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Trying to get use to tis new format.......Had the pleasure of playing two new venues for us last weekend.  Friday night was a new venue with a nice stage for setup.  the building is an old theatre so it had great acoustics, and a cool atmosphere.  Nice stage with limited plugins...:(.....Owner told me when taking the gig that volume had been an issue in the past, so I decided to play behind the glass for the evening.  Also played my (new to me) pearl brass sesitone that I just put a new head on.  Not sure it was the correct choice, but it worked the whole night.  Good crowd and response.   No soundcheck so I was a little weary of  what to expect, but everything went ok.  A few pics from that night.........


Sat. we headed a little over an hour north for a gig at a bar.   Unloading it started freezing rain. Setup in the back down a long chute, and six total plugins to hook up to....:(....Decided to only micthe kick as it looked like we could cover the room good enough that way.  Everything setup the same as the night before, hit the kick, and nothing.  I had to change the channel settings on the kick for it to come through good.  The different voltage levels at different gigs astounds me, as I learn there is no common settings when changing venues.  The venue did a great job of advertising us and even had pub crawl bus stop by and two birthday partys there on the same night.  Switched snares back to my vintage WFL.....Decided I missed it....the thing is just so constant, very forgiving, and has this everlasting thwack sound that i love.  2nd set it started to rain, and by the 3rd we had snow,  loaded up headed hom and the hour n fifteen minute drive turned into hour n forty five.  Bed a little after 3 each night.....still tired, but all in al good times.  More pics..................and its not everday you have your band advertised over the pisser......guess we hit da big time.....lol.



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Many shows coming from my various bands, but the one I am most excited about is March 15th. A few bands are hosting a benefit, and Im proud to say that one of those hosts is The Lovely Lost, a blues/rock band Ive been with since last Nov. We will share the stage with 6 other bands that night, including City and The Man Who Laughs, 2 prog metal acts I also drum with; and Im really stoked that we will also be playing with Commonly Courteous, with our very own Gremson on bass.

Anyone in Portland on March 15th should come to Ash Street, music starts at 7pm and goes to 1am.


We will also play with Grem's band on March 29th at another Portland venue!

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I'm half way thru our 14 (possibly 16) weekend run as the house band at a ski resort here in BC. Full production with a fantastic tech, the gear stays on stage all season and I'm fronted by pros. Line up is gtr, bass and a female vocalist. It's been a riot with a new crowd each weekend as ski vacationers come and go. I'm using my Starclassics for the gig with 10, 12 14 and 22. Just changed out the batters on the toms last night. Stayed with clear Emperors as I've been digging the sound. Each Friday is like a home oming moment for the kit and I after a week away. A drummer thing for sure! I'm not sure if I can post pics from the mobile version, if not I'll put some up after the weekend on the full version via the laptop. Dave

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Did my usual Wednesday night Jazz gig tonight, and we had a visiting sax man sit in with us. That was a LOT of fun, but....

....only 6 people in the place all night. Guess everyone spent too much money on the Santana concert Tuesday night. Oh well. At least we all had fun! The band tried to 'stump' me again with a couple of tunes. Bastards. LOL! Sax guy threw out some Yellowjackets tune I've never heard, but basically a Purdie-esqe shuffle. Sax guy was wailing it! Awesome! Piano guy threw out one of his originals - a medium swing tune, but his phrases were an odd number of measures long.... like 11 or something. First part of the song, I was accenting in all the wrong places! LOL!! I didn't 'get it' until like the middle of the song or so.


Made all of $6, but spend $16 on booze. Such is life! :smileylol:

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Excited about a big show Ive got this Friday with Gremson, and plenty of others. One of my groups: The Lovely Lost is hosting a Benefit show, our first to organize. We were lucky enough to have one of the better venues in town give us a stage and soundman, and even luckier to get 6 other awesome bands to dontate their time; and most luckiester that I get to play with 3 of them!

Stupid Grem is only playing bass that night... :mantongue:

Pretty psyched to play the final show with The Man Who Laughs, before we go on indefinate hiatus, and premier a new prog metal act: City; as well as performing with my base group The Lovely Lost. Its gonna be an awesome night of totally original music with blues, rock, jazz, pop, metal, and a bit of country sprinkled in. Something for everyone to enjoy!


Anyone that happens to be in the Portland area is invited to make it to the free show, and dontate as much as they would like. Donations can purchase raffle tickets for numerous local eateries and bars, some worth up to $50 a piece.


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Grem looks awesome...my hats off to whoever takes your pics, those are great!  Fitch, sounds like you nailed it and will have more jobs because of your professionalism.  Merlin ...takes some great pics from you and grems gig, sounds like a great one............and DW...your such a whore!

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Last Friday's benefit was a blast, and we raised around $900 to help out a local family and friend of the band.

7 bands total, I played with 3 (The Man Who Laughs, City, and The Lovely Lost), and my kit was the house kit for all. Gremson was there sexing it up on bass with Commonly Courteous. Looking forward to sharing the stage with them again on the 29th!

Here are some amazing photos that Ben Kaufman got; a friend of TGF and Grems, and a guy I like more and more as I get to know him.

The Man Who Laughs


Commonly Courteous

The Lovely Lost

Thanks again goes to all involved.

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I'm back in the saddle again! After two months of no shows, I debuted with a hard rock cover band called Spit Shine this past Saturday night. The band plays two looooooong sets with about a 30 minute break. As you can see by the lights and cables, they take their presentation seriously from a visual perspective: fog machine, light truss, faders, LEDs... quite a bright set up, and many of the patches fly with the music.


Driver's seat... right before we went on, I took off my splash cymbal and replaced it with a 12" china - LOVED the way that fit the band... far better for the dynamic than the splash. Great reminder that just because something is "normal" (i.e.: using a splash) doesn't mean it's the best choice!


Right before we went on...


Rest of the band


Great to be up and playing again, minus the nasty blisters on my left hand... I'll post that separately.


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Like I said on FB....thats an awsome looking stage with the lights. Glad you got with a band like this. Is this a total new group?? Or just you on the drums. Looks to me that they may have been together for a while but I could be wrong.....great gig!!

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Filled in with these guys last Thursday, and had a blast doing a bunch of Jazz standards and some R&B stuff. I'm sitting in the next two Thursdays, too! Their regular drummer comes back after that. Drums, Bass, Guitar, Keys, Trumpet, Sax. A fun time!


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Been a while since Ive seen this thread...!! We have still been gigging, may be more than we should be. As a group we were shooting for twice a month.....but we are just getting off of a 6 week straight run. Luv the work, it just leaves little time for the family with the full time job on top of that. Thought I would share a couple of pics from a gig we have done for two years now in Hannibal, mo. Anywhere from 1000 to 1500 people in attendence and always fun. This was our first show using some lighted stage boxes I built for the guitar players to add some show. They were a little leary of them at first but by the end of the night they were hooked......will try to get a good shot of what they look like under smoke and stage blackout sometime......great but cheap effect!!




My wife getting into her work!! fetch?filedataid=101351&type=mediumfetch?filedataid=101352&type=medium


Mandatory drum shot...........




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Played last weekend at a venue we had played a few times before. Usually doing very well there, but this one was a bust. Ok crowd to start, but dwindled as the night progressed. After playing two sets we got word that they were going to shut down early. The night was plagued with problems from the git go. I will say that the mix I was hearing was great for the firsthalf set,.....guitars adjusted then I lost the feel. Bass players remote battery went dead mid song.....guitar players remote broke, crowd left. For the last set we ended up playing for the wait staff and cooks......last song, the guitar players guitar string broke, and thats how the night ended......maybe it was best the crowd was not there. Gotta put my head into the nextgig.

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Yesterday we had an outdoor gig that had more people than I expected. First off it was Fathers Day and I thought that most people would be staying home to BBQ and spend time with the family. All week the weather reports were predicting storms and yesterday morning looked like it was ready to let loose with all kinds of bad weather. We started setting up at 11 for a 2 o'clock start and the wind was just unbelievable. I just bought a blower fan and didn't think it would be needed, boy was I wrong. By 3:30 the sky cleared up and the wind died down. Then it got oppressively hot. That blower fan did it's job and I have to say I am glad I bought it. I made it through the gig OK, but really got exhausted during tear down and load out. The stage is quite a distance from the area where I can park the car and I had the big set of drums out, so it was multiple long trips to the car. I'm 61 now, and I think that I'm starting to get tired more during tear down. I have no problems playing long gigs, it's just the dragging the gear around that tires me out.

This was the first weekend gig of five in a row but the next couple of places are small and they are Saturday night, indoor gigs, so the little BOP kit will be used. Easy load in and load out, so I'll be a happy guy!

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Yesterday we had an outdoor gig that had more people than I expected. First off it was Fathers Day and I thought that most people would be staying home to BBQ and spend time with the family. All week the weather reports were predicting storms and yesterday morning looked like it was ready to let loose with all kinds of bad weather. We started setting up at 11 for a 2 o'clock start and the wind was just unbelievable. I just bought a blower fan and didn't think it would be needed, boy was I wrong. By 3:30 the sky cleared up and the wind died down. Then it got oppressively hot. That blower fan did it's job and I have to say I am glad I bought it. I made it through the gig OK, but really got exhausted during tear down and load out. The stage is quite a distance from the area where I can park the car and I had the big set of drums out, so it was multiple long trips to the car. I'm 61 now, and I think that I'm starting to get tired more during tear down. I have no problems playing long gigs, it's just the dragging the gear around that tires me out.

This was the first weekend gig of five in a row but the next couple of places are small and they are Saturday night, indoor gigs, so the little BOP kit will be used. Easy load in and load out, so I'll be a happy guy!



I use to laugh at people when they would say "its hell gettin old"........but now I realize its so so true!!


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I use to laugh at people when they would say "its hell gettin old"........but now I realize its so so true!!


I'll bet that Charlie Watts would have quit playing a long time ago if he had to transport, set up and break down his own equipment. I don't have any problem playing long gigs. Last Thanksgiving Eve I did 4 1/2 hours with a 10 minute break about 2 hours in and could have gone a lot longer. I do believe that if I had someone setting everything up for me I could do 5 hours a night 6 nights a week and not get exhausted. But as thing are right now I'm glad that I'm only playing out once a week.

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