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I really need some advice (little bother is getting bullied)


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+1 to lawyer, police report, civil suit, contacting school. I'd keep your brother home until your parents have a meeting with the principal. Leak to press is an option too.

Another idea, just spitballing here, but if this kid is on a team get the coach involved. Could be a good guy, it's possible.

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terrorize him on facebook? i hear thats all the rage these days.



not him, but maybe the school. If they continue to do nothing, create a public event "Stop bullying at XXXXXXX High School" tell your story, put a few pictures of your brother's battered face on the page and send it to every friend and relative to "like" the page and post the school number so people can call and say what they think (school numbers are public information anyway).


Go public on this {censored}, the school is as much at fault as the kid, if they are aware of the situation, have video of it and refuse to take any measure to protect your son.

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Poor People. Sigh. Private school, for the win.



Yeah...ummm...I went to private catholic schools from kindergarten through 12th grade. There was still fighting, sex and drugs. Actually, I would say the drugs were worse than you would find in most public schools. When kids come from families with money, they have access to all kinds of things. The education is superior, but it certainly doesn't make all the other school problems disappear.


BTW...your "poor people" comment is lame, and you seem to be a dick stroker.

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Get the video.

Give it to the news.

Tell them what you told us.

Sit back and watch the school get sued if your version of events is true.






bullying is a HOT topic right now, and since your bro got pummelled, the news will eat it up.



At that point sit back and wait for the hell to be unleashed on every dip{censored} that took the wrong action.

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Yeah, just to echo what's already been said by many. Don't fight this kid. Not even when he turns 18. Getting beat up is temporary. The legal ramifications (criminal and civil) for bullying and assault and battery are much more debilitating than one good beat down.

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The older brother in me (Two younger sisters) in me is screaming for you to {censored} this kid up, but first I think you should cause a stink with the school.

Putting the bully and the victim in the same {censored}ing detention is the single most retarded thing the school could have done.

Harass the school. Get them to keep the kid away from your brother and make your presence as a reinforcement known, but don't do anything unless nothing happens legally.

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Yeah...ummm...I went to private catholic schools from kindergarten through 12th grade. There was still fighting, sex and drugs. Actually, I would say the drugs were worse than you would find in most public schools. When kids come from families with money, they have access to all kinds of things. The education is superior, but it certainly doesn't make all the other school problems disappear.

BTW...your "poor people" comment is lame, and you seem to be a dick stroker.



this. private schools seem to be much worse as far as drugs and drinking from what I've seen.

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Inform the school that your brother will be carrying mace on school grounds if they don't do anything about it.


Or have him constantly carry around a blood-stained, teeth-mark indented baseball bat, and have him just say he's trying out for the baseball team.


I don't know man, I got bullied for about two weeks in elementary school by an older kid, at the school and on the bus ride home. When I finally got him to get in on the window-side of the two-person seat, he finally realized he shouldn't be messing with me anymore when I broke the glass with his face. He was much larger than me. Get your little bro to the gym, this type of {censored} is a mental thing and could seriously {censored} him up for a long time, he needs some self confidence and strength both mentally and physically.


Use the bullies {censored}ty past as a defense, next time he gives your brother {censored}, remind him how nobody wants him or loves him because he has a serious mental problem and that nobody will ever love him or want him, that his anger issues must be a parental thing, because he doesn't have parents, put him down, crush his soul, he might woop your brothers ass one more time, but when he gets home he will probably kill himself. everyone wins.

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Just threatening to get the news involved should get the school to do something. My dad told me this story about how his older brother came home from school crying saying he got beat up so his dad sent him back out and told him to beat the kid up. Well he got beat up again so his dad told him to go back out and fight him again. Anyway he never beat the kid up but the kid just stopped fighting him.


My point being, your brother has got to defend himself. You may want to help him learn how to fight or something. He shouldn't instigate anything but if the kid wants to fight him again he's got to be prepared to defend himself.


Other than that it's probably best to get your dad involved and have him talk to the school.

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Meet the kid after school one day and tell him he now has 365 days until he gets the most epic assbeating known to man. Have a happy new year.

In the meantime, get a lawyer. That school system sounds {censored}ed.



Also, there's nothing in the lawbooks about being passive aggressive to a minor. Just go to his house and stand in the street all day, get his phone number and just keep calling it and telling him to look out of his window. Hold a chainsaw and a dead hooker corpse.

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Kyle has a good point. Remind the kid how unwanted he is, and how his parents threw him in the trash to rid themselves of his stank ass. Have him spread rumors galore, and convince the other kids to gang up on his no family having ass. then baseball bat to the face.



We are the same person, I forgot.

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Just sue. Personal injury is a big cash cow. Have you seen the commercials? Schools only respect a lawsuit. If that bully kid has a roof he's living under, sue the people providing that too. Why would you even consider violence and going to jail? Seriously I bet this whole thing might be worth a huge settlement if there's video evidence. The school is responsible for protecting it's students. It's no different than if a concrete beam fell on him there. Revenge is a dish best served cold. Klingon proverb.

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Also the suspension needs to be taken off your brother's record, and the school should write him a letter of apology.

Kid who assaulted him should be forced to apologize and should not take the field as an athlete representing the school for a while.

Not sure if race plays a role in this but think about it before you try to go the news route.

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Man I gfotta shake my head at some of the responses saying to go ahead and {censored} the kid up. How it was like when you were growing up is irrelevant because it's 2011 now and when adults beat up children, they go to jail.


talk to:







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Also the suspension needs to be taken off your brother's record, and the school should write him a letter of apology.

Kid who assaulted him should be forced to apologize and should not take the field as an athlete representing the school for a while.

Not sure if race plays a role in this but think about it before you try to go the news route.



Since I was an athlete at the school for my entire highschool experience I know the coaches quite personally, and the head track and assistant football coach lives about half a mile away from me, so I think I'll make a stop by his house tonight and fill him in on what's going on.

Also, race kinda does. My brother is white and this kid is Hispanic. He's not "street" Hispanic, he's more of a "dress and talk like a white guy" Hispanic

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As I parent, if that happened to my son, I would raise hell at school and call them EVERY DAY to make sure this kid is kept away from my son. Also, I would possibly file an assault and battery police report, get a lawyer, ask about a subpoena to obtain a copy of that tape and threaten to file a civil suit against the school and the foster parents or legal guardians of this kid.

So what are your parents doing about it?



This, and if the school ignores it then take it to the local media and show pics of your brother to show what the kid is capable of doing to others. Bullying is a serious matter and it seems to always get ignored until some ones child gets badly injured or killed.

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In all of this talk it appears that the little victim boy did absolutely NOTHING to bring this on. He didn't answer the guy with a smart-assed tone, didn't antagonise him at all - was just sitting there reading his bible and this monster attacks him and gives him 2 black eyes.


It seems more plausible that the guy was being an asshole (again) to the little brother and he made the mistake of mouthing off under his breath or turning his back on the guy in the middle of a confrontation. These situations are always black and white when discussed with facts provided by one side.


For those that think violence is the answer to this situation, what's the next step after getting his big brother to pound the {censored} out of the little dirtbag?

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Tell him to beat the {censored} out of the kid. This whole "Bullying is serious business" {censored} is stupid. The cunts of the world need to learn to stand up for themselves. " Lets notify the police and the local news media and blame the school district!!!" Ricky Bobby has never been more right in any advice he has ever given, be it serious or not.

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Call the police. Press charges for assault. Let the video tape do the talking.



Mother {censored}ing THIS.


The school may have a {censored}ty policy for dealing with fights but Im certain that the legal system has a much more favorable ( to your brother ) outlook.


I would get a copy of the tape before the bitch mother / teacher tries to get rid of it.

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