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Top 2 pickups you have ever had the pleasure of owning.


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This is really hard to answer, because there are so many different ones I like for different guitars! I guess if I had to narrow it down to two it would be the Dimarzio Steve's Special in the bridge and Humbucker From Hell in the neck. I will also throw in the Dimarzio rail pickups which I own 4 different models of and love all of them.

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Single coil - Fender CS '54...true clean Strat tone, buddy holly in a box.

Humbucker - Tom Holmes - Hands down the best vintage-esque humbucker made. Are they worth $750 a pair? No. But they are better than everything that is cheaper.

Despite these two picks my number one is a '72 LP Deluxe with mini-humbuckers.

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So many great ones. I have to give to tops to:

WCR Fillmore set

Novak Vintage Jazzmaster set


Honorable mention - '65 Gibson Pat No. Humbuckers, early 80's Dimarzio PAF's, Fender 57/62 Strat set, Novak JM-P90, Duncan P90's, Duncan SM minibuckers, Ibanez Super 70, Duncan 59/JB set

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In first place, the original PAFs in the 1960 ES-345 I used to have. Second place would probably go to the Benson Handwounds I have in one of my teles.



The Benson Handwounds are very nice pickups for very little money! I am surprised that more people here have not giving them a chance.

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BG Lizards/Green Lizards
BG A3 "Chris Brown" Model


Honorable Mention: BG T90, Rose Mariposa PW set, TTS Black Label set, TTS '59 Bucker, Fender Fat '50's, Fender Texas Specials, Kent Armstrong Tweedtone strat set, Kent Armstrong Hot Tele set, Entwistle HV58, GFS Fatbody Tele neck, GFS Surf 90, Dimarzio EJ Custom

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I have a handful that I'd need to mention. The Fender CS54s and the Duncan Antiquity IIs for strat sets. LOVE the neck position on both sets and love the drippy-ness of positions 2 and 4. I do enjoy the Duncan set sounds better on the bridge position so it gets my top vote for strat sets with an honorable mention to the Vintage Hots. Most of my experience with those have been with flats though.

For humbuckers, I really like the Seth Lovers, 57 Classics and the Burstbucker 1 and 2 sets. The 57s are a bit more modern sounding to me. I prefer the neck positions of the Seth Lovers and the BB1. I really like all three bridge pickups though I'd probably say I'd go with the 57s to cover a bit more ground. Honorable mention to the Dimarzio 36th Anniversary bridge. Like a slightly hotter, potted version of the other three. Good stuff.

I'm not much of a Tele guy and to be honest, no Tele bridge pickup has ever radically impressed me. My only tele at the moment has a Lollar Charlie Christian pickup in the neck position and man... it sounds frickin' great. Sort of in the P90 ballpark, but distinctly different.

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My favorite pickups that I own are a set of Gibson Classic 57/57+ that are in my AG75. The other one is a set of Lindy Fralin P90 pickups that are in my AL2800. The other is a set of humbucker sized P90's from Vintage Vibe that are in my SG.

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DiM FT-2
It's @ the bridge pos in all of my S/S/S Strats.
Br HB:"Prolly" Duncan Custom/DiM SD

DiM Chopper
DiM PAF Pro/Duncan Jazz

'Honorable Mention": (in order)
S/C: DiM VV(Solo & Hot),Duncan 1/4 Pounders
HB:EMG 85,Gibson 500T,DiM Super III

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Ibanez super 58
and Fender Fat 50s.



Oh yes! Fellow AS200 owner (1981). I've never heard any better. Tho I admit to not knowing how much to attribute to the guitar, which IME is THE best guitar I've ever played.


And how great does the neck pickup sound, tapped? Amazing.

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