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My New Years resolution; (what's yours?)


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I am set on changing my lifestyle. My cholesterol level is beyond dangerous and I am 30. The docs give me until ~50 y/o before I have my first heart issues. So, on my last Christmas vacation day, I will have one last greasy meal then begin a Paleo diet. It will be a 3 month cleanse program, which include:

- Paleo diet at the core of the program, with some exceptions allowed. Like if I'm invited to dinner at some family and they serve a rich italian pasta, I can eat it. But my core diet at home and regular snacks and lunches will all be Paleo.

- 5k run (3mi) twice a week, with the exception that I can elongate the run since I am already running that distance comfortably.

- Workout twice a week, I currently am not following any programs, but I use to be a workout nut. I select a compound program that is based on hi-rep, short breaks, intensive but short 40 minute workouts. After the 3 months I will lower my reps and increase the weight. But my goal is to rebuild my tendons and joint strength first.

- Take the kids outside twice a week for sports. I currently take them once in a while, but I think being more active with them will encourage a more active lifestyle around the house altogether.

- Keep a weekly journal of my progress on here with stats of how things are going, how I am feeling about it and maybe a bit of pressure and encouragement from you guys. Maybe I'll even post a before/after if I get decent results. cop.gif

What about you?

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Quote Originally Posted by this is paul

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The one I've decided so far...stop drinking hard alcohol. I don't drink often but had too much scotch on thanksgiving and felt HORRENDOUS the next day. It's just not worth it and much easier for me to control beer.


That's a reasonable one that is pretty realistic... mine is a bit out there especially since I have a whole family to support and they all LOVE our current north american meat+potatoes+cereals+bread diet. With Paleo, you drop the potatoes, cereal and bread. cry.gif
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Quote Originally Posted by Slaymoar View Post
That's a reasonable one that is pretty realistic... mine is a bit out there especially since I have a whole family to support and they all LOVE our current north american meat+potatoes+cereals+bread diet. With Paleo, you drop the potatoes, cereal and bread. cry.gif
I eat cereal and sandwhiches a few times a week, as well as pasta probably once. I'd thought about Paleo but no way I could do it at this point. It's a good goal though thumb.gif

Quote Originally Posted by soundgardener75 View Post

Paul: Just go easy on those, and just do it in moderation so you won't end up getting Jersey Shore'd. icon_lol.gif
I love whiskey but it just hits me hard and quick. I'll probably still have one once in a while, or a margarita here or there, but when I go out it's going to be beer only
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Quote Originally Posted by Slaymoar View Post
I am set on changing my lifestyle. My cholesterol level is beyond dangerous and I am 30. The docs give me until ~50 y/o before I have my first heart issues. So, on my last Christmas vacation day, I will have one last greasy meal then begin a Paleo diet. It will be a 3 month cleanse program, which include:

- Paleo diet at the core of the program, with some exceptions allowed. Like if I'm invited to dinner at some family and they serve a rich italian pasta, I can eat it. But my core diet at home and regular snacks and lunches will all be Paleo.

- 5k run (3mi) twice a week, with the exception that I can elongate the run since I am already running that distance comfortably.

- Workout twice a week, I currently am not following any programs, but I use to be a workout nut. I select a compound program that is based on hi-rep, short breaks, intensive but short 40 minute workouts. After the 3 months I will lower my reps and increase the weight. But my goal is to rebuild my tendons and joint strength first.

- Keep a weekly journal of my progress on here with stats of how things are going, how I am feeling about it and maybe a bit of pressure and encouragement from you guys. Maybe I'll even post a before/after if I get decent results. cop.gif

What about you?
Do it. Take before pictures and check in here: http://acapella.harmony-central.com/...ding-Thread***

It will help. Ovid, Izzy and Atrox are champions at losing weight in there these days and posting a before picture to the public will help you drive to achieve it. Having peer support instead of friends telling you you're being ridiculous and extreme will go a long way to help you stay motivated and focused.

As for me, I want to get my bench press up around 275-300, squat double body-weight and get my deadlift around 425. These aren't necessarily annual goals, as much as continuous goals, as I find those are easier to attain. For instance, I decided in the summer I wanted to dead-lift 2x body weight by the end of the year and I got it within 2 months.
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Well, I did well this year - got a new job, started mountain biking and did over 1000 miles on my road bike (currently at around 1400). Ended up starting my own business too so been a busy year.

This year:
Finally get a dog. Put it off for so long because of some reason or other but I'm just gonna do it, be a responsible owner and deal with whatever adjustments I need to make in my life.
Take up a martial art - for fitness and confidence in self defence.
Do 2000 miles on the road bike.
Ride my motorcycle more.
Give away some time to a charity, hopefully as a trustee. My new job (this year) is working at a volunteer centre and it's opened my eyes to all the vulnerable people out there and how much they rely on the charity of others. Want to work with a homelessness charity. Beggars annoy me and I'm not sure if my attitude to them is right, so I want to get involved and find out the real story.

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join the HCAF bodybuilding/fitness thread, enjoy the brotivation.

My Resolution : Be a better human being. I've done a lot of {censored}ing up this year. Nothing really terrible, I just haven't been the best I could have in a few of my personal relationships and it bothers me. I've already started so it isn't really a New Years thing, but I guess that is my "resolution"

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Quote Originally Posted by -Assy- View Post
join the HCAF bodybuilding/fitness thread, enjoy the brotivation.

My Resolution : Be a better human being. I've done a lot of {censored}ing up this year. Nothing really terrible, I just haven't been the best I could have in a few of my personal relationships and it bothers me. I've already started so it isn't really a New Years thing, but I guess that is my "resolution"
I'm thinking similar stuff. I want to try and just be a better man all around. I need to stop letting insignificant stuff bug me, learn to roll better with my {censored}ty work schedule and just mellow myself out in general.

I've also just started in with a personal trainer. We're still in the getting to know you stage. But I can tell she is getting ready to rape my body. I'm alternately psyched, looking forward to seeing how far I can push at 40 years old, but a bit afraid of the days after I train. I was hurting pretty good the past couple days. Anyway, I don't have specific fitness goals. Just to get healthy the whole way around and if I get ripped and super secksay-hai in the process, {censored}ing great.

Once my bro-ness increases a bit, I'll join the bodybuilding thread.

Oh, I also want to play more guitar and do more {censored}ing.
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^^^^ I need to do less {censored}ing, it is messing up my life and relationships.

Had a harsh realization the other day, I literally don't have any female friends that I haven't had sex with, a lot. Kind of makes me question my motives for friendship of the female sex. Sounds ghey and stuff, but that actually kind of bothers me. Picking up too many women at the bars and stuff too, enough is enough really.

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Get under 200lbs, then add about 15lbs of muscle



my man!


I just hit 200lbs, I am {censored}ing stoked, and sluggish, and feeling fat and disgusting even though I still have abdominal definition. Can't wait to cut, it's a been a GREAT year for making muscle.

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my man!

I just hit 200lbs, I am {censored}ing stoked, and sluggish, and feeling fat and disgusting even though I still have abdominal definition. Can't wait to cut, it's a been a GREAT year for making muscle.



Way to be a muscle factory, you fat {censored}.


I wish I had a cushy degree so I could be getting more jacked instead of stressed as hell all the time. I think the gym is what's been keeping me sane.

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Way to be a muscle factory, you fat {censored}.

I wish I had a cushy degree so I could be getting more jacked instead of stressed as hell all the time. I think the gym is what's been keeping me sane.



man me too, thankfully i switched out of the dietetics (biochemistry with nutrition and medicine classes) into law, which is {censored}ing easy in comparison. Haven't done an ounce of studying this semester and still have my 3.9

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man me too, thankfully i switched out of the dietetics (biochemistry with nutrition and medicine classes) into law, which is {censored}ing easy in comparison. Haven't done an ounce of studying this semester and still have my 3.9



{censored}, I wish. I've been to every class except 2 this semester and I feel like all I do is assignments and play catch up. How the {censored} do you switch into law?

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