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Arguments for Obama

zesty brick

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... but is all the fear completely unbased?



Right now, yes. If the interwebz had been more prevalent during the first half of Clinton's first term they'd have freaked out at the Brady bill and the band on assault rifles... So far as I can tell, we can still buy guns if we want.

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The point is, there is no justifiable reason that gas should ever have gone up to almost 5 dollars/gallon.

Free market speculation. Combined with real estate speculation, the high prices crashed the market. The speculators moved on to other commodities.It wasn't justifiable, but neither are the prices people are willing to pay for homes.

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...Personally, I'm just not as optimistic as Oprah and MTV said I should be.


I remember when there was a TV network that played music videos. It was called MTV. Whatever happended to it?

Also, Oprah...she once had a t.v. show, too, right?

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Right now, yes. If the interwebz had been more prevalent during the first half of Clinton's first term they'd have freaked out at the Brady bill and the band on assault rifles... So far as I can tell, we can still buy guns if we want.

Make it easy on yourself, brother. Just blame it on the media. :poke:

Did I say :poke:

Seriously, though, the media are your friends, warts and all. We have a ridiculously free, and only somewhat censored media here in America, when the rest of the world, including Western Europe get spoonfed propaganda that is watered down and sometimes anti-American.

Think of the American media as your political watchdog, your friend, and you just might change your mind about them. :idk:

BTW, you are using the media right now. :poke: :wave:

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Wants them to save the planet with a 35.5 mpg car.

Addresses the energy policy continuing failed polices
while BRIC(Brazil, Russia, India, China) develop their resources. http://johngaltfla.com/blog2/2009/05/21/yugonomics-why-the-new-auto-emission-initiatives-equals-a-modern-day-smoot-hawley-act/

Told them he'd have our troops home and then....

Told them he'd close Gitmo and then suggests "preventative detention"(aka holding someone with no charges) http://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/21/us/politics/21obama.html
The DOMESTIC use of that policy should be real interesting.

Continues to allow the looting and bankrupting of the USA

Kaint find anything for 'em unless I'm for government-owned everything, bankrupting the US, and destroying my children and grandchildren's futures.

This is NOT a Republican/Democrat thing.
They are ALL involved in allowing this to happen.

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Right now, yes. If the interwebz had been more prevalent during the first half of Clinton's first term they'd have freaked out at the Brady bill and the band on assault rifles... So far as I can tell, we can still buy guns if we want.



The Brady Bill expired in 1998, the AWB in 2004.


But the Assault Weapons Ban was a great example of ineffective legislation. Assault Weapons were only used in a small percentage of gun crimes...somewhere between 2 and 8 percent...before the AWB, and large-capacity magazines in 14% to 26%.



It the typical knee-jerk reaction to a front-page crime...go after the tools used to commit violence, not the reasons behind the violence. And as usual, the law-abiding citizen gets to pay for it, either in inconvenience, higher taxes, or more costly goods and services.



BTW, anyone else remember Homer Simpson trying to buy a gun?


Gun shop owner: "I'm sorry sir, but the law requires a 5-day waiting period."


Homer: "But I'm mad NOW!"

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The Brady Bill expired in 1998, the AWB in 2004.

But the Assault Weapons Ban was a great example of ineffective legislation. Assault Weapons were only used in a small percentage of gun crimes...somewhere between 2 and 8 percent...before the AWB, and large-capacity magazines in 14% to 26%.

It the typical knee-jerk reaction to a front-page crime...go after the tools used to commit violence, not the reasons behind the violence. And as usual, the law-abiding citizen gets to pay for it, either in inconvenience, higher taxes, or more costly goods and services.



Wasn't saying I agreed or disagreed with either of them... Just saying that those are two pieces of legislation that actually passed that are far more restrictive than Obama's registration / international lookup bill and folks can still buy guns if they want.


The fear that guns will be taken away is completely unfounded... Even dumber than the swine flu freakout because swine flu actually existed.

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If gas ever becomes too expensive for the working class or middle class (what's left of it), California would shut down due to poor public transportation all over the State.

Gas prices are actually a serious matter. But it's better than paying $5 per liter!

It takes two hours to take public trasport from Long Beach to Los Alamitos (next town.) A jaunt of about 3 miles. One of which you'll be walking.

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Wasn't saying I agreed or disagreed with either of them... Just saying that those are two pieces of legislation that actually passed that are far more restrictive than Obama's registration / international lookup bill and folks can still buy guns if they want.

The fear that guns will be taken away is completely unfounded... Even dumber than the swine flu freakout because swine flu actually existed.



I didn't mean to imply you meant either.


My issue was and is that none of these laws/treaties did or will do what they're supposedly intended to do. Unless that intention is further inconvenience of gun owners and more tax burden on all of us.

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I didn't mean to imply you meant either.

My issue was and is that none of these laws/treaties did or will do what they're supposedly intended to do. Unless that intention is further inconvenience of gun owners and more tax burden on all of us.


I agree... I'm not for gun control at all. I'm also not one to buy into massive freak-outs... Unless they're the hippie kind. :D



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I agree... I'm not for gun control at all. I'm also not one to buy into massive freak-outs... Unless they're the hippie kind.


You mean like some kind of......reefer madness???!!!!!



And I'm a true supporter of gun control. Whenever possible use a rest, or two hands. (hey, someone was bound to post that):rolleyes::lol:

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The Brady Bill expired in 1998, the AWB in 2004.

But the Assault Weapons Ban was a great example of ineffective legislation. Assault Weapons were only used in a small percentage of gun crimes...somewhere between 2 and 8 percent...before the AWB, and large-capacity magazines in 14% to 26%.

It the typical knee-jerk reaction to a front-page crime...go after the tools used to commit violence, not the reasons behind the violence. And as usual, the law-abiding citizen gets to pay for it, either in inconvenience, higher taxes, or more costly goods and services.

BTW, anyone else remember Homer Simpson trying to buy a gun?

Gun shop owner: "I'm sorry sir, but the law requires a 5-day waiting period."

Homer: "But I'm mad NOW!"






Yea, the AWB was awesome. I got my AR15 without the bayonet mount, making it totally safe.

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Yea, the AWB was awesome. I got my AR15 without the bayonet mount, making it totally safe.




I loved how the bill sponsors and supporters pissed and whined about the way gun manufacturers handily sidestepped the law with "post-ban" weapons. Your law is useless? Well, maybe you should give it some actual thought before you float a bill.

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'Black' is pretty vague in American culture... he can have a white mom and still be black. It's just whether or not you signify as black, whether society at large perceives you to be black. And, re: Obama, it apparently does.



What does one have to do to even be black?


Most morrocans don't *look* black... but are they black? What about that white guy I met whose family has lived in south africa for 4 generations? Is he black?

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I figure if you can describe a person as "white" there's nothing wrong with using the commonly-used "black" to describe an African-American, a term which to me, is a misnomer.

Black is good. White is good. :idk:

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Again, there's something that feels "wrong" or hypocritical about someone who's supposed to be a huge supporter of the Party of the People, and touts the Green earth stuff when it suits, yet burns a few hundred gallons of Jet A, not to mention all those Benjamins, for a coif. If she was simply some rich woman keeping to herself, it would be one thing. But to be telling others how to live and who to vote for makes it a different thing altogether, IMO.

Bobby Kennedy Jr. flys around in a private jet and he is one of the biggest greenies out there.


I see these people as the new royalty of the USA. We thought we got away from this when we separated from Europe. All one has to do is look at the way they are treated; the politicos, the athletes and entertainers. It's all about the money and there are many who treat them as royalty. However, the capitalists are the new scape goat for the country's problems. Ever notice there is no discussion about capping the salaries of athletes or entertainers? Only those who are the Wall Street ilk. Physicians are next in line for caps.


IDK did you hear any of Oprah's commencement at, I think it was, Duke this past week? She told the crowd she loved being rich, having houses, and especially loved her private jet. Completely contrary to Nobama message.


These types all want the common people to have the restrictions but since the entertainers, athletes and politicos see them selves as 'special' they can do as they please. The rules, for the most part, don't apply to them. So in their little minds there is no hypocrisy.

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You can't think of any? Then why do you support him? I mean I'm an ignorant conservative and even my dumbass can think of some!

edit: DAMM! Beaten like a red-headed stepchild by TB!


i am not going to read all 8 pages but this pretty much summed it up for me. one reason he got elected is because people like you voted for someone you knew nothing about. just asking a question like that shows people the caliber of support obama has. dumbass.


edit by Kindness: save the personal insults for somewhere other than here.

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i am not going to read all 8 pages but this pretty much summed it up for me. one reason he got elected is because people like you voted for someone you knew nothing about. just asking a question like that shows people the caliber of support obama has. dumbass.



There's some great stuff out there on youtube like interviews with people at the polls asking if they would be OK having Sarah Palin as VP if Obama wins, if they were OK with Obama "staying the course" in Iraq, talking about how half the goofy stuff Palin said was actually Tina Fey and people don't know the difference...

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i am not going to read all 8 pages but this pretty much summed it up for me. one reason he got elected is because people like you voted for someone you knew nothing about. just asking a question like that shows people the caliber of support obama has. dumbass.


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He's going to stand by more government programs even though we're out of cash:

C-SPAN host Steve Scully broke from a meek Washington press corps with probing questions for the new president.

SCULLY: You know the numbers, $1.7 trillion debt, a national deficit of $11 trillion. At what point do we run out of money?

OBAMA: Well, we are out of money now. We are operating in deep deficits, not caused by any decisions we've made on health care so far. This is a consequence of the crisis that we've seen and in fact our failure to make some good decisions on health care over the last several decades.

So we've got a short-term problem, which is we had to spend a lot of money to salvage our financial system, we had to deal with the auto companies, a huge recession which drains tax revenue at the same time it's putting more pressure on governments to provide unemployment insurance or make sure that food stamps are available for people who have been laid off.

So we have a short-term problem and we also have a long-term problem. The short-term problem is dwarfed by the long-term problem. And the long-term problem is Medicaid and Medicare. If we don't reduce long-term health care inflation substantially, we can't get control of the deficit.

So, one option is just to do nothing. We say, well, it's too expensive for us to make some short-term investments in health care. We can't afford it. We've got this big deficit. Let's just keep the health care system that we've got now.

Along that trajectory, we will see health care cost as an overall share of our federal spending grow and grow and grow and grow until essentially it consumes everything...

SCULLY: When you see GM though as

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