send it back :poke:

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Meh..just send it back. They'll probably reward your honesty with some store credit.

Had the same thing happen with a Keeley SD-1...they sent me two. I fessed up, sent the second one back...gave me $30 off my pedal...everyone's happy!

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I just bought a crapload of cables from Musicians Friend. I bought three 3-footers; they sent me four. I didn't send it back :poke:

i bought monster cables (i know) a while back... all 3 footers and 5 footers... a couple went to {censored}, so i took them to GC to have them all replaced and they gave me all of them longer. ... i smiled and walked away...

but as far as the OP goes. good for you. i always stick up for the right thing to do. i could sit here and say to you that you should keep it and you'll get away with a free amp, but i know if it me in your shoes... i would have thought about that for about 10 minutes... then realized that i HAVE to give it back... just have to. for your own personal inner peace i spose :thu:

you get 35 points in the game of life for this :lol:

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Like some others said, you did the right thing.

You do FAIL for not rocking on it for a few hours though.


Well I unpacked it and tested it out... It's pretty awesome... Very nice clean channel and enough gain to do old school metal well. One thing I noticed though is it is very quiet. with the master at 12 o'clock and the channel volume also at 12 it's still at bedroom levels. After that it starts to get much louder though but it's kinda nice. Tube saturation at lower levels. I'm kinda sad I have to send it back but o well. :)


Edit: Also trust me I rocked out on it. I dimed both the channel and master volume. My girlfriend wasn't very pleased But I sure was! :lol:

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Well I unpacked it and tested it out... It's pretty awesome... Very nice clean channel and enough gain to do old school metal well. One thing I noticed though is it is very quiet. with the master at 12 o'clock and the channel volume also at 12 it's still at bedroom levels. After that it starts to get much louder though but it's kinda nice. Tube saturation at lower levels. I'm kinda sad I have to send it back but o well.

Edit: Also trust me I rocked out on it. I dimed both the channel and master volume. My girlfriend wasn't very pleased But I sure was!


you fell for teh peer pressure!!!! where are our clips??

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Well I unpacked it and tested it out... It's pretty awesome... Very nice clean channel and enough gain to do old school metal well. One thing I noticed though is it is very quiet. with the master at 12 o'clock and the channel volume also at 12 it's still at bedroom levels. After that it starts to get much louder though but it's kinda nice. Tube saturation at lower levels. I'm kinda sad I have to send it back but o well.

Edit: Also trust me I rocked out on it. I dimed both the channel and master volume. My girlfriend wasn't very pleased But I sure was!

Good man. No harm in just trying it out. Besides, you have done the forum a service by doing so. :cool:

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i found myself in some situation like this a few times...never with an amp, but still similar. i always did the right thing.


although, i gotta say karma is a bunch of crap, cuz i have the worst luck EVAR!:mad:


as a matter of fact, if my luck doesn't change soon, i'm gonna kick karma in teh nutz and start doing what i WANT to do instead of what i SHOULD do.

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i found myself in some situation like this a few times...never with an amp, but still similar. i always did the right thing.

although, i gotta say karma is a bunch of crap, cuz i have the worst luck EVAR!

as a matter of fact, if my luck doesn't change soon, i'm gonna kick karma in teh nutz and start doing what i WANT to do instead of what i SHOULD do.

Do tell what happened?

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I'd do the right thing and send it back. If for no other reason than I'd hope someone would return the favor someday.

Incedently, i owned one of those x100b's back in the early 90's. It was a nice amp.

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Well they want me to pay out of my own pocket to send it back and then they will refund my money when they get it. This is a whole lotta work for me to do which is pretty gay considering I'm a lazy bastard. Also they deleted the thread I started on the Carvin forum that was similar to this. I thought that was pretty funny.

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Well they want me to pay out of my own pocket to send it back and then they will refund my money when they get it. This is a whole lotta work for me to do which is pretty gay considering I'm a lazy bastard. Also they deleted the thread I started on the Carvin forum that was similar to this. I thought that was pretty funny.



{censored} THAT!!!


Tell them that they're paying you to ship it back to them, or it can stay at your place. You're not stealing it since they gave it to you.

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Well they want me to pay out of my own pocket to send it back and then they will refund my money when they get it. This is a whole lotta work for me to do which is pretty gay considering I'm a lazy bastard. Also they deleted the thread I started on the Carvin forum that was similar to this. I thought that was pretty funny.

The only problem I can see is that you could have refused shipment and it would've gone back without a need for shipping charges -- or if it was just left at your door if you didn't open it up I think it could've still been picked back up and refused as unopened, though I'm not 100% sure on that.

The situation does seem pretty lame, though at least they say they'll credit you back. I could still imagine myself calling them back and asking to speak to a sup to try and get them to send you a prepaid return label. Having worked in call centers that last decade or so, I can say it is possible whoever you talk to may not have the ability to order a return label to send out.

Also, I'd be a little wary of giving them a cc # for a reimbursement. Take down any names and ID numbers of anyone you talk to at this point and ask them to make sure and type in a note on their system so anyone else you talk to in the future can read what they said they promised you.

BTW, the carvinmuseum.com forum's better, IMO. :cool:

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