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Are right-wing political types more violent?


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Clearly an accusation is being made in your first statement. Actually a stereotypical accusation to be accurate. Don't throw the ball in and then pout when it's bounced back at you.

yes, i am accusing some of the right of being racist, (and if you think thats wrong then i want some of what you are smoking)how does that make me a racist?

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I don't think you're a racist. I do think you are using racism in a strawman fashion, as a means of dismissing the issue offhand. Nobody here stated that illegal immigration was
an "Hispanic" problem, even if it is
a Hispanic problem when you look at the numbers.

Are there racists arguing the issue in this country? Of course. Does that mean there isn't an illegal immigration problem in this country? Of course not.



craig, i never said there was not an illegal immigration problem...there is.


i think that some of the furor over it is being driven by racism though, since i NEVER have heard a single agitator/politician/ranter on the internets ever mention white illegal immigration (which is exactly the same as any other illegal immigration)

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Are there racists arguing the issue in this country? Of course. Does that mean there isn't an illegal immigration problem in this country? Of course not.

This post is full of win.:idea:

Accusations of racism is a pretty simple way of diverting attention away from working on the actual issue.

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You mean like you were doing to us? You should be a comedian.



Thud, did I call you a racist? did i call any of you racists? no.


i fully accept that all republicans and right wingers are made of purest shimmering goodness and light, and never, never, never was there a racist among them...


see y'all around

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craig, i never said there was not an illegal immigration problem...there is.

i think that some of the furor over it is being driven by racism though, since i NEVER have heard a single agitator/politician/ranter on the internets ever mention white illegal immigration (which is exactly the same as any other illegal immigration)



When the majority of illegal immigrants start coming in from Iceland, you'll hear more about Icelandic immigrants than any other group. When the majority of illegal immigrants are from Sweden, we'll complain about Swedish immigrants.


I'm all for immigration, and I believe that if they're in the country and holding down a job they ought to be registered and taxed like anyone else. But I also think that they ought to follow the proper process to get here. That said, I've no idea how complex that process is (having never gone through it myself) and it's quite possible that if I had more direct knowledge of it I'd feel that it needed to be overhauled or changed in one way or another.

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craig, i never said there was not an illegal immigration problem...there is.

i think that some of the furor over it is being driven by racism though, since i NEVER have heard a single agitator/politician/ranter on the internets ever mention white illegal immigration (which is exactly the same as any other illegal immigration)


If the numbers are overwhelmingly indicative of a Hispanic illlegal immigration issue, it follows that an overwhelming amount of time be directed towards it rather than the much smaller European illegal immigration problem. According to this website: http://www.cis.org/illegal , illegal immigrants from "Europe and the Caribbean" account for only 4 percent of the total illegal population here.


So perhaps devoting 4% of discussion to this aspect would avert claims of racism?:confused:

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So perhaps devoting 4% of discussion to this aspect would avert claims of racism?

Of the 26 or so posts that actually specifically regard immigrants/immigration and not "racist" accusations, there have been at least 3 "right wingers" (and I use that term loosely) mention non-hispanics. 3/26 = 11.5%. We've more than covered that 4%.:lol:

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Of the 26 or so posts that actually specifically regard immigrants/immigration and not "racist" accusations, there have been at least 3 "right wingers" (and I use that term loosely) mention non-hispanics. 3/26 = 11.5%. We've more than covered that 4%.



Excellent. Now let's move on to the next topic: "Euro vs Latin American immigrants. Who is more smarmy?"

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Hey!! I resemble that remark!!

Other half Native American = GET OFFA MY LAWN!

LOL my grandfather was NA/French but Grandma is Slovak and she would chase Jehovah's witnesses off the lawn with a shot gun( in the city)...Grandpa would warn them first though " you don't need to worry about me but if my wife catches you here she will come out with a gun"...they didn't listen :facepalm:

My GreatGrandfather ( French Canadian) ran boot leg liquor during the depression ( mostly the decoy car) and was always afraid that he would get sent back to Canada ( illegal ). He also lied on his draft card about his age :facepalm:

So you see my family isn't much for rules :cop:

Our list of races is getting pretty long actually . 7770's mom found out she had sickle cell trait when she had a heart attack last year.. so we have a sampling of just about everything in our family...not really sure WHAT our race is anymore...human?

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problem with american immigration =/= racism.

its not anyones fault that we border a poorer nation full of brown people, that routinely come over here illegally. Its not racism. its statistics.

That's exactly what a racist would say!


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