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My New Years resolution; (what's yours?)


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This. I don't believe in "resolutions" or finding some perfect time to "start" doing things.

Want to do something? Just {censored}ing start doing it, don't call it a resolution, don't do it in the new year, you should have started already.



I agree 100%. I think making "ny resolutions" is a cop out for all the {censored} that didnt get done this year.

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Last year I picked up smoking as my New Year's resolution, no joke. I met a lot of people and got laid because of it a couple times. Good stuff. I never really got addicted or smoked that much and I don't smoke now. This year I should probably clean out the body and stop drinking so much.

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This. I don't believe in "resolutions" or finding some perfect time to "start" doing things.

Want to do something? Just {censored}ing start doing it, don't call it a resolution, don't do it in the new year, you should have started already.



Yep. Thing is, this time a year is typically used to reflect on how one did the last year, and set intentions for the coming year. I see nothing wrong with that per se. Having said that, the time to start doing anything is right {censored}ing now -- not in 3 days, not in 3 weeks, not in 3 months -- just {censored}ing commit to doing what you know you need, or want to do already: now.

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just {censored}ing commit to doing what you know you need, or want to do already:

Okay okay... I'm starting the workout thing today, the only thing left is to do paleo groceries friday. I can't do them until then because I have no cash til then :mad::cop:

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Okay okay... I'm starting the workout thing today, the only thing left is to do paleo groceries friday. I can't do them until then because I have no cash til then


true paleo means eating dirt and rocks, because cavemen didn't have Kroger's and HEB's. man up, sonny.

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I did 60 miles on my bicycle today in 30 degrees (f). I get {censored} done. Like deliver my gran's Christmas present.



60 miles is a pretty good distance! That's a 6 hour trek if you go a decent speed with a MB. Speed bikes will get you there in ~4ish hours if you have a set of lungs/legs. Seriously? you did that?

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Yeah, road cycling was a big part of my 2012 resolutions. Wanted to do 1000 miles, I've done 1350 now or so. Didn't really think I'd make the grand either.

Took me 5 hours of cycling, with an hour's rest at my gran's to eat some lasagna. Looking at my GPS it was actually 62 miles. Average speed of ~12-13mph, though there were some urban areas (I live in the centre of a decent sized city).

Not been out much this month due to weather/work/Christmas stuff - could really feel my fitness has slipped. Was hillier than my normal rides too - 3200 feet of climbing.


As for mountain biking, I'm just pleased I started getting into it, it is fun. No real goals with it - just to get out and enjoy it.


Lost a lot of fat (if not weight) since I took up cycling which is a nice side affect. I'm more interested in being fitter though - bodes well for extended vigorous hate {censored}ing sessions with the wife!

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To exercise true resolve one must have discipline.



All one really needs is the discipline to do faithfully every day for about a month. After that will become a habit. could be exercising each morning, could be purposeful, healthy eating every ~ 3 hours. Habits feel better honoring than breaking. Also, once a habit is established one can tweak it, exploit it to suit. Therefore good health, if one applies and flexes their {censored}ing grey muscle just a wee bit is merely a matter of intention and execution. tl;dr: own your failure, own your success; your choice.

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Cut way down on smoking weed, read more books, meet more ppl, join the atheist group here town to meet some ppl, call/visit family more.


And advice to guys trying to lose weight. I went from about 200 lbs a few years ago to about 170 and lost most of my body fat and have pretty easily kept it off since. My secret? Get a part time job that is physical, and only eat real food (as little processing as possible) mostly cooked at home, and drink water. Drinking a bit of coffee every day doesn't hurt either.

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