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Well. I just played the official debut show for Color Mine earlier this week! We {censored}ing killed it. It was at a smaller venue, but the sound was awesome. I haven't worked in a room with sound that decent in a long time. I could hear everyone great. The audience was packed too. I imagine the crowd was mostly there for us too, since the room was virtually empty for the two previous groups.. Poor folks. They were really good too!

It was a live radio recording, so I'll be able to post audio and video soon too if anyone would like to hear. But for now, just pictures....







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So Saturday night was our second leg of our five gigs in five weeks stint. We played in a local watering hole in Delevan Wisconsin. When we booked the gig we told the owners that we didn't expect many of our regular followers to make the trip to Wisconsin and they said "don't worry you won't be playing to an empty house". Boy were they right. By the time we started at 9PM the house was packed. It was a mixed crowd of locals and kids from the college and I didn't know how our music; mainly early sixties; would go over. Everyone was singing and dancing by our second number and i knew that we were in for a good night. Midway into our first set a guy asks for Johnny B Goode. We stated that the song was not in our playlist but we would be glad to honor his request. At the end of our first set the guy that requested the song comes up to me and asks me if we were playing anywhere on the Fourth of July. i told him that we were and he then asks about the Fifth. I say no and he asks if he can book us at a private party in Janesville Wisconsin, and if so, what would we charge. I threw him a number that was higher than normal for us and he accepted without batting an eye. He also stated that he had a venue in Janesville and would like to bring us out to his place soon. After our second set, the owner of the bar we were playing at that night asked us if we got any bookings from the the guy in Janesville. We told him that it looked real good. He told us that whenever there is a new band playing at his bar the guy from Janesville comes in to scout the talent. He then told us that "I was sure that he would try to book you guys". He also booked us for a return gig on September 20th. All in all I'd say we had a good night.

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So Saturday night was our second leg of our five gigs in five weeks stint. We played in a local watering hole in Delevan Wisconsin. When we booked the gig we told the owners that we didn't expect many of our regular followers to make the trip to Wisconsin and they said "don't worry you won't be playing to an empty house". Boy were they right. By the time we started at 9PM the house was packed. It was a mixed crowd of locals and kids from the college and I didn't know how our music; mainly early sixties; would go over. Everyone was singing and dancing by our second number and i knew that we were in for a good night. Midway into our first set a guy asks for Johnny B Goode. We stated that the song was not in our playlist but we would be glad to honor his request. At the end of our first set the guy that requested the song comes up to me and asks me if we were playing anywhere on the Fourth of July. i told him that we were and he then asks about the Fifth. I say no and he asks if he can book us at a private party in Janesville Wisconsin, and if so, what would we charge. I threw him a number that was higher than normal for us and he accepted without batting an eye. He also stated that he had a venue in Janesville and would like to bring us out to his place soon. After our second set, the owner of the bar we were playing at that night asked us if we got any bookings from the the guy in Janesville. We told him that it looked real good. He told us that whenever there is a new band playing at his bar the guy from Janesville comes in to scout the talent. He then told us that "I was sure that he would try to book you guys". He also booked us for a return gig on September 20th. All in all I'd say we had a good night.



Damn dude, guess they can't all be winners, eh? :p


That's {censored}ing rad!

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Thanks guys! Yeah, that's flange on the sax. The singer and I set him up with a little pedalboard to play with. He doesn't have a whole lot of experience twisting knobs yet, but he's catching on and pulling out some pretty cool noises.

We've already got a bunch of gigs booked through the summer. I am the excited.

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there was this local guy here who was a zorn fanatic. man, the noises he got, just unbelievable. (no f/x, lol.) he mastered circular breathing, and his solos were out of this world.


then he quit and joined some damn cult. f*cker.

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Busy week for us, as we played thursday night and a saturday night event. Thursday we actually played in my hometown of hannibal, missouri. We were setup directly in front of Mark Twains boyhood home on a street made of bricks. A lot of fun and had a crowd of 4-500.


Saturday night was a fun road trip, but was light on crowd...maybe 40 people, but still had fun.


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Saturday night we played a gig at a place that was new to us. I always get a little nervous when we are in new surroundings. I worry about things like will the people like our music, are we playing what the people want to here, will we meet management’s expectations and all of the other kind of crap that will run through your mind on a new gig.

I got to the place two hours before show time and took the small bop kit as I had heard that the place was small. When I walked through the door I had thought that I had traveled back through time. The place was quite dark and had tons of lava lights everywhere. I found the owner and he appeared to be in his 30’s but looked like he came right out of 1968; tie dye and all. He showed me where we would be setting up and it was a small area right in front of a large video monitor that was running psychedelic patters, similar to those of the overhead projectors of years gone bye.

Seeing that we play 60’s music I thought that we should have a good night. The place did have a pretty good crowd show up and they were very receptive to our music. With the Lava lamps, black lights and all of the 60’s wall hangings, all that was missing was the pot and the patchouli! We had a blast and hope to make a return trip there soon.


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^^^thats cool......i have the same concerns when we play somewhere new....got one of those this friday for the 4th of july even. I hope that speaker wasnt playing while you were! Our gig last saturday was kinda strange....we were hired for a birthday party...the 40 or so people, but there was maybe 75 more people that stayed in another room....they were part of a high school reunion...5th year high school reunion. Cant say I blame them...the music we play they wasnt even alive yet!! Win some lose some!

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We did a cool gig last Tuesday 6/24 at the Seattle VA Hospital in the ICI unit. This is where they treat amputees. We played in their lounge for a about 20 - 30 veterans. Others were listening from their rooms. They were very appreciate and enjoyed the concert. This was the kind of gig where you feel like it is an honor to perform for the audience.


I am a veteran and despise war. But still, these guys answered the bell and I give them my utmost respect. The decision makers on the other hand ...

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Just got back from our 4th of July outdoor gig. All in all it went well. Had a large crowd that loved our music and the weather was just spectacular. Had minor problems with biting flies and mosquitoes. But my major bummer was I broke a cymbal halfway into our second song of our first set. I cracked a 16" Zildjian thin crash. This is only my second cymbal to crack in my lifetime of playing drums, and the last one was in 1972! I know I had a real good run with these pies, but it still is a major bummer. I really liked the sound I got from that cymbal but I think it may get replaced with a K.

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My Saturday gig I've been looking for... has now been sacked. Those responsible for the sacking have also been sacked. More sackings will commence until I find a gig that will take the place of that which was previously sacked, until that one too... is sacked.

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Been MIA for a while........gigging too much! We have 3 gigs within one week, this week with one to go. This past saturday we make a trip to a new venue in iowa. Due to the flooding of the mississippi river, and road closures we were 20 minutes late for load in...then realized we where to start at 7 instead of I thought 8. It rained all day and we were supposed to play outside on a nice deck. Plans changed and now load in was going inside.......while the patrons were eating theyre dinner no less. No room to get all the gear in there. We loaded what we could in, and parked the speakers in the haul until it was possible....all this time my stress level is rising and im thinking my head is going to explode. 20 til 7 the owner asks me if he can use a mic....I told him he could but no one would hear him. He gave me that funny look and then I explained I could not get stuff in with customers in the way...also told him I wasnt asking them to move,,,not my place to do so. He politely got things done and speaker got set up. ten after 7 he used the mic, we started right after......weird thing was the people there loved us and the night went great even after my near head explosion...loadout was much better. Bartender told us we were great and many patrons have requested us back again. So success on that point......then theres the following Monday at a County Fair. Concert was promoted as a two band concert, sound provided.....we show up and its like the three stooges running sound. They were no where near ready for us when we got there. We setup on two 18 wheeler trailers that were side by side....plenty of room. About the time we got setup the sound guys ask if we have mic stands, said they were short due to running another system on another stage at the fair. I said no problem........then its, do you have drum mics? do you have some xlr cables? Do you have a speaker cable?? And honestly it s not that big of a deal until........you realize the band after you will have to use your gear also.....more on that later. We go thru sound check........we ask for certain things in our monitors....and after realizing that the sound is getting no better, the sound man tells us he only has one monitor mix....are you fricking kidding me?? We played for 1.5 hours and it was terrible......monitors sqeeuled the entire time, kick drum stopped at one point, blew an amp fuse and had to wait 5 minutes while they fixed it....a total nightmare. After we got done the look on our faces must have been evident and people assured us it was fine out front. So I ended up staying 2.5 hours later than planned. I let the next drummer use my kit to save time....I knew him so ive seen him play before. Im sure this will be a topic of discussion at rehearsal tonight. Im assuming everyone has these gigs from now and then......but holy smokes, we would have been better to use our own gear. Many lessons learned this past week.......another gig saturday at a local pub celebrating 25 years in bizzzz!!

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