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Everything posted by Gremson

  1. So, who's got the list then? So far I see.... Dendy ThePloughman Drumstix101 Whiplashband Gremson/TGF Anybody else?
  2. That box was a lot of fun. I got a great trashcrash out of it that Mark made. I'd love to be a part of it again if enough people are involved.
  3. {censored}ing rad. Thanks guys! I'm gonna go take a dump now.
  4. What all's out there in the means of playing bass lines with ones feet? I might have the chance to switch over to guitar in the band that I'm playing bass for, and I'm curious how much trouble/money it would be to get sweet synth bass lines going with my feet.
  5. Guitar's different, but amp is still the same.
  6. This thread's circulated around for a while now. I'm sure most if not all forumites have posted in this thread at least once. Therefor they cannot win, because others have posted afterwords. I, myself have never posted in this thread until now. Unless anyone can beat it, I think I am the last person to post in this thread. /thread.
  7. I heard the Mig50 is somewhere between a bassman and a plexi. Either way, they sound fucking glorious. I love mine.
  8. I was seriously thinking about getting one of these soon. But I really want my next amp to have two channels, and it doesn't look like he makes one with two channels. Unless anyone can prove me wrong?
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