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Everything posted by 1001gear

  1. On Envision, I used to could drag links and youtubes, and delete/edit cleanly and now can't. Cool changes.
  2. Remember to save the leftover parts when you reassemble.
  3. that will bottleneck the harmonic transmission into the wood!11!!1*
  4. Dystopia (learned that recently binging on free scifi) to untopia. At least you're not alone...
  5. I stumble around drunk and crash stuff. I can't remember if I belong.
  6. I count the turns starting at the first hair of thread past zero. This presumes the lugs are scientifically calibrated but I paid 300 for my drums, they better be.
  7. I don't get the sentimentality. I don't name my possessions.
  8. Genetics has come a long way since 2009. it has finally been proven that this guy, and a select group of others from his time were actually a separate species recently defined as Homo Decoratus. The intricate folding that adorns the cranium is actually bone growth and current thinking states it is, "probably physically connected to synaptic regions and functioned as heat dissipation." *** As the world flourished these extraordinary creatures became afflicted with a myriad of maladies and eventually became extinct. *** Nigel Tufnel "The Evolution of Eleven"
  9. This would also fly on a porn forum.
  10. if I've heard of Robert Christgau I have no recollection. Like hu keres anyway? Performers are a rarefied brand of phony. Sometimes they personify the chic of the week and are treated favorably. Rarer still are the ones who are the life they sing about; the antithesis of phony but for their exhibitionism about it. I could GAF if the material is mediocre; merely the riser they gig upon. In that regard I prefer well crafted music with faceless musicians.
  11. Would just like to add that the method I detailed at the front of this thread has taken root and is developing quite well. Going is slow but that's a function of diminishing obsession; gett'n' olde.
  12. I recall somebody saying those come from the same factory as MIJ Fenders - whatever those might be. Tokais too prolly.
  13. I'm hiring to explore the possibility of me being.
  14. From item #1, "... If you do switch them before a session, make sure to properly break them in so that you are breaking them in while you record..." From item #5, Do yourself a solid and pick up a pair to understand how you sound “under the gunâ€. lol
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