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Everything posted by jasonbmerrill

  1. cheers then NO, I WANT TO ARGUE!!! YOURE A POOPYHEAD! cheers:p
  2. but what does your god have to do with the law? absolutely nothing and it shouldnt. why must you assume that i am pro-life? Religion Should NOT play a part in politics!!!! btw, im kind of undecided about god at this point in my life anyway... but of course, humans LOVE to assume things.
  3. .in the bible, the eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth thing was extended to unborn babies. It shows how "God" feels about when life begins.
  4. This is how you spread your misinformation. A brain dead person is a person that clinically will never have brain activity. Clearly different from a baby, at any stage. Sorry, you're just wrong See above +1
  5. wait, where in the law does it say you need brain activity to be a person?!?!
  6. It's not a child, it's an upgraded sperm/egg combo. sounds tasty.
  7. That's like saying only thieves should vote on whether stealing is a crime or not, o my god, what a comparison!!!!
  8. I had a colleague that genuinely argued that since a kid didn't really have a real personality, or a real sense of "self" until about 1.5 or 2 years old, that abortion should be legal for up to 1 year. For the record, I agree with 96% of all the points CR is making. peter singer much??
  9. So you already judged me a half-believer? Is there such a thing? Is that like being half pregnant? who said i was talking about you? Matt 26:64 (A part)
  10. Since September of 2000, a number of websites have sprung up encouraging prayer for George W. Bush. Much prayer went into Election 2000 and God responded in mercy by giving us a good, godly President who we do not deserve. We must not forget to thank God for giving us George W. Bush. Many of us also need to repent of our failure to pray for former President Clinton. Pray that the lies of Hillary and Bill be exposed, and pray that their hearts be released from the grip of greed and lust and power. Do not cry out for judgment, but rather for mercy, for surely were you, too, once lost and dead in sin. ..
  11. Just before the brain isn't yet fully functional, it doesn't mean that it's not a person yet. Like I said, you accept that as being the line divider, to other people it's not that clear. +1 (at this point)
  12. And do you have any idea about what I pray (or what those kids were praying)? You're just trolling. Regarding that verse, I did not take it out of context. The context is very clear. ill let people who are honestly interested in the bible and its words/teaching to make that decision for themselves, from the context, not from some half believer or some religious freak. www.prayforbush.com
  13. The earliest written hebrew documents are from about 2000BC - about the time of King David. Of course there might have been written documents before that, but we don't know when they started writing in the hebrew culture. Government already existed when the earliest scriptures were written down. government has existed for a VERY long time, yes.
  14. sure there is I can connect an EEG to the gravid belly during the 7th month and wait for the alpha spikes- that is all- until then there have been NO action potentials fired through the neocortex and no limbic feedback to provide any sort of pattern or structure to the neural map which defines who you are going to be and how you sort and store information in your brain have any scientific references or easy to understand lectures on this one?
  15. Do you even have a bible? Or are you trying to stir up trouble? Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. 1 Timothy 2:1-2 gotta love it how you guys take things out of context.... (scripturally and historically) it says NOTHING about insuring their success or policies, or supporting the government in anyway. it is praying CONCERNING them so that the preaching work can continue peacefully. (and notice, for ALL men. Yes, lets pray for ALL men so that they can learn about god.. yes, its THAT simple.) i suggest that you read, not only THAT verse, but the rest of the verses in that chapter, the few preceding it, and while you are at it, the rest of the Bible...
  16. Again you mention this force. Is it The Force? Or a Magnetic Force that I'm using against the supposed weaklings that I'm supposedly oppressing? Or what kind of force is it? yeah, youre pretty funnny
  17. see, you view thoughts as being on a "line" -- 2 dimensional (left or right). How limiting.
  18. I see. So, you feel that your position is centrist? sorry, i dont define my views by your standards. My position is summed up quite unscholarly, and shortly, above. it is what it is. Im not left or right, OR center. nice try.
  19. Do you feel global climate change is real and caused by man? relevance? Im kind of confused by the propaganda by both sides honestly. I dont believe Al Gore, and i dont believe the deniers. I believe people shouldnt get so crazy about this buzzword, and just take care of the earth, dont put bad stuff in the air, dont mess with it too much. Is the earth cooling or warming? They have told us both over the years. I dont buy it. that being said, the earth is a strong mofo. thats all you get, baiter
  20. Hi. What do you feel about global warming (or cooling, depending on the election year)? Thanks! sorry, one freak at a time, please.
  21. (I've seen people making a board with people's pictures so they wouldn't forget who they are praying for), what?!?!?! how could you possibly FORGET who you are praying for??? This is roman style, babylonian style, pagan leader worship, plain and simple. Read up on it. tell me, as a person who is suppposed to follow the bible explicitly, where in the bible does it tell us to make a picture of someone and pray for them to it?!?!? I think the problem with people such as you is you think you have the monopoly on the knowledge of the bible, but little do you know that there are people with knowledge that DONT subscribe to your man-made tenants but who are just as willing to show you as ignorant to the rest of the world, as you divide and distort biblical belief.
  22. You fight for the woman's right, I fight for the baby's right. That's our difference. my belief is that a baby exists upon conception. It is a belief that is a religious one, that i feel is based on the Bible. however, scientifically there is (as of yet) no way to really prove when life begins, no? so how can you possibly force this belief upon people who dont share your view of god?
  23. And any christian knows that we pray go God and not to things. I call BS on you having bible training, unless it's catholic training (they make tons of images and will pray to anything. Sorry if some here are catholics, but it's true... there's some catholic churches where people get into where they have literally hundreds of Rome-approved images of saints, and people pray to each and every one of them). O rly? Actually, the catholic religion is despicable to me. I dont mind the people of course, but yeah the religion is bullhonky. Fact is, you had children brainwashed into praying for George W. bush -- as if he is their saviour or something. See i think many christians dont realize that when Jesus came on the scene he kind of killed the whole "one nation blessed by god" thing, took the kingdom away from Israel, and it became a SPIRITUAL nation. When this happened, the opportunity was given for EVERYONE to be a part of it, not just the jews. therefore, nationalism is pretty much totally wrong in a christian faith because it puts one nation (where a christian might exist) above another (where another christian might exist) Jesus Doctrine extolls equality, and the spreading of his message across the ENTIRE world. NO ONE NATION IS BLESSED BY GOD ANYMORE. get it through your heads, so-called christians... you are walking contradictions. answer this: why did they need a cardboard cutout of GWB in front of them whilst they prayed?
  24. if you don't want to vote, why not vote for Bob Barr, and at least make a statement that you'd rather be free no thanks.
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