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An end to computer Choosing Frustration

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Originally posted by Warhead

I've had the same 2.4ghz P4 recording PC running for about 2.5 years now without a single crash. I could upgrade, but why? It's solid and never gets ill on me...and with 1GB of ram (didn't really notice a big jump over 512mb at all) it's about all I could ask for.

Pick a good pc and just start recording! They don't get old "that" quick.


Me too- kind of. I run Logic 5 on an Athlon 2800 with 1 gig RAM and the only problem I have is sometimes a Sony software product will bog, but that's it. Built it 2 1/2 years ago and it's cool. I'll upgrade only when necessary. Maybe move to Nuendo or Sonar with a 64 bit machine, but for know it does it's job fine.

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Originally posted by Shangrila17

I do not wan't free computer building.I wan't to pay for the great tech-support that places like PcAudioLabs and ADKProAudio offer.I also wan't to pay for a decent warrenty that will keep me safe for a year or two.I also want to pay them to assemble it.I also wan't to pay them to tweak my OS for music production.But what I will not pay for is overly priced components that are the EXACT SAME! as places liek newegg I am not going to pay for a Sweetwater Sticker or an ADKProAudio Logo on my Machine.These company's are GREAT in every respect but there Price per component adn everyone knows it.

This is A Fact.

I configured myself a decently powerful PC at PcAudioLabs based around AMD Athlon X2.

when I was finshed choosing all needed components the price came to$2255.00

I then Configured the exact same computer with the EXACT same components at newegg

came to$1480.00

That's $750.00 more What the hell?

That is called greed to me.

Tech-Support,Decent Labor Warrenty,Assembly,Windows XP Tweaking.Those four things are great but I'm not gonna pay almost a thousand bux for it.

BTW I don't wan't the best computer out there I know it won't hold a candle to whats coming out in years to came.

Hell my needs arn't even that taxing to any computer.

I just wan't a STABLE music computer at a FAIR price.

Damn dude, you just dont f**king get it do you? The price of the "components" is higher because THAT IS WHERE THEY ARE CHARGING YOU FOR THE EXTRA SERVICE, SUPPORT, AND TWEAKING.

This guy has the same damn post in the other forum with people telling him exactly the same thing and he still doesn't get it.

Shangrila17, do you want to make music or keep being a cheapskate for another 18 months? BUY A COMPUTER ALREADY.

Someone close this thread.

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Originally posted by UstadKhanAli

Why don't you find someone to do this stuff for you and then buy the components at New Egg?

That's what I suggested. And that's where we got all the pieces for my computer. I just had a guy the builds inexpensive computers build me an inexensive computer..using stuff I specified from New egg.

Or check out Sweetwater or Wave Digital (see an earlier link I provided), which may be several hundred more but provide technical support, warranties, and all the tweaking that you mention.

There's other options out there. Personally, if I can find someone that actually provides decent tech support, I'm willing to pay for it. That's worth a lot right there.

Otherwise, just suck it up, buy the components, put it together, and don't worry about it if you want

Especially true if you use someone that has a relationship with equipment dealers. Bad components can be returned and replaced, whereas if you do it yourself, you may not be able to return a defective motherboard, for example because they will claim you installed it improperly.

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Originally posted by Warhead

Pick a good pc and just start recording! They don't get old "that" quick.


In general, I agree with this. Unless you're running a studio with paying clients for a living and need all the power you can get your hands on, there's no need to go out and constantly worry about having the latest / greatest / fastest. Okay, so I do fall into that category, and I tend to rebuild my systems every 18-24 months. But I do it myself, and while I can understand why it make some people nervous, or some people don't want to be bothered with it, it's really not all THAT hard. :) There are tutorials online, and most people who can follow a few simple directions, go slowly and check their work, and who can handle a screwdriver can get through it.

Software installation and conflict troubleshooting isn't always easy for the faint of heart or noob (or even seasoned vets at times ;) ), and for them, a pre-configured system from a good DAW computer specialist company like ADK can be perfect Or in some cases, even off the shelf, mass market systems from companies like Dell can work. IMO, they're not always the best bang for the bucks choices, or horsepower kings, but they can work.

I've had that "5 minute state of the art" system a few times over the last few years (I've been the DaveC score champ on the DUC more than once :o ), and it never stays on top of the heap for long. But my Athlon XP 2700 system from two generations / three - four years or so back was king of the hill at one time, and while it doesn't hold a candle to my current dualcore 4200, it can still work with PT LE just fine. Not as many plug ins, and not as many softsynths, but it can still do some pretty good recordings. And you can pick up a system like that these days for just a few hundred bucks.

For most people, I don't recommend the very fastest stuff on the market. You pay a premium for that last bit of speed and power. However, a step or two down from the top is usually pretty affordable and offers much of the high end power - or at least more than enough power for most user's needs, and a level of capability that will last most people for at least a few years before needing to be upgraded. But you have to consider what your individual needs are and decide accordingly.

Again, if you know the parts you want to specify, but don't want to do all the assembly yourself, many shops will do some or all of the assembly for you for a reasonable price. www.monarchcomputer.com has barebones systems, with the PS, CPU, RAM and mobo installed in the case for you - just install the drives and other goodies you want, install the software and you're ready to go. I think they only charge $45 or so for this level of basic assembly over the cost of the raw parts. Or have them (or any of several other companies) build you a complete system for a little more. Or go all out and have Scott at ADK build you a turnkey DAW system, or go buy a Dell and install the DAW software / hardware yourself and hope for the best... :) All of these things can work, and what's best really depends on the user, their confidence with building and troubleshooting, their budget and their performace needs. But in general, the more work you want someone else to do for you, and the more customized you want it, and the higher performance the parts you specify, the more you can expect to pay for the system. That's ecconomics 101. :) Where's Stephen when we need him? He's the ecconomist. :D

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Originally posted by GZsound

Originally posted by UstadKhanAli

Why don't you find someone to do this stuff for you and then buy the components at New Egg?

That's what I suggested. And that's where we got all the pieces for my computer. I just had a guy the builds inexpensive computers build me an inexensive computer..using stuff I specified from New egg.

Yes, when I posted that it didn't feel like a totally original idea! :D It is a fine idea. So what are you gonna do, ShangriLa?

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Originally posted by GZsound

Well... first off. Try breaking your comments into something other than a total run on sentence.. us old guys have trouble reading a mass like that..

Please. Space bar, paragraphs. I'm not nearly as old as GZ :p:D, but I still can't stand looking/reading a mess like that.

Sorry, my mom is a grammer nazi. :D

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Originally posted by Phil O'Keefe

For most people, I don't recommend the very fastest stuff on the market. You pay a premium for that last bit of speed and power. However, a step or two down from the top is usually pretty affordable and offers much of the high end power - or at least more than enough power for most user's needs, and a level of capability that will last most people for at least a few years before needing to be upgraded. But you have to consider what your individual needs are and decide accordingly.

Proven track records of mother boards etc mean a lot also in pro audio, and while I am no expert myself in such matters my partner and a pro PC builder are in the middle of putting together what we hope will be an affordable program for PC seekers with recording needs. The guy who is putting together the lineup stresses reliability over "latest and greatest" not only for financial reasons but for reasons of he knows what works as it has been proven over time.

So choosing the right components for those reasons are very important. There are tutorials around the web I'm sure that list proven mb / processor combinations for different rigs too I bet for the do it yourselfers. For some this stuff is rocket science (or might as well be) and for others lucky enough to understand it all it's no big deal (example = lucky you!).


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Thanx for all your replies.Finally found the solution to my needs.
I tried to send it as an attachment.Didn't work so I'll juts split it into 2 posts.Perfect Music PC

www.perfectmpc.com is the only place on the web where you can configure a perfert, absolute specific computer for your Music Production Needs. FACT:Nearly all companies that design computers, wether they be for Office,Home Multimedia,Gaming, or Audio and Video Production. Buy the components for there computers from the same places, at incredibly low warehouse prices.Then (and this is comonly known) they assemble the computer, give it a name and jack the price WAY, WAY above what they paid for it.(Go ahead and check for yourself).
Now most of these companies allow you to upgrade to better components directly on there web-site giving you the feeling that you are designing a computer specifically for your exact needs.Well you absolutly are but at what price?
FACT ONE. The company does not offer any where near the selection of components that are out there at any given time.(they say this is because the comonents they offer are the only ones best suited for music).Well there half-right. Different PC needs require different PC components and Music Production is no exception.But there are far more components that are suited for music production, then they can keep in-stock.

FACT TWO. There components are ridiculously over priced.
New,Better,Faster PC Components are coming out everyday, driving down the prices of yesterdays components.The problem with that is, the "music computer manufactor" has to keep selling their components for what they were worth weeks and months ago.Because they bought them at that price.This is unrealistic pricing.The world of computers moves to fast to keep large in-stocks of components,when those components prices are dropping every month.

Now there's perfectmpc.com.We here at Perfect Music Computer offer the absolute easist,cheapest and most user specific way to configure your own Music Computer.Technology has finally made it possible for musicains with real life budgets to create proffesional quality Cd's and DVD's.No longer is the "equipment" needed to do this only accesible to the stinkin rich.
Musicians have enough gear to purchase just to get there recording going.They don't wan't to take Computer classes OR be overcharged by greedy money hungry "buisness men and women.You wan't find any of them here at Perfect Music Computer.Simply put we are musician/computer geeks who's only two concerns are.
1.Building your Music Computer Specifically designed to fit your Music Production needs.
2.Making sure after the sale that your computer remains stable and effective.

Now before I expain how perfectmpc.com works.I'd like you to do something for me.Go to any company that builds PC's specificly for music production, and look at there prices per component.
There are many companys out there now that do this (we know of 10).

Now go to www.pricewatch.com or www.newegg.com and look at the prices for the exact same components.Ludicrous isn't it? How come the exact same components cost so much more at "Music Computer" manufactors websites.Well for some of them it's because their greedy and only care about making money not helping musicians,and others because they hire so many people they have to charge way more to pay them all.(simply overhead)But I cannot disrepect them on the price they incorporate into for there tech-support system because most of them actaully live up to this part.Honestly the money you pay for a certain amount of time of tech-support is just as imortant as the Computer.
We at Perfect Music Computer have taken all the great services of these companys and embraced them while at the same time Completly disregarding the non-sense.
ok enough talk here's how perfectmpc works.

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Welcome to www.perfectmpc.coms' 5 step Music Computer designing process.
With all the hard things musicians go through to record there creations,it's finally time for some simplicity.

Step 1:
Create a personal computer recording needs portfolio on our web-site.This will help us determine what your needs are as a recording musician.Simply answer the 12 questions provided.This will help us zero in on your exact component needs.

Personal Computer Recording Needs Portfolio(try to find out this information for your needs)

1.What sequncer(s) will you or might you be using? exp.Sonar,Pro Tools,Cubase...
2.List any other Applications.exp.SoundForge,WaveLab,Finale
3.Will you be using MIDI?
4.If using MIDI,what Virtual Instruments might you be using?exp.Reason,Sampletank...
5.How many Simultanious tracks of playback would you need?
6.What will be your desired Sample-Rate/Bit-Depth?exp.16-bit 44.1,24-bit 96khz
7.How many Effects per song might you be using?
8.Would you like to track with effects?exp.Recording a vocal take with reverb.
9.What are your simultanious Recording needs?(how many tracks will you be recording at one time)
10.What Data transfer method will you be using.exp. Firewire,USB,PCI
11.Please list any other software or hardware you have that you will be using with or on your PC.
12.What is your budget?

Step 2:
You've done some work. Now it's are turn.
One of perfectmpcs' 12 musician/computer geeks will look over your personal computer recording needs portfolio to get a good picture of what components you will be needing.We will then find the best prices for those components on the web and e-mail you the list of them.(remember the components we recommend for your musicPC are based upon your specific needs,budget,and also Qulaity products Known for there compatibility with Audio Production).You can even choose all the components yourself without any help from us if you'd like.Or we can work together via phone and e-mail to find the best components and prices for your needs and budget. This is your PC.

Step 3:
Ok your turn again.
Once we together have agreed on the absolute best components for your specific Audio Production needs.You will then purchase these Audio specific components.From whom you may ask? Where ever you wan't to.That's right! Perfect Music PC does not sale one single Computer component.The reason for this is very simple.We would not (nor would any "Music Computer Manufactor) be able to offer the same fantastic prices on these components as places like www.newegg.com or www.zipzoomfly.com.We would have to charge more (as does every "music computer manufactor" to cover the cost of keeping these components in stock.
You will purchase all the components you need from whom ever offers the best price. Simple.(remember,all the components that are put into so called "Music Computers" by the "Music Computer" maufactors are bought from most of the same places for fantastic warehouse prices).The reason they jack up the price so high on each component is because,...well they can.and people will pay them the ridiculous amounts of money because simply there isn't any other choice.

When you buy a Computer from a manufactor you are buying there Computer.With it's own features and even a cute little name.Like the Latitude or the Dimension or even the Creation Station or C3.
Now on the other hand when you buy a computer from perfectmpc.com you buy your computer not ours.We don't buy a bunch of components put em together and slap a catchy name on it.Why?Because it's not our computer it's yours and yours alone.In every single detail specifficaly designed by you with the help of our Computer and Audio knowledge.And you can name your computer whatever you wan't.(I call mine the grey phantom),don't laugh.
Back to Step 3, anyway you like, be it check, money order, or credit card.Purchase your Music Computer Components from which ever place offers the best price.(there all the same components anyway).And instead of having them ship the components to you.Have the company foward the components package directly to us.

Step 4:
Our turn again.
As soon as your components arive,we begin assembly of your new, truely user specific "Music Computer".One of are 12 highly knowledgable musician/computer techs will assemble your computer with the upmost care and respect for your property.(Treat other musicians gear as you would treat your own).We absolutly will not compromise on this.We will handle your components as if they were our own.Why? uh duh because it's simply the right thing to do.
Once your computer is physically built solid and stable the tweaking begins.Lets face it using a computer to produce music is not the same as using one to search the web or edit family photos.The Bios and OS must be tweaked into an Audio Production friendly way.This will help your entire computer realize it was created for Music Production, and will help avoid instability or any undesired hic-cups in it's performance.

Step 5:
Your computer is built,it has been tweaked for music.It has been tested numerous times for any instabilty or issues of any kind, and has passed our thorough examinations.
It is now time to purchase your Perfect Music PC.You know what we at perfectmpc.com love?Choices, Options call them what you will but they are great arn't they.Everyone is different and we at perfectmpc completly understand and love this.
Now it is time once again for you to customize.While most companys slap a default warrenty and period of tech-support onto their computers.We see this as well just plain non-sense.With us you can customize your very own Labor warrenty and tech-support period amongst other things.You can custimize exactly what fits your needs and budget.Lets say you have a high level of intelligence about your computer.You wouldn't need as much tech-support as someone new to computer recording.So why should you get charged for something you won't be using.Very simple.You should'nt and at perfectmpc.com.You Won't

We are not a computer manufactor.We simply offer are knowledge of "music computers" as a service to musicians who are tired of being over-priced for the same quality components and support.You will never pay us for a computer component.Because we don't sell any.You buy great quality components from which-ever company offers the best price and send those components to us.You pay us only for the services you need and never for a service you don't.
Assembly,Tweaking,Instalation of software,Warrenty,Tech-Support etc...Purchase any of our services for your specific needs and budget.

Here is a quick list of the services we offer.but first let me remind you that just like everyone is different so will be the price of our services since they are fully custimizable.
Example:Some higher end computer components take more time to assemble together.Also someone who would need let's say, just their OS, a couple of sequencers and perhaps a Soft-synth work-station or two, would pay less then someone who needs there OS plus dozens of seuquencers,soft-synth workstations,mastering applications,Notation Software etc.
(please don't let the higher-end prices fool you.Unless you plan on using your music computer in a full comercial studio your price will not be anywhere near the higher-end.

Computer Assembly (invovles putting your pc together and settings tweaks) $75-$250
Tweaking (invovles installing and tweaking your OS and Bios). $45-$150
Tech-Support Options 1 year,3years,5 years,or lifetime. $40-$175
Labor Warrenty Options 1,2,3,4,5 years $50-$250

We do not offer warrentys on the actual Computer components simply because there not ours.But don't worry about this.We would never recommend a component that doesn't work well for audio, have a good reliable history and a good manufactors Warrenty.Example.Seagate has 5 year warrentys on all there internal hard drives.So we would obviously recommend these over any hard drives with 1 or 2 year warrentys.

We also offer additional services such as but not limited to:
Factory Restore disk and Software
Remote Fix

We encourage you to visit other "Music Computer Manufactors" to check there prices and services.Please,Please do.We we're amazed ourselves with the prices they put on "there" components.Then also visit places like www.newegg.com or www.pricewatch.com and get the real prices on these components.Then WE (meaning you and us together) will design your new fully optimized fully custimized Perfect Music PC.

Please come visit us at www.perfectmpc.com and take the simple 5 step process toward building YOUR(can't stress this enough) Your Music Computer.

Musicians make music.Music makes the world go round.Simple

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Originally posted by Warhead

Proven track records of mother boards etc mean a lot also in pro audio, and while I am no expert myself in such matters my partner and a pro PC builder are in the middle of putting together what we hope will be an affordable program for PC seekers with recording needs. The guy who is putting together the lineup stresses reliability over "latest and greatest" not only for financial reasons but for reasons of he knows what works as it has been proven over time.

That's how the military does it.


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Originally posted by chugheshc

seems like shangrila was trolling in prep for a marketing pitch, eh?

oh well, takes all kinds I suppose.


If it's a marketing pitch, he should hire someone else to write his press releases.

He dont spel to good no how and grammar not good neither.

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Originally posted by Shangrila17

Welcome to
' 5 step Music Computer designing process.

With all the hard things musicians go through to record there creations,it's finally time for some simplicity.

Step 1:

Create a personal computer recording needs portfolio on our web-site.This will help us determine what your needs are as a recording musician.Simply answer the 12 questions provided.This will help us zero in on your exact component needs.

Personal Computer Recording Needs Portfolio(try to find out this information for your needs)

1.What sequncer(s) will you or might you be using? exp.Sonar,Pro Tools,Cubase...

2.List any other Applications.exp.SoundForge,WaveLab,Finale

3.Will you be using MIDI?

4.If using MIDI,what Virtual Instruments might you be using?exp.Reason,Sampletank...

5.How many Simultanious tracks of playback would you need?

6.What will be your desired Sample-Rate/Bit-Depth?exp.16-bit 44.1,24-bit 96khz

7.How many Effects per song might you be using?

8.Would you like to track with effects?exp.Recording a vocal take with reverb.

9.What are your simultanious Recording needs?(how many tracks will you be recording at one time)

10.What Data transfer method will you be using.exp. Firewire,USB,PCI

11.Please list any other software or hardware you have that you will be using with or on your PC.

12.What is your budget?

Step 2:

You've done some work. Now it's are turn.

One of perfectmpcs' 12 musician/computer geeks will look over your personal computer recording needs portfolio to get a good picture of what components you will be needing.We will then find the best prices for those components on the web and e-mail you the list of them.(remember the components we recommend for your musicPC are based upon your specific needs,budget,and also Qulaity products Known for there compatibility with Audio Production).You can even choose all the components yourself without any help from us if you'd like.Or we can work together via phone and e-mail to find the best components and prices for your needs and budget. This is your PC.

Step 3:

Ok your turn again.

Once we together have agreed on the absolute best components for your specific Audio Production needs.You will then purchase these Audio specific components.From whom you may ask? Where ever you wan't to.That's right! Perfect Music PC does not sale one single Computer component.The reason for this is very simple.We would not (nor would any "Music Computer Manufactor) be able to offer the same fantastic prices on these components as places like
would have to charge more (as does every "music computer manufactor" to cover the cost of keeping these components in stock.

You will purchase all the components you need from whom ever offers the best price. Simple.(remember,all the components that are put into so called "Music Computers" by the "Music Computer" maufactors are bought from most of the same places for fantastic warehouse prices).The reason they jack up the price so high on each component is because,...well they can.and people will pay them the ridiculous amounts of money because simply there isn't any other choice.

When you buy a Computer from a manufactor you are buying there Computer.With it's own features and even a cute little name.Like the Latitude or the Dimension or even the Creation Station or C3.

Now on the other hand when you buy a computer from perfectmpc.com you buy your computer not ours.We don't buy a bunch of components put em together and slap a catchy name on it.Why?Because it's not our computer it's yours and yours alone.In every single detail specifficaly designed by you with the help of our Computer and Audio knowledge.And you can name your computer whatever you wan't.(I call mine the grey phantom),don't laugh.

Back to Step 3, anyway you like, be it check, money order, or credit card.Purchase your Music Computer Components from which ever place offers the best price.(there all the same components anyway).And instead of having them ship the components to you.Have the company foward the components package directly to us.

Step 4:

Our turn again.

As soon as your components arive,we begin assembly of your new, truely user specific "Music Computer".One of are 12 highly knowledgable musician/computer techs will assemble your computer with the upmost care and respect for your property.(Treat other musicians gear as you would treat your own).We absolutly will not compromise on this.We will handle your components as if they were our own.Why? uh duh because it's simply the right thing to do.

Once your computer is physically built solid and stable the tweaking begins.Lets face it using a computer to produce music is not the same as using one to search the web or edit family photos.The Bios and OS must be tweaked into an Audio Production friendly way.This will help your entire computer realize it was created for Music Production, and will help avoid instability or any undesired hic-cups in it's performance.

Step 5:

Your computer is built,it has been tweaked for music.It has been tested numerous times for any instabilty or issues of any kind, and has passed our thorough examinations.

It is now time to purchase your Perfect Music PC.You know what we at perfectmpc.com love?Choices, Options call them what you will but they are great arn't they.Everyone is different and we at perfectmpc completly understand and love this.

Now it is time once again for you to customize.While most companys slap a default warrenty and period of tech-support onto their computers.We see this as well just plain non-sense.With us you can customize your very own Labor warrenty and tech-support period amongst other things.You can custimize exactly what fits your needs and budget.Lets say you have a high level of intelligence about your computer.You wouldn't need as much tech-support as someone new to computer recording.So why should you get charged for something you won't be using.Very simple.You should'nt and at perfectmpc.com.You Won't

We are not a computer manufactor.We simply offer are knowledge of "music computers" as a service to musicians who are tired of being over-priced for the same quality components and support.You will never pay us for a computer component.Because we don't sell any.You buy great quality components from which-ever company offers the best price and send those components to us.You pay us only for the services you need and never for a service you don't.

Assembly,Tweaking,Instalation of software,Warrenty,Tech-Support etc...Purchase any of our services for your specific needs and budget.

Here is a quick list of the services we offer.but first let me remind you that just like everyone is different so will be the price of our services since they are fully custimizable.

Example:Some higher end computer components take more time to assemble together.Also someone who would need let's say, just their OS, a couple of sequencers and perhaps a Soft-synth work-station or two, would pay less then someone who needs there OS plus dozens of seuquencers,soft-synth workstations,mastering applications,Notation Software etc.

(please don't let the higher-end prices fool you.Unless you plan on using your music computer in a full comercial studio your price will not be anywhere near the higher-end.

Computer Assembly (invovles putting your pc together and settings tweaks) $75-$250

Tweaking (invovles installing and tweaking your OS and Bios). $45-$150

Tech-Support Options 1 year,3years,5 years,or lifetime. $40-$175

Labor Warrenty Options 1,2,3,4,5 years $50-$250

We do not offer warrentys on the actual Computer components simply because there not ours.But don't worry about this.We would never recommend a component that doesn't work well for audio, have a good reliable history and a good manufactors Warrenty.Example.Seagate has 5 year warrentys on all there internal hard drives.So we would obviously recommend these over any hard drives with 1 or 2 year warrentys.

We also offer additional services such as but not limited to:

Factory Restore disk and Software

Remote Fix

We encourage you to visit other "Music Computer Manufactors" to check there prices and services.Please,Please do.We we're amazed ourselves with the prices they put on "there" components.Then also visit places like
and get the real prices on these components.Then WE (meaning you and us together) will design your new fully optimized fully custimized Perfect Music PC.

Please come visit us at
and take the simple 5 step process toward building YOUR(can't stress this enough) Your Music Computer.

Musicians make music.Music makes the world go round.Simple

This guy is the definition of TROLL

Have you nothing better to do?

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I had a related question.

In deciding what I want for my DAW, I wasn't sure the best way to go regarding CPU. I have a preference for Intel just for stability and software compatability reasons. anyway... the options I was looking at are.

1. High end Intel P4.
2. Intel Pentium D - Dual Core processors.
3. Intel Dual processors (2 chips)

Have a gut feeling that the Dual Core or dual processor model might give better performance.

Any suggestions on choosing? -cost vs benefit etc.

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your preference for intel is not a good one in this case, the dual core intels have been outbenchmarked left and right by amd... despite their higher transistor count. that said, whichever you go with, I'd stay away from dual processor setups if you aren't computer saavy. The dual core chips will suit you just fine. Make sure, however, that you don't pay extra for "hyperthreading" as most audio apps don't like it. From my understanding, the dual core is especially effecting with DAW's due to the need for processing power from the plugins and host at the same time... this way each gets its own cache to draw from.

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Thanks ZK

"From my understanding, the dual core is especially effecting "

I assume you meant "effective"

That's what I thought. So prob. will go w/ the low end D.

As far as Intel vs AMD.... There are a couple reasons why I lean towards intel.
1. Past experience -- My p4 has been rock solid - no problems.
2. Alot of stuff seems to be geared for Intel (software and HW)... AMD works but...
3. Benchmarking.... Doesn't really matter much to me. If AMD can squeeze an extra nanosecond thats cool, but I don't think it would make much difference in the real world.

Soo... Just feel better going w/ a car I trust wont break down rather than a car that can go 1 mph faster.

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The computer is just the platform for running your preferred hardware and software. If you haven't identified that, you're putting the cart before the horse. Many manufacturers specify the computer they've tested their equipment against. Let their beta testing inform your decision.

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I'm sure you'll think I'm playing dumb,since you've already made up your mind about my intentions in regards to Perfect Music PC.
But what the hell is a troll.It seems like your saying that I just wanted to release the information of my busness to unsuspecting musicians.

You could not be more wrong.The only problem with PerfectMPC.com is.
It doesn't exsist.
I'm not a computer builder.I'm a f@#$in musician.But I wan't to take advantage of computer recording too.
After looking for a better place than Sweetwater and PcAudioLabs to buy my first music computer from I was noticing their bad qualities in prices not services.

I wrote the entire Perfect Music Computer Idea in wordpad on my home laptop.It's not real.
Though I wish it was
Do you think I'm some guy trying to plug my upcoming buisness.
Wrong I'm a musician that just had an Idea.
Maybe it's not a good idea to you cuz you already know how to build a computer.
But I don't.and I don't want to learn.
I wish there really was a perfectmusicpc.com and they offered those services that I wrote about in the idea.

I have been researching what computers people are using in their set-ups for a couple of months.but what I learned is everyone is different and there is no perfect way to go for more than one person.

I know all the components that go into a Computer.But know very little about the exact jobs that those components perform.

And I know that to have a stable music computer various Bios and OS tweakings must be made.(because I read it in PC recording studios for dummies, by jeff strong)

I'm not plugging my buiness.I wish I had the knowledge to do thoses things that perfectmpc would do if it were a real company.
Because so far as I can tell.From looking at Rainrecording,Sweetwater,Carillion,ADKProAudio,PcAudioLabs, and many others.

All of them jack the prices of the components up.And none of them offer many different choices in the first place.
Here's an example and I've said it before.
At PcAudioLabs unless you pick an AMD FX or Opteron they only give you a choice between two motherboards 1 Asus and 1 Soltek.
and only the soltek has firewire.So if you want firewire you only have one to choose from.That's not a choice.
All those damn companys act like their selling the only components that work good for music.

I don't want to buy the components from them is basically what I'm saying.

I'll pay them to build it.And to do all the tweaking,and for tech support and any other service they may offer warrentys and factory restore disks and sh#$.

I love the services that music computer companys offer

But I ain't gonna buy their components cause the prices and selection is bullsh#$.

and please before you diss me,think about this.

Even though I don't know a whole lot about computers.that doesn't mean I don't deserve to take advantage of Computer based recording.
There are thousands of musicians out there that wan't and deserve to take advantage of the technology that is coming out cuz it hepls us create and record our music easier and faster.
Maybe we don't wan't to learn how to DIY or whatever the hell it's called.And who the hell is anyone to tell us, if we don't wan't to learn about computers and build are own we should just accept the crap that's put out by F#$%ing sweetwater.

(as a musician)
I wish upon wish that a company like perfectmpc would come out.To me it seems like it would help simplify things and you would still get a really fair price.I wan't to custimize every single component in MY music computer.and Choose from many different services.

Damn it why don't these companys just sell there services.
Why did they have to get there damn nubs on the components to sell.

I stand behind thinking that perfectmusicpc would be a great Idea for a company.

and if any of you out there know all that it takes to assemble and tweak a computer for music production.and perhaps you have some friends that do as well.
(as a musican who respects and will pay for your knowledge)
you can happily have the perfectmusic pc idea.

I have looked over that whole thing I wrote many times.
I still think it would be a great idea and succesful busness.


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I'm sure you'll think I'm playing dumb,since you've already made up your mind about my intentions in regards to Perfect Music PC.
But what the hell is a troll.It seems like your saying that I just wanted to release the information of my busness to unsuspecting musicians.

You could not be more wrong.The only problem with PerfectMPC.com is.
It doesn't exsist.
I'm not a computer builder.I'm a f@#$in musician.But I wan't to take advantage of computer recording too.
After looking for a better place than Sweetwater and PcAudioLabs to buy my first music computer from I was noticing their bad qualities in prices not services.

I wrote the entire Perfect Music Computer Idea in wordpad on my home laptop.It's not real.
Though I wish it was
Do you think I'm some guy trying to plug my upcoming buisness.
Wrong I'm a musician that just had an Idea.
Maybe it's not a good idea to you cuz you already know how to build a computer.
But I don't.and I don't want to learn.
I wish there really was a perfectmusicpc.com and they offered those services that I wrote about in the idea.

I have been researching what computers people are using in their set-ups for a couple of months.but what I learned is everyone is different and there is no perfect way to go for more than one person.

I know all the components that go into a Computer.But know very little about the exact jobs that those components perform.

And I know that to have a stable music computer various Bios and OS tweakings must be made.(because I read it in PC recording studios for dummies, by jeff strong)

I'm not plugging my buiness.I wish I had the knowledge to do thoses things that perfectmpc would do if it were a real company.
Because so far as I can tell.From looking at Rainrecording,Sweetwater,Carillion,ADKProAudio,PcAudioLabs, and many others.

All of them jack the prices of the components up.And none of them offer many different choices in the first place.
Here's an example and I've said it before.
At PcAudioLabs unless you pick an AMD FX or Opteron they only give you a choice between two motherboards 1 Asus and 1 Soltek.
and only the soltek has firewire.So if you want firewire you only have one to choose from.That's not a choice.
All those damn companys act like their selling the only components that work good for music.

I don't want to buy the components from them is basically what I'm saying.

I'll pay them to build it.And to do all the tweaking,and for tech support and any other service they may offer warrentys and factory restore disks and sh#$.

I love the services that music computer companys offer

But I ain't gonna buy their components cause the prices and selection is bullsh#$.

and please before you diss me,think about this.

Even though I don't know a whole lot about computers.that doesn't mean I don't deserve to take advantage of Computer based recording.
There are thousands of musicians out there that wan't and deserve to take advantage of the technology that is coming out cuz it hepls us create and record our music easier and faster.
Maybe we don't wan't to learn how to DIY or whatever the hell it's called.And who the hell is anyone to tell us, if we don't wan't to learn about computers and build are own we should just accept the crap that's put out by F#$%ing sweetwater.

(as a musician)
I wish upon wish that a company like perfectmpc would come out.To me it seems like it would help simplify things and you would still get a really fair price.I wan't to custimize every single component in MY music computer.and Choose from many different services.

Damn it why don't these companys just sell there services.
Why did they have to get there damn nubs on the components to sell.

I stand behind thinking that perfectmusicpc would be a great Idea for a company.

and if any of you out there know all that it takes to assemble and tweak a computer for music production.and perhaps you have some friends that do as well.
(as a musican who respects and will pay for your knowledge)
you can happily have the perfectmusic pc idea.

I have looked over that whole thing I wrote many times.
I still think it would be a great idea and succesful busness.


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