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I really need some advice (little bother is getting bullied)


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So I'm a pretty young guy (19) and I have a younger brother who is a sophomore in highschool. My brother isn't exactly the biggest or strongest kid, he's just a small and highly social preppy kid. Anyway he's gotten into some deep and frustrating {censored}, so bare with me and I'll fill you in on the long story:


My brother and his friends were sitting outside for lunch at the picnic area at school when a kid (that my brother and his friends dont know) in class throws a Chapstick out a second floor window to where they are all hanging out. He then proceeds to yell for them to throw it back and they decline because they don't want to get in trouble for throwing {censored} at the building. Then the kid comes out of class and comes out there to retrieve it and some girl thats with them all throws it at him. My brother and his friends start chuckling a little bit and the kid starts getting mouthy and starts pushing one of my brothers friends around while also spewing fighting words to my brother. My brother then just kind of shrugs it off and turns around to start talking again to the girl he was standing with. Then the kid tackles my brother while his back was turned and just starts pummeling him like crazy (keep in mind this kid is plays football and runs track, and weighs about 130; my brother is a small prep at about 110lbs). My brother ends up with two black eyes, a swollen *cheek, and a busted nose. My mom was shown the schools surveillance camera footage, so my brother wasn't just fluffing up the story to sound innocent either. All this happened Friday.


Fast forward to today.*

Both my brother and the punk get suspended, and over here you have to go to a special "juvenile school" for the days you're suspended. Anyway the whole day the kid harassed my brother and kept saying {censored} like "are you ready for round two?" and "check out those black eyes, I'll gladly do that again when they heal" and also getting all the other delinquents in on picking on him as well. My brother was so shaken up by it that he actually started crying when my mom got him in the car after school, and he literally NEVER cries about anything. He can't just cheap shot the kid and get his pride back, because he's already on probation from having some weed on him at school a few months back (not the smartest decision on his part, but a whole different story) and probably already going to be {censored}ed since the school is reporting this incident to the court system, which might violate his probation :facepalm:


So the story gets even better.*

I was talking to my girlfriend about this ordeal and I find out that this kid is a foster kid, and that her cousins were actually trying to adopt him for a while. They stopped pursuing it though because the kid ended up having horrible anger problems, is a chronic liar, and would bully the 7yr old boy they were also adopting nonstop. Also, the kids current "adopting mom" turns out to be an employee of the highschool and she's pulling strings so he doesn't get in any other trouble over this, but my brother is getting in tons of trouble cuz of their stupid "everyone involved in a fight is guilty, even the victims" rule.


So this is where I need advice. What should I do about this? My brother is really shaken up and scared to face this punk at school and the suspension school, and his face is horribly battered. And to make things worse this kid is now picking on my brother like crazy and threatening him more and more. I'm not about to let some punkass kid do this to my brother. I feel NO sympathy for people who {censored} with my family, even if they're foster kids. I know that sounds {censored}ty, but that's the way it is, especially given these circumstances. I'm highly considering really {censored}ing this kid up, seeing how he's 17 so there's only a 2yr age difference and it wouldn't be like some big huge brother coming and beating up a tiny kid. I have 2 years of boxing now under my belt, I lift weights 5 days a week, I can incline bench press 100lbs more than my weight (140), etc.. So I'd have no problem flattening his face and settling the score. But that stupid law about assault of a minor really makes me hesitate, as I really don't want to deal with that.*


So what do you guys think I should do? Bust this kids face and accept the consequences with pride? Or just completely stay of it and let the kid who attacked my brother and who keeps tormenting him have his fun?



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Don't assault a minor, because then you'd be {censored}ed.


Idk why yalls school system sucks, but you tell any officer or authority at the school about the situation, maybe even the police. This is harassment.


And if it makes you feel better, find out where the kid lives and {censored} with his house if you so please:idk:

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That is a tough situation to be in... Though I think the right answer given the situation is to probably have a lawyer when it proceeds to court. Especially considering the footage of the film shows that your brother didn't engage in the fighting, but was trying to avoid it.


Then there is the answer that all of us will want to say... Bust that kid up and make sure he can't identify you... However, due to legality issues, it would probably be best to fight it in court.



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I dont think you should fight the kid. that's just going to be bad for you. I know you want to help your brother but no one is going to help you come time to deal with the legal consequences.


Any way you can be present with you brother when that kid is around just to show the punk that your brother has support?

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Take it to the school, be vocal about it. There's only so much they can ignore when you're constantly raising {censored} about it. This sort of thing isn't right and the only reason it keeps happening is because nobody says anything. Take it to the school board, and take it to the police if you have to. If you feel that your little brother is in danger of physical harm, you have every right to go to any length necessary to protect him... short of kicking the {censored} out of the bully yourself. The very fact that his adopted mother is part of the school can only help your case. Make sure you point that out specifically.

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As I parent, if that happened to my son, I would raise hell at school and call them EVERY DAY to make sure this kid is kept away from my son. Also, I would possibly file an assault and battery police report, get a lawyer, ask about a subpoena to obtain a copy of that tape and threaten to file a civil suit against the school and the foster parents or legal guardians of this kid.


So what are your parents doing about it?

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We've tried talking to the school about it, my mom is a teacher but at a different school, and they won't do {censored} about it. The school system here literally is complete bull {censored}. If you're involved in a fight, even if you don't throw a punch and get your ass hammered, you're still in just as deep as the person doing the attacking. When I was a senior there was a fight and one of my friends got in the middle to break it up. He was a popular Asian guy who made good grades, never got in trouble, friends with everyone, literally THE NICEST friend you'd ever have, and he got suspended for two weeks. All he did was get in the middle and push the kids apart, he didn't strike a single person... So when I say that the school system here is garbage I'm not kidding.


My dad comes home from Iraq on Thursday, so if there isn't any progress he's said he's going to raise all sorts of hell with the administration. We are going to get a lawyer as well if this doesn't look around

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If you honestly think that the foster mom or whoever is pulling strings for the kid go higher up to get something done about it. the records should show that the incidents happened but no consequences came upon the punk. other than that unless your brother is gonna risk getting suspened/expelled/worse he'll have to avoid him as to not create a worse situation for you or him.


I'd definitely find out when the kid turns 18 and give him a good birthday present :lol:

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+1 to raising hell with the school boards and police. If that doesnt work, I'm sure a local paper would just LOVE to run a story about "School protects bullies despite overwhelming evidence" with a nice still pic of the video. That tends to get a lot of balls rolling really fast.


Dont. Engage. The. Bully. Physically.

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We've tried talking to the school about it, my mom is a teacher but at a different school, and they won't do {censored} about it. The school system here literally is complete bull {censored}. If you're involved in a fight, even if you don't throw a punch and get your ass hammered, you're still in just as deep as the person doing the attacking.



I'm pretty sure someone on TV would LOVE to do a report on that. Just saying.

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I got bullied all the time when I was growing up, just became a fact of life. I wasn't necessarily a small kid, and I'm definitely not a shy or submissive dude, so I always fought back. I've had my ass handed to me a couple times but I grew up being forced to defend myself because the schools wouldn't do {censored} about it. I remember sitting through all those anti-bullying talks, where they'd always say "if someone is teasing you or threatening you, tell a teacher!" and well, obviously telling the teacher never helped. I got suspended a lot because I'd stand up for myself and my friends, but my parents would always end up coming to the school and yelling at the principal because nothing was being done.


High school was easy. In grade 9 some senior tried to steal my CD player and I kicked the living {censored} out of him. Nobody gave me {censored} after that.

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I got bullied all the time when I was growing up, just became a fact of life. I wasn't necessarily a small kid, and I'm definitely not a shy or submissive dude, so I always fought back. I've had my ass handed to me a couple times but I grew up being forced to defend myself because the schools wouldn't do {censored} about it. I remember sitting through all those anti-bullying talks, where they'd always say "if someone is teasing you or threatening you, tell a teacher!" and well, obviously telling the teacher never helped. I got suspended a lot because I'd stand up for myself and my friends, but my parents would always end up coming to the school and yelling at the principal because nothing was being done.

High school was easy. In grade 9 some senior tried to steal my CD player and I kicked the living {censored} out of him. Nobody gave me {censored} after that.


Damn man, that sucks that it was like that for you :( I got lucky and never had to deal with anything like that.. I had hair down past my shoulders and ran CC and track, so nobody ever messed with me :idk: I've had more problems since cutting my hair off in march than I've had my whole life haha

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terrorize him on facebook? i hear thats all the rage these days.



I thought about it, but I feel like that'd only make it worse. Id rather talk face to face and not play those games. Let's not forget that he then would have an idea who I am and I wouldn't be able to ever anonymously pound him to a pulp if I caught him out someplace a little more private

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if your brother keeps on getting picked on by him. He may have to start taking self defense classes. He has to face his fears if that jerk were to continued. There isn't an easy solution especially when the punk is from a foster home and doesn't have much to lose. You can intervene and start {censored} with him if he continues to mess with your brother. You have to protect your family if the law doesn't.

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Fighting ain't the answer brah.


This bully is acting the way he is due to a deep emotional void, no amount of ass whippings will fill that void. Essentially, no matter how hard you, your brother or alistair overeem crush his sorry ass, his acting out (that seems to manifest as bullying) won't ever cease, at least not until he gets help with his emotional issues.


You? Leave him alone- your brother? Same.


This isn't your problem, it's the schools. You need to lawyer up, threaten action.


If you take it to the news, your brother will not only be a {censored}, but a famous one.


Tough spot, for everyone but I'd handle this 'diplomatically.'


Gnome sang?

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Tell him to quit being a {censored}, and {censored}ing man up, and quit taking that {censored}. My 10 year younger brother had a similar problem, responded to the bullies, and was left alone. I do not promote violence, but sometimes, you have to really stand against the oppressors. Not saying to purposely set out to attack folks, but defend yourself as needed when confronted. Bullies are empowered by attacking those who shrink back, and refuse to defend themselves, and to feel superior over them. Take that and they will leave you alone.

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Also, fwiw, fighting should never be used to solve a problem. It should ONLY be used to get the {censored} out of one as a last resort when those things attached to your hips can't run fast enough away.


Fighting outside of a ring/for sport just proves one thing: how {censored}ing stupid, immature and sophomoric someone is.

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