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Everything posted by jbiggs1

  1. hard to believe a troll has almost 1800 posts...
  2. i really don't think in those terms...i know there are things i'm very good at it, maybe better than guys i know/enjoy listening to....but then there are things they are better at than me. i always try to learn from someone, no matter how "good" they are...a lot more productive than trying to outplay them.
  3. Watched it last night, liked it very much! cleared out the room other then myself and my daughters boyfriend (both geetar lovers). Never did like EDGE the one part with the "cool riff" just cracked me up, it seemed like he needed a room full of equipment to sound good. JW, I liked although some of his comments were Corney as hell. his playing I liked kind of rough and full of emotion. JP was awesome!! you are missing the point of what he does. it's not that he needs a bunch of stuff to sound good, it's that he experiments with the tools at his disposal and comes up with cool sounds/great riffs using them. whether he's playing a bunch of notes or just a couple.
  4. Well, I've had some unfortunate expenses come up, so I need to move some gear fast. I will listen to reasonable offers on anything, so please pm. Digitech GSP110 w/Control 2 Foot Controller and SKB Rack Case, 575 Shipped Fender Texas Roadhouse Strat, 525 Shipped Fender Nashville Tele w/Dimarzio Area T's in the bridge and neck 500 Shipped. The pic of the Tele is pre-pickup installation, but trust me they are in there. Fender Tex Mex Tele Bridge and Neck pups, 50 Shipped Ibanez RG350EX Black with Mirror Pickgaurd, Dimarzio Tone Zone/Norton combo. 350 Shipped. (no pics uploaded yet, wife is out of town with camera but it is in great shape)
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