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NGD (Actually Used NGD!) Epi Masterbilt AJ 500 RNS


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Today I picked up a (used) Epi Masterbilt AJ 500 RNS and that too (I believe) for an outstanding bargain price of $275.


So, I have been looking to upgrade from my beginner ibanez acoustic-electric and have been looking around for a month or two. I liked the epi masterbilts (DR actually), Taylor 2 series and Breedlove - that fell in my price range of $400-$600. I was debating between these options and got so confused that I decided to postpone. But I could not resist checking out this AJ for such an amazing bargain. The guy was moving out of state was willing to sell it at this price.


It is in great condition. Just put on new elixir nanweb 12" (P.B.) and the baby sings!! The bass is really great and clarity on high end notes too. The neck is the right size as I am used to a similar neck (width and thickness) on my Ibanez - I do feel although my speed on the epi is a bit slower... maybe just need to practice more :)


I was actually looking for an acoustic-electric but then I figured I can live with acoustic for a while and add a pick-up if I get to a place where I can play w/people in gigs etc. So, I guess it's okay!


My Ibanez V70ce really turned out to be loyal soldier ... had it for a couple of years and to be honest it is pretty good once I had a setup done and have good strings on!


Here are some pics taken from my phone (so not great quality pics).


Thx for everyone on the forum for chiming in and guiding me in the process.


So, do you think this is a great deal and a great guitar???







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