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fed up of ebay, and ive decided to do something about it.


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$5 is too much for basic eBay fees ???

Evidently you haven't sold on Ebay before. :cop: You have an initial fee (which is usually only a few bucks) and then you are raped with a final auction fee which is determined based on how much you sold your item for. I sold a Mesa Boogie a while back and ended up paying $75 in Ebay listing fees and another $25 just to recieve the payment through paypal. Ebay no longer allows payment through moneyorders because they want yet another way to rape you in your wallet.

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And my local stores charge 20-25% to consign sell an item that won't come close to matching Ebay for number of potential buyers. I find that the price you get for an item on Ebay almost always pays for the fees compared to selling locally.



Good point.

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Ebay no longer allows payment through moneyorders because they want yet another way to rape you in your wallet.



nobody should use money orders. have you ever cashed one?


i went in to cash a $45 money order, and to do so I had to...


fill out 3 forms of paperwork

give {censored}ing finger prints!

have my photo taken

give "references".

wait 20 minutes while the employee made phone calls to make sure the $45 money order wasnt fake


AND pay a higher percentage fee than paypal. (was 15 percent).




eBay may be greedy, but not -rape you because you have no other option - ticketmaster level of greedy.

the no money order thing is to prevent other sellers going through this bs.

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nobody should use money orders. have you ever cashed one?

i went in to cash a $45 money order, and to do so I had to...

fill out 3 forms of paperwork

give {censored}ing finger prints!

have my photo taken

give "references".

wait 20 minutes while the employee made phone calls to make sure the $45 money order wasnt fake

AND pay a higher percentage fee than paypal. (was 15 percent).


eBay may be greedy, but not -rape you because you have no other option - ticketmaster level of greedy.

the no money order thing is to prevent other sellers going through this bs.



Really? You really think eBay only has your very best interests at heart? And that the fact that they own Paypal, and get to double dip into your wallet is merely a coincidence? And that, woe, if there was only some other way they could do it without charging you twice they surely would, but alas, Paypal is the only way?



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Really? You really think eBay only has your very best interests at heart? And that the fact that they own Paypal, and get to double dip into your wallet is merely a coincidence? And that, woe, if there was only some other way they could do it without charging you twice they surely would, but alas, Paypal is the only way?




no, i'm just saying money orders are horrible, and most places that cash them charge double what paypal does. its snail mailed, and when you buy stuff with your credit card on paypal, you can do a chargeback if you get ripped.


with a money order, you'd be on your own, and would have to go through small claims court or local authorities and waste a ton of time.

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nobody should use money orders. have you ever cashed one?

i went in to cash a $45 money order, and to do so I had to...

fill out 3 forms of paperwork

give {censored}ing finger prints!

have my photo taken

give "references".

wait 20 minutes while the employee made phone calls to make sure the $45 money order wasnt fake

AND pay a higher percentage fee than paypal. (was 15 percent).


eBay may be greedy, but not -rape you because you have no other option - ticketmaster level of greedy.

the no money order thing is to prevent other sellers going through this bs.



I've never heard of anything like that. If it's a Postal Money Order, you can take it to the Post Office and cash it for free with no hassle, or just deposit it in your account at the bank.


If someone wants to send me a non-Postal Money Order, I treat it like a personal check and let them know ahead of time I will hold it for 10 business days to be sure it clears before shipping.


I have no idea where you're getting that kind of runaround for a money order, but it should never cost anything to cash one...

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Really? You really think eBay only has your very best interests at heart? And that the fact that they own Paypal, and get to double dip into your wallet is merely a coincidence? And that, woe, if there was only some other way they could do it without charging you twice they surely would, but alas, Paypal is the only way?


Should Paypal be free? Their rates are about the same as what a business gets charged to have credit card purchases processed.

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I think it is time for a paradigm shift. Ebay is ridiculous and fleeces any money out of a good/fair deal.

I think it can work as a segment competitor.. Astro mart, for instance is basically a one stop internet shop site for used astronomy equipment. You don't see anything on ebay for astronomy now. It could work for guitar stuff as well.

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someone else just did this. i believe they call their site

another member here had the same idea, and the site is just taking off.

+1. Plus, everyone and their mother has tried to unseat eBay from day 1. They have the market, I just don't see anyone else making a dent unless they have lots of money for advertising.

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I say go for it, but to be perfectly honest I don't use e-Bay because I am an idiot, I use it because of the amount of people that will see my listing. I put stuff in this forum up for sale from time to time and have sold maybe 2 items here. I can put the same item up in e-Bay a week later and it will sell for the BIN price for more than I listed it here for (and I mean this ALWAYS happens).

It isn't because this site sucks or the people here are cheapasses, I mean that's a given ;), it's because of the number of people exposed to e-Bay.

And like someone else said, the final fees and everything won't come up to what the local guitar shop wants for consignment and you have some protection measures put in. PayPal costs a few bucks, but the convenience it provides is well worth it to me. I don't want to mess with sending or cashing checks or money orders; I can see the money and transfer it within seconds to my account.

I don't see anything wrong with it, but without major exposure the monthly SPAM thread and the For Sale forums here will get more traffic.

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I think you'd need to spend alot of money on advertising to make the website big enough for it to be worth people visiting.

but if you can do it yourself then it might be worth it, just to give it a try.



Not true. A well done keyword search advertising campaign well get a lot of website traffic and won't cost more than a few hundred a month if you don't want it to.

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Nothing wrong with trying, but if you are a seller you are going to want to put your item where the most people will be exposed to it; and right now that is eBay.


Until something changes that situation, people that want to get the most out of what they're selling (even with the fees), will be listing their items on eBay.

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Evidently you haven't sold on Ebay before.
You have an initial fee (which is usually only a few bucks) and then you are raped with a final auction fee which is determined based on how much you sold your item for. I sold a Mesa Boogie a while back and ended up paying $75 in Ebay listing fees and another $25 just to recieve the payment through paypal. Ebay no longer allows payment through moneyorders because they want yet another way to rape you in your wallet.

All I have to say is, do you think you'd get a better price if you went to GC and sold it to them. I guarantee you that you made more money on eBay than you would have if you went on GC

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well, seems as i have an answer. guys, remember if i do make this ill need all your input on how to make it better, theres been some talk of populating listings from criaglist and ebay ect, but this is against rules of ebay for sure, i can do it but i dont think its a good idea, heres why...


Craiglist may be good but theres too many scammers ect on there, im proposing a place where we self police. i.e. if someone sees something dodgy or believes it to be something its not, i get contacted and we fix the issue, ban em, whatever but because were all in it for getting good deals and looking out for each other it will become a trusted place to trade/buy gear.


it will start off small, its bound to, remember i dont have grandiose plans of competing with ebay, its just not possible, there far far to big to compete with. But taking our market away from them and showing it in a place where only people in that particular niche frequent means a few things.


1. we should get exposure to the right kind of people. no point advertising a 59 les paul to 5 million people who have no interest in musical instruments is there.


2. if your selling premium gear (like said paul) how much will ebay charge you on 25 grand? im proposing free, not a cent of your money, the trade off is i need all of your help to make it work and be the place to put your musical instruments.


This is still at prelim stage but i starting work on in tomorrow night. llets think of ways of advertising it to likeminded people, mabe putting it in our sigs once up on all forums we visit would be a good start? all ideas will be considered, ill update as soon as i get something to show u guys.

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