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Supercharge your Band's Bookings

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Buh bye...we won't miss you.


Marketing ploy for "Career Mentoring" gone terribly awry.


He's got the makings of a band mgr though.


A BS artist of that caliber is an asset.


It's just kind of unrealistic to expect to convert a musician into a manager - even if the personality type is there, the duality of the roles would kill the band dynamic.

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Marketing ploy for "Career Mentoring" gone terribly awry.

He's got the makings of a band mgr though.

A BS artist of that caliber is an asset.

It's just kind of unrealistic to expect to convert a musician into a manager - even if the personality type is there, the duality of the roles would kill the band dynamic.

Yeah man. Sales tips are one thing...but that {censored} is another....blechh....and yeah there is some bull{censored}ting at the highest level, but it is on the fringes...and it is usually from assholes that eventually fall away. Players and gatekeepers that are for real don't lie and bull{censored} for a living cuz it doesn't last. They pick their spots to lie and bull{censored}!:lol:

He just came here trying to 'market' and didn't realize that this is a real place. With real players. Some that do it for a living and some that don't. Some that are world class (Jon Finn any one?), and some that aren't. But it doesn't matter. We're all equal here. We are all in the trenches playin' notes and workin' it.

{censored} some douche coming in here telling me and my buds to lie; like he got some {censored}ing handle on how to do it. I've heard his music....meh....there are guys in Nash that'd smoke him like a cheap cigar. Combine that with a year of his 'game' and he'd be tucking tail back to the windy city....

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To anybody that's interested I will only be continuing the discussion here for now on.
I wrote a new article as a response.



I think I'm gonna count that as a "win", and thus allow my e-penis to grow another inch or two! Booya!



But yeah, seriously? Your website isn't a known forum for musicians to discuss the business. This website is.. why would I want to follow you to YOUR website to talk about your, at the very least, somewhat dishonest tactics? Nah.. I'll pass. But I still welcome your response here........

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Players and gatekeepers that are for real don't lie and bull{censored} for a living cuz it doesn't last. They pick their spots to lie and bull{censored}!

That seems pretty accurate and would apply to Peter Grant (Led Zep), Brian Epstein (The Beatles) and Herbie Herbert (Journey).

I think to a certain degree manager's are expected to over-inflate things a little: it's the intangible's that make the difference from what I've seen.

How you present your band's strengths, the confidence in your body language and tone of voice, the direct, no-nonsense approach to negotiation.

As I read story after story of "aggressive" yet successful band managers, these factors stand out: confidence with a touch of swagger, an unwavering ability to not grovel (always negotiate from a position of strength: "I've got what you need"), and the willingness to say "no" to a deal that isn't where you need it to be.

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Too bad that Steve didn't opt to come in and hang like a regular dood- although I realize that mentoring those 100's of artists doesn't leave much free time (I think Joe "mentored" him on his site wording?).

But leaving snark aside for a sec- I think I may have seen Steve play with Ronnie Baker Brooks and (if so) he did a rock-solid job with a great band. You can't really tell much from snippets of solos etc on a website, IMO. I wouldn't have minded hearing about how he got that gig, as well as about the contemporary Chicago Blues scene in general.

Not to elevate him above anyone here - I totally agree with 3shiftgtr's statement that we are all equals here. Anyone who acts otherwise is going to have a rough ride.

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I made a comment last night. He deleted it, but good luck.



He was mine


Hey, it's trickyboy


So what part of this sentence IS honest:


"Hello, my name is Joe Lilly with Lilly Entertainment. I represent a number of regional acts in the Midwest and happen to have a fantastic group pulling through your neck of the woods on [date you'd like to play]."


or this one


"Hello, this is Jeff Anderson calling from Joe Lilly's office at Lilly Entertainment.


As for my resume, yeah, I'm just a telemarketer biding my time until my band makes it. Or something like that. Yep never taken a sales training course (or conducted one). Speak not of what you don't know.


As to my original comment, you're complete lack of understanding of what honesty even is is really sad. Oh well. You do your thing, I'll do mine.

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You guys remember Little Ms Sunshine? This guy is the dad. He has the perfect motivational speaking and lifecoaching system and no one is paying attention to him.



He reminds me a little of one of the regulars here who keeps posting video lessons then gets all pissy when you point out that he's not even close to playing the song properly. If you're a bull{censored}ter, you need to choose your audience. You don't go into a forum full of guitar players and say this is how you play a song when you don't have a clue, and you don't go into a forum full of working musicians with such idiotic advice on how to get gigs. If you do, you should expect to get you ass handed to you, and the more you whine and the snippier you get, the more pathetic you look. It's always amusing when people keep arguing when it's clear they're way out of their league.

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My point is that good musicians make more money than this very talented sales dude by simply showing up and playing. Of course I tip bar staff, and tip them well. But I don't tip them all the money I make......that's absurd.

I love it when there are good looking women at our gigs, but I don't hire them to be there........

I never refuse money that I've earned. I earn the money by playing, hopefully well. Not by being a bar promo person. I'd expect extra for that gig.

1,000.00 bucks to rent a crowd? But he got the money back by asking for tips for the bus driver? What did the bus driver get?

I suppose outside the box techniques could increase results, but expending 1k worth of effort for a 500 gig is not good business, it's a way for sub par musicians to get a gig. Whatever, I hope the dude keeps on keeping on-he'll make it easier for the next 60 million dollar internet marketing dude to make his mark, and likely I'll never have the bad fortune to walk into a club and hear him playing.

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I love it when there are good looking women at our gigs, but I don't hire them to be there........


the single easiest way to EVER kill a party/event is to make certain that it is packed with single guys and has 2-3 girls who are paid to be there. We go out of our way to market to chicks. If I text 50 people about a gig, 45 of them are chicks. BUT: I won't pay them to come and when single guys show up at our gig the single chicks are actually AVAILABLE.


I feel like this guy just invents {censored} and writes it on his blog.

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Yeah, I was gonna say that all this stuff comes off like a way to elevate a sub-par band to a status that they don't deserve.

I call that the "hit and run"

You might snipe a few gigs here and there that way, but ya damn well better be on the road outta there, never to return....

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the single easiest way to EVER kill a party/event is to make certain that it is packed with single guys and has 2-3 girls who are paid to be there. We go out of our way to market to chicks. If I text 50 people about a gig, 45 of them are chicks. BUT: I won't pay them to come and when single guys show up at our gig the single chicks are actually AVAILABLE.

I feel like this guy just invents {censored} and writes it on his blog.



The guy's an idiot. How about you just put on a show that women want to come and see:idea: I guess playing for free and bribing women with free drinks works for him, but I'd rather earn money and have people in the audience that actually want to be there, but that's just me.

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