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OT: Ever felt like giving up on music?

Slim Jim

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I mean it's not totally OT but it doesn't have to do with how br00tz a mapz can get.


I'm in a rut lately. I've been taking lessons for a couple months now to polish up my technique as well as expand my chord and scale vocabulary. It's jazz lessons and they're coming along. I think I'm finally getting to understand what's going on with music. I'm still not fast. I don't really know how to get faster besides playing the scales over and over again.

However, it's not the problem.

It's literally impossible for me to find a band. The "scene" over here has nothing but elitists and the junjunjunwwweeeeee type of music. No one has a vision anymore, what's to expand and create something new. They're all trying to sound like whomever just came out so they can hop on that wave.

Or they're extremely elitist and are trying make ridiculous, pretentious music:



I have no idea what to do anymore. I would compromise what I wanna do with music, but it's like no one even comes close to what I wanna do. It's hard to justify all this gear I have.


What to do?



No homo. You can't call me out for being a bitch cause I called no homo. already.

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Funny, I was just going to make a thread similar to this and call it "isn't NOT gigging better than this"?


I got a call from the sax player in my main band. I play in a quartet with him that simply burns, and he is without a doubt the best musician I've ever played with. But he has this "duo" thing that he normally does with another guitar player. The other guy had backed out of the gig Saturday night and he called me wanting to know if I could do it.


It's a surprise birthday party for some 50 year old chick. Nice people...can't complain. But what the sax player does for these gigs is brings a laptop with some sequences and plays them through synths...so we have basically a midi file background. I was expected a jazz duo gig with my favorite sax player. It gets worse...he sings and takes requests. At one point I'm playing really schmaltzy Kool and the Gang covers followed by Ronnie Milsap songs. Then the clincher, the birthday girl digs Jimmy Buffett. I'm not proud...I've played in some cheesy cover bands and enjoyed it...but Jimmy buffett was just one of those things I always swore I would never do. But there I am, playing CHeeseburger in Paradise and Margaritaville to a sequenced background band. Then the finale...Brown Eyed Girl.


I was kind of mortified. I could have spent the evening with my family. Yeah...I made a couple hundred bucks and the gig had very little setup time. IN addition we got fed well and had all the beer we could drink. But there were several moments during the show where I felt like "the help"...no better than a butler or waitress serving the cocktails.


And then I thought to myself "is NOT gigging better than this?". I've basically only played about 15 shows this year...and maybe 5 of them have been truly good. I know I play jazz and have the cards stacked against me, but between that and the fact that despite having so few gigs, I have a tyrant band member that still insists on rehearsing twice a week (with no gigs booked) I'm about out of motivation.


Seriously thinking about taking a year off...writing an album...and pulling in musicians from scratch to do it. What I've been doing for the last 3 years isn't working for me. I'm in a band with the best musicians I've ever played with, but we hardly play. Then there was last Saturday night...which was really just plain humiliating. He wants me to do more of these shows. Considering his talent I don't know why HE is doing them.


I dunno...but yep as of right now I'm considering at least taking some time off. I can't outright QUIT...I never will...it's too deeply inside of me.

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Pick up a new instrument for inspiration. Start looking into a career that doesn't involve performing as a backup. If you absolutely HAVE to be in music, take some classes on production, theory, etc.

I friggin love music bro. I dreamed of being a rock star when I was a kid. I'm happy with my life though, and I still play every day as a hobby. Maybe when I retire I'll play some gigs. Just have fun with it. If an opportunity comes along, grab it and don't let go.

Just live.

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It's hard when there's like no money in music, but that's not why I do it.
It's just sucking the passion from me. I haven't played a show in nearly 2 years. I mean I've searched craigslist, called studios, anything. Nothing ever materializes. Gatdam

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Pick up a new instrument for inspiration.





I was in a rut a few years ago when I was living in D.C. I went out and bought a Roland Digital Drumset and just slowly starting teaching myself stuff. I'm at the point now where I can lay down alot of my own drumtracks for songs.


Another thing is to follow yourself, not what everyone else is doing. I have been playing guitar since 85' and still can't read music and barely can look at tablature. I go with feel.

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It's hard when there's like no money in music, but that's not why I do it.

It's just sucking the passion from me. I haven't played a show in nearly 2 years. I mean I've searched craigslist, called studios, anything. Nothing ever materializes. Gatdam



start writing music yourself

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{censored} all that, I would never think about doing any of that.

I've been able to maintain a healthy relationship with many different musicians and that has kept things fresh.

Plus I have the opprotunity to jam with a lot of older folks that really challenge me to rethink my instrument.

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You should really smoke less weed

you say this as if i smoke more than once a week

which i dont.

my friend brought a banjo on our weekend trip and i learned how to play it. what's wrong with that? turns out i'm pretty good at it because the intervals make sense to me.

new wayne jarvis coming out january 09, for anyone who cares

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I've been thinking about it every day. Not giving up 100% - I'll never be able to do that, but I'm now 40 and it gets so much harder to bring people to shows. My band has recorded 3 CDs, I've recorded 2 instrumental CDs, and I've sat in on other projects for both live and recordings and outside of one disc being released in Europe by a small label I/we have gone nowhere.

Now we face trying to find a bass player and I just don't know if I have it in me. I guess I could look for a cover band, but I've never been into that. For now I'll just keep jamming with my drummer/brother once a week until something gives. It's pretty {censored}ing depressing.

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you know, life does not ever get better than that

if you are still depressed I would of course advise :






Cakefart/Bugera's the worst in my opinion..


I do wanna take up drums actually. And more piano. I'm supposing it's more of a rejection thing, where I'm viewing it as no one wants to be in a band with me, because I'm me and they "grew past" whatever music I'm into and are now into {censored}tier music.


Ya dig?

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