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I Finnaly saw It Might Get Loud and.......


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-JP was pretty down to earth as well for being a "rock god". And I also loved how he still seemed like a little kid who still has that magical love of music and playing guitar (like air guitar-ing to link wrtay)


That was probably my favorite moment in the movie. Page still has the enthusiasm of a little boy in him, and still appreciates his own idols. That was meaningful to me.

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Watched it last night, liked it very much! cleared out the room other then myself and my daughters boyfriend (both geetar lovers).

Never did like EDGE the one part with the "cool riff" just cracked me up, it seemed like he needed a room full of equipment to sound good. JW, I liked although some of his comments were Corney as hell. his playing I liked kind of rough and full of emotion.

JP was awesome!!

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I liked it. I also find U2's early "socially relevant" music about the dangerous times of 1970s dublin (what sunday bloody sunday is about) very interesting, and in some strange way I regret being a white kid who's never faced any REAL hardship, because there's nothing romantic to write about!


I like all that stuff but, in my mind, that's a whole different film. This one is about these three guys and that was a bit much of a tangent for my taste.

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Those guys just did not have any chemistry together, which prevented the film from achieving it's potential. To put people who don't know each other in an contrived situation like that and expect magic I guess is a little too much to hope for. It might have worked better if they had three guys who were real friends beforehand, maybe Page, Beck and Clapton for example.


Their styles are so disparate that I think they found it hard to find common ground. The Edge is very reserved and humble, Jack White is kind of weird and young, and Page is as close to a deity as rock has which makes it hard for him to relate to those guys, even the Edge.


My take from the film:


Page is a rock god, case closed. Not that I didn't know that, but it served as a good reminder. What a talent, he's just jaw droppingly good, greatest riffmaster of all time.


The Edge is has done more with less than anybody in history. He's not a flashy guitarist, but with his use of effects he is able to communicate great power through his music.


I'm not sure if Jack White sucks or is a genious. Probably somewhere in between like most people.


He is a weird sucker, though.


I'd give it a marginal thumbs up, although overall I was a bit let down in terms of my own expectations.

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I thoroughly enjoyed it. Jimmy Page didn't come off pompous. In fact he came off very likable. Playing air guitar to Rumble was a great sequence. The Edge came off very down to earth, and Jack White impressed me with his back to roots rawness. A must see for everyone here.


I stopped reading this thread right here because I felt like responding to you xStoner.


I have always gotten that impression from these three musicians. :cool:

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I think you have to go into it knowing This is not a concert or performance film per se.


It seems to me to be about 3 individual guitar players and what shapes their love for music and performance. It's about their individual stories more than anything else - something I appreciate, as I also appreciate the adoration with which the film approaches the instrument itself. I loved it.

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Those guys just did not have any chemistry together, which prevented the film from achieving it's potential. To put people who don't know each other in an contrived situation like that and expect magic I guess is a little too much to hope for. It might have worked better if they had three guys who were real friends beforehand, maybe Page, Beck and Clapton for example.

Their styles are so disparate that I think they found it hard to find common ground. The Edge is very reserved and humble, Jack White is kind of weird and young, and Page is as close to a deity as rock has which makes it hard for him to relate to those guys, even the Edge.

My take from the film:

Page is a rock god, case closed. Not that I didn't know that, but it served as a good reminder. What a talent, he's just jaw droppingly good, greatest riffmaster of all time.

The Edge is has done more with less than anybody in history. He's not a flashy guitarist, but with his use of effects he is able to communicate great power through his music.

I'm not sure if Jack White sucks or is a genious. Probably somewhere in between like most people.

He is a weird sucker, though.

I'd give it a marginal thumbs up, although overall I was a bit let down in terms of my own expectations.




The goal of the film-maker was to look at three guitarists who are very successful and have disparate styles, put them together and see where they intersect and where they diverge. The type of film you suggested he make would have been way less interesting to me. Magic? Sounds like you wanted a Disney movie. :facepalm: (no offense to your position, we just like different things)


IMO, it did a great job of showing that, no matter what the style, if you put 3 disparate-style guitarists together, there WILL be point where they converge (the end section is my fav in the movie). And music IS communication. I lOVED the diversity, but the common element that though they are sometimes saying different things in different ways, they love making music... communicating.

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There is a happy medium between a "Disney" movie and a forced interaction that did not really reveal all that much. It felt like they were uncomfortable being there.


I think Jack White was ultimately a bad choice for the film. If you replaced him with a Springsteen I think it would have lightened things up and you would have had a more open and fun exchange.

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Watched it last night, liked it very much! cleared out the room other then myself and my daughters boyfriend (both geetar lovers).

Never did like EDGE the one part with the "cool riff" just cracked me up, it seemed like he needed a room full of equipment to sound good
. JW, I liked although some of his comments were Corney as hell. his playing I liked kind of rough and full of emotion.

JP was awesome!!


you are missing the point of what he does. it's not that he needs a bunch of stuff to sound good, it's that he experiments with the tools at his disposal and comes up with cool sounds/great riffs using them. whether he's playing a bunch of notes or just a couple.

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There is a happy medium between a "Disney" movie and a forced interaction that did not really reveal all that much. It felt like they were uncomfortable being there.

I think Jack White was ultimately a bad choice for the film. If you replaced him with a Springsteen I think it would have lightened things up and you would have had a more open and fun exchange.


yeah...{censored}in springsteen would have been a better choice....:facepalm:


maybe page was the bad choice and it should have been someone like...oh I don't know....David Gilmour? LOL..


Really what I think is going on here with you and a couple other posters is just more Jack White bashing. Of course you guys dress it up a little nicer so you can appear to be unbiased but really you just don't like him.


He is absolutely the perfect choice for this movie as he is about the only superstar guitarist around these days who is doing anything interesting with the instrument.

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saw it and really liked it. Not a huge fan of any of them but appreciated what they have done, especially Page. But i now have a better understanding of where they are coming from. I now 'get' the Edge. His thing is pedals and cool effects, almost like building a wall of sound rather than just coming up with a riff like most conventional players. And i now understand the simplicity behind Jack Whites stuff. The scene at the start where he builds the basic guitar was a great way to kick things off.

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I was never really a fan of JW until I saw the film. He's one of my favorites now. Its funny how one's understanding (or lack thereof) of a person can have such an impact on appreciation.


I'm that way with a lot of musicians. Read a biography or better yet- an autobiography about someone and suddenly their music makes so much more sense.

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I am seriously embarassed by most (not all6 of the Jack White hate on the boards.


Dude is just damn good pop songwriter.


It's like this on any guitar forum, where the only modern music that is praised is "throwback" to Zeppelin or AC/DC.

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I am seriously embarassed by most (not all6 of the Jack White hate on the boards.

Dude is just damn good pop songwriter.

It's like this on any guitar forum, where the only modern music that is praised is "throwback" to Zeppelin or AC/DC.


Some of us LOVE Jack White.

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Looks like I need to get this DVD. Jimmy Page was one of my first guitar heroes and I really like Jack White. I'm not a U2 fan but I do like some of the things the Edge does with them.


From what I've read I guess I'll have a hard time persuading the wife to watch it with me - she is a music fan but she's definitely not into guitars per se.

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Some of us LOVE Jack White.


Oh, I'm not saying that everyone here hates him, I'm just saying that most guitar nerds get a false sense of superiority just because he writes mostly simple songs (although I cant see how anyone can hear the album Icky Thump and say he has no guitar chops) and he holds a guitar on stage.


Its just like Kurt Cobain - when did being a songwriter that plays guitar automatically mean you have to play it to your fullest ability?

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I just watched the DVD. I think it was great. Here are three guitarist who each approach the instrument differently and there was still a lot similar between them. I was really surprised how much I appreciated where Jack White was coming from. He wanted to have his music to be simple and raw. Edge's approach was more based on the sounds that he has in his head and his approach to recreate them for the songs. He seemed more focused on utilizing the technology to produce these sounds. Jimmy Page expressed his desire to push the boundaries of music.


Some of the best parts were when all three were playing together. They are each top notch guitarists who take slightly different roads to make their music. Inspiring.

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Jack White, I really don't.


I do think that he came off a bit douchy, and I thought that there were better choices for the third wheel that could have been made. That does not constitute "hating" on Jack White.


I'm not trying to invalidate his music. It is hit and miss, but overall I give him a thumbs up, there's something there. As a blues lover, I respect his respect for it's roots.


But the thing where he sticks his kid in that trunk then puts the trunk in the trunk of the car, I'm not sure how to take that. I guess it was supposed to be funny. My wife was watching the film with me, and she noticed it at the end when the credits were rolling. I wasn't even paying attention and missed it unitl she pointed it out. It disturbed her.


I'd have to agree with the guy who said Dave Grohl would have been a good choice for the film. He's more into "classic rock" like Zep, and as a result I think he could have brought more out of Page, for example.


Hey, you can go around and around with this forever, there's no shortage of guitarists that could have been part of this.


It's just talk.

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