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How did you figure out what guitar is for you?


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cuz i have no frackin idea...

i think my danelectro has come closest...

my lp kinda disappoints me...



The guitar for me, is my Gibson SG Standard. I have a few other decent guitars (including Jackson and Ibanez), but the SG is always what I come back to.


Why is this? It inspires me to write music, to practice, and to rock out in general.


I think this is because of the shorter scale length, the warmth from the mahogany body and set-neck construction, and the responsiveness and versatility of the pickups.


Plus, I have had it for nearly 10 years, so it has a very special place in my collection. Its always been my "go to" guitar. It works for almost every style of music I have ever tried (hard rock, metal, hardcore, punk, "indie", jazz, etc). There's nothing it won't do for me.

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... by trying loads and (unfortunately) buying loads -- many because they either looked cool or were played by musicians I admire -- before I finally worked out what suits me, and the music I like to play, in terms of both sound and feel. Acquired so many guitars, and dumped so many of them at a loss, too.


Like the song sez, "I wish that I'd known then what I know now/when I was younger ..."

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guitar for me, is my Gibson SG Standard. I have a few other decent guitars (including Jackson and Ibanez), but the SG is always what I come back to.

Why is this? It
me to write music, to practice, and to rock out in general.

Its always been my "go to" guitar. .



I come from a strong acoustic background, so I have to have an electric guitar that I can play acoustic type chords on. I like Strats and have one, but can't really play chords on it like I can on a Gibson style guitar.


I modded my Samick SG copy with PAF type pickups, and it's already my favorite guitar - my kind of sound. I use my Casino quite a bit too, but I can't get all the variety that I can with my SG.


That's all I have now - The SG, a Strat, and a Casino. I got rid of 2 guitars last week.

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... by trying loads and (unfortunately) buying loads -- many because they either looked cool or were played by musicians I admire -- before I finally worked out what suits me, and the music I like to play, in terms of both sound and feel. Acquired so many guitars, and dumped so many of them at a loss, too.

Like the song sez, "I wish that I'd known then what I know now/when I was younger ..."


I traveled this same road. I'd also add I bought many guitars based on others recomendations. They weren't bad guitars mind you, but they weren't right for ME.


Like CSM said, I had to BUY many before finding out what I like. I don't live in the USA so don't have access to the large guitar stores. Besides, playing a guitar for a while in the store, won't tell you as much as having it at home for a couple of months.


After a long search, I ended up with only two electrics but they suit me perfectly. Both Yamahas... an AES1500 and a AEX502.


I guess it's trail and error... like finding your favorite pair of jeans.

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"What guitar is for me" is usually a big amalgam of logical and illogical reasoning, all fated toward (and motivated by the desire of?) buying something.


Every guitar I've ever owned represents a tidy little bundle of reasons to buy it. I needed an semi-hollow because, well, I needed something with a slightly bigger acoustic sound because I lived in an apartment building and...I needed a 56 goldtop LP style because well my very first guitar was a P90 LP knock-off and pickups have never quite sounded right to me since. And so on.


So I agree about the "buying loads," but I would never say "unfortunately." It's been pretty fun buying guitars, getting rid of them, buying different versions of what I sold but felt nostalgic toward. Around and around it goes.

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Started out getting what I could afford like lots of people and that didn't work. Kept going to GC and Mars and playing everything I could and figured out I liked and didn't -- LPs and SG and especially thin necked LPs, but couldn't afford them. Started playing on some Epis and figured out I liked them a lot and was pretty close.

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I started with a Strat because the players I liked most used Strats. Since then I've tried a number of other guitars - I have an LP, Tele, and a semihollow - but I keep coming back to the Strat as my #1. I guess the only way to know is play lots of different guits, and you'll figure it out.

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I dont know if I am done but much closer than I was. My tastes have changed! I used to like small fender necks now I like chunky necks. I never ever liked the "Ibanez" type necks. I still dont have a preference on scale length as it changfes from day to day. I love my Elitist les paul. I just ordered a Custom Warmoth and hope that it covers everything the paul doesnt. I also learned I like locking nuts and fine tuners. I like Planet Waves Locking tuners becuase I am lazy and dont like changing strings. BUT LOOKING FOR THE PERFECT GUITAR IS FUN!!! ITS LIKE DATING THEIR ARE ALOT OF CHOICES TO TRY BEFORE BUYING FOR KEEPS!!!:D If only I could keep a couple that I liked just for special occassions like I can with guitars.

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I started on a squire strat, went to super-strats ( hey it was the late 80's everyone had superstrats :p) finally got a les paul copy and that just felt right. I ended up progressing to epi les pauls and finally gibson les pauls as finances allowed. Now I'm playing an ecclectic collection of strats, super strats, sg's and les pauls. but the LPs always tend to get the most attention.:cool:

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Ive been through so many guitars and brands. I like playing metal (thrash) and classic hard rock and metal like Zeppelin, Sabbath, Rush. I tried very hard to make my Les Paul fit for metal but it never really played right for me. It did well on the classic side though. Then I came across the ESP Eclipse and it excelled on both types of music that I love to play: Metal and Classic Hard Rock. Since then the ESP Eclipse and the Viper have been my main instruments and both my Les Paul's sit tightly in my closet.


Finding the perfect guitar is pretty much trying out many, many, many guitars. Spending more than you can afford and selling at a loss, until you come across what you like.


I strongly recommend not to try and play a guitar just cause your favorite guitarist use them. The guitar that feels and plays right for you is what you should be looking for, not the one that feels right for others.

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A lot of trial and error. I probably had 20+ guitars come and go throughout the past 14 years. I had some guitars that my "hero's" had but as soon as the excitement of owning those guitars wore off, my interest declined. I got trapped in the "name brand" game thinking that if you didn't play (insert guitar company's name) then you weren't cool and/or sucked. That sounds rather sophomoric but I was young and impressionable.


The guitars I found to be my fit are the ones I made using Carvins NT kit necks. I am most comfortable with the 25" scale and their neck contour just feels right for me. If I could make up my mind on what model to buy from Carvin, I already know that I would be very happy with it.

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